February 10, 2011 (SSNA) — This press release from Fangak Community in Canada, Australia, and the United States of America is about genocide carried out by Lt. General Athor through acknowledgements of the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) including Chief of Staff and President Kiir. As matter of fact, what had happened to Chollo is happening now to us but it will not happen again on the four times rather than two times was enough. As we all know that human genocide has been committed by Lt. General George Athor in Fangak; he destroyed, wounded and killed the children, women, and senior people in the Pom. However, GOSS and state government did not assign SPLA’s garrison to protect the County.
Although it is quite clear from earlier experience, when Nuer or Shilluk were kills it meant nothing for SPLA/M but when it comes to the killing of Dinka, lots of condemns from GOSS always has been there without delay. If GOSS forget that fangak’s sons who are in the army right now, are more than 15-20% of the total numbers of SPLA army, therefore we belief if it is a matter of protecting civilians they would be able to save their families life in any kinds of attacks. As such it seems that the contribution of Sons of Fangak during struggles since 1955 has been forgotten by those who call themselves Southern Sudanese leaders. As community, we want to know why the state governor, GOSS Minister of interior affair, and the SPLA chief of staff, have ignored the grievances, raised by Fangak’s intellectuals regarding insecurity in the county since last year incident .
We, Fangak as community, in the above countries mentioned would like to call upon our brothers and sisters who are wearing the SPLA’s uniform or , police, as well as those are working in civil services to come together and confront the atrocious killing carried out by Dinka Atar and their alliances. Nevertheless, General Gorge Athor has manipulated other tribes to help him carried out hideous killing.
Without doubt, GOSS has a hidden agreement with Athor. If that is not a case, why they ignored the letter sent by fangak intellectuals including GOSS minister James Kok when they alerted the government regarding imminent attack by Lt. George Athor. However, we are appealing to our sons and daughters who are serving in the SPLA, army to withdraw from army in order to protect their kids, wives, mothers and fathers from Dinka Atar led by Lt. George Athor. In the same way, we are asking our ministers, MPs, from state level, as well as SSLA, MPs and GOSS ministers to acts in accordance with our demands as community. We the people who live in Diasporas will do whatever it takes to supports our wounded people and plans for further strategies since we already know who enemies are.
Although the attack is politically motivated by those who are in authority, we are asking the community for reprisal without panic not by emotional because of carcasses who are still on the grounds at the moment which have not been buried yet. Second, we needs all our sons and daughters from all the corners of Southern Sudan must leave to county Capital for burying our children, wives, mothers and our fathers. But at the same time, we need to have league on what we should do at this critical time our county is going through. There is a saying in Nuer, “when your brother or relative is killed by a human then people do not carry too much because they knew that there will be a retaliation”.
1. To live in subsistence neighbor, we need that Lt. Gorge Athor must be brought to justice because Jonglei will be brought into peace.
2. The army of Gabriel Tang Chan must relocate to Fangak until the end of interim government.
3. Failure for such demands, we are not responsible on what will happen.