All Nuer Should Fight Murle Youth and SPLA Defectors who Create Insecurity in South Sudan
January 15, 2012 (SSNA) — Based on the authority bestowed upon me by the family of Prophet Ngundeng, and based upon the moral authority of Prophet Ngundeng upon Nuer tribe, I, Hon. Gai L Ngundeng, the grandson of Prophet Ngundeng and Chairman of Ngundeng’s Historical Society Association, do hereby issue a religious decree ordering all Nuer in the world to fight Murle tribe. This decree is issued as a result of Murle’s attack on Wec Deang (God City) on January, 14, 2012 in which 15 women and children were killed and 4,000 heads of cattle stolen.
Prophet Ngundeng’s city has never been attacked by any force since the beginning of 20th C. It was 1902 when British forces attempted to capture Wech Deang but Prophet Ngundeng acted as an emergency response to alien forces in order to protect Nuer values and killed all the British forces with his divine Rod. His divine Rod was returned to South Sudan in 2009 by Prof. Douglas Johnson from United Kingdom.
Since January, 6, 2012, 900 Murle members of the SPLA army in Nasir, Maiwut, Ulang, Malakal and Bor towns left their barracks and joined Murle Youth to attack Nuer villages. They first attacked Dengjok Payam and killed over 30 civilians and took over 20,000 heads of cattle. In few days, they attacked Uror County and massacred over 60 civilians and took over 6,000 heads of cattle. On January, 14, 2012, the Murle fighters attacked Prophet Ngundeng’s Bieh (Pyramid) and killed innocent civilians.
The people of South Sudan and international community should be made aware that no human being or force ever attacked Wech Deang even during the war. When the SPLM/A was fighting successive governments in Khartoum, no force had ever attempted to attack Ngundeng’s pyramid. Neither the forces of Sudan governments nor the SPLA ever attacked the holy place.
When Riek Machar and John Garang were fighting in 1990s, neither faction had ever attempted to go near Wech Deang. The holy city has been a place of refuge for people running away from any danger. When Riek Machar’s forces chased Garang’s forces in 1996, the forces of the latter took refuge at Wech Deang. The leader of Ngundeng’s Bieh ordered Riek Machar’s forces not to attack Garang’s forces who took refuge in holy city. Dr. Machar’s forces complied and returned without attacking the holy place. The elder of Bieh (pyramid) served Garang’s forces with food for one week until they left safely for Bor where they joined the forces of SPLM/A-Torit faction.
What the Murle did is similar to the attempt of colonial forces in 1902 who tried to attack the holy city. Therefore, Murle’s attack on January, 14, 2012 is an attack on Nuer religious values and dignity. All Nuer officials, politicians, students, soldiers, youth, doctors, lawyers and white army have to fight Murle youth and defectors to bring them to justice for attacking holy city of Wech Deang. All the Nuer in USA, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and Australia must come back to South Sudan to join the war against Murle who defiled Nuerland by attacking holy city.