January 2, 2012 (SSNA) — FangakYouth Union in Juba and in all its branch offices (Bor, Malakal & Phom) would like to congratulate the people of South Sudan for having reached this New Year, 2012, and for having voted in early 2011 to have a Country of their own. This is a big achievement by the people and for the people of South Sudan! We thank God for having brought and kept us safe and sound thus far. We equally want to thank all our leaders for having guided us and led us to the Promised Land: – a land of peace and harmony where people intermingle and co-exist peacefully without any problem. Congratulations for the job well done!
On a special note, the FYU leadership would like to acknowledge and appreciate the significant/valuable contributions made by its members in 2011. We thank all our youth members without distinction for the active participation and courage they have shown throughout the last year. We urge all our youth members to work hard and together in order to strengthen the unity that we’ve maintained since the beginning of this year, 2011, up to this very movement. We believe in our slogan, which says that “Our unity and voice is our strength” and we strongly believe that together, we can go further!!
On this occasion, we would like to also congratulate the newly re-appointed Commissioner of Fangak County H.E. James Maluit Ruach, as he took oath of office on Friday this week. We urge him and his entire administration to work for peace, unity and progress amongst the people of Fangak County and beyond by dedicating his energy to the service of the people. We, the Youth, pledge our unwavering support for him as he undertakes this huge challenge – the challenge of providing basic services to the people while providing a sound and effective leadership in all public spheres.
As the year 2011 draws to a close tonight and a new dawn (Year) begins, we appeal to all South Sudanese people to desist and abhor violence in all its forms. This is the only surest way to focus on nation building process as opposed to being overstretched by violence and rampant insecurity countrywide. We condemn anybody who has taken up arms against the government for issues that could be settled and resolved peacefully and amicably at the table. We also regret the ongoing fighting in Jonglei State and the resultant loss of innocent lives between the Lou-Nuer and the Murle communities. We urge the government of the republic of South Sudan to do all it can within its capacity to stop this “cycle of violence” between the communities in Jonglei State and across the ten states of South Sudan. We appeal to the both sides of the conflict to desist from violence and instead find necessary avenues in order to address such burning issues peacefully. Let the Year 2012 be a year of peace, stability and development for all South Sudanese people across the divide. Let us prove wrong those who once held a view that we cannot govern ourselves without any external support and that South Sudan would be a “failed state” as they falsely prophesied!
Let peace, security, unity of purpose, social justice, good governance, progress and the rule of law amongst others, reign and prevail over the contrary!!
We salute all the people of South Sudan on the eve of this New Year, 2012. We also salute all the members of Fangak Youth Union where ever they are at this movement and wishing them a happiest and wonderful New Year, 2012.
We convey our New Year greetings and thanksgiving to all our political leaders and all the elders from Fangak Community at all levels. We thank them for having stood side by side with the Youth and for giving us all the necessary support that we ever needed from them. We appeal to all our political leaders to work together on common grounds and to mould/build a common consensus on all fronts!
Finally, we salute the wise and able leadership under Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the republic of South Sudan for steadfastness and boldness in facing the myriad challenges involved in the nation building process. We urge him to continue doing more in order to achieve the aspirations of the South Sudanese people in this 21stcentury.