By: Thomas Tut Doap
October 23, 2012 (SSNA) — As mature and well informed member of the Nuer community, I would like to enlighten the public at large that what has been circulating in the media these days is unbecoming, given the fact that it promotes the tribal sentiments. I have been closely following the events from all media outlets, but failed to see and hear any meaningful response from the members of our community, who are also members of our government. Mr.Chuol Rambang, the Chairperson of the South Sudan Peace Commission’s message does not carry enough weight to dissuade the negative ramifications that would be brought about by the youth actions, following Simon Gatwec’s detention.
For this author, if Simon Gatwec was arrested because of “being a Nuer”, as those youth wanted us to believe, the negative reaction would have started in Bill Pam, where the Minister of Defence, the Chief of General Staff, and many more Generals are Nuer. Having said that, this writer has all the rights and responsibilities to address this issue as follows:
1. Those Nuer youth who are trying to mingle things up by applying wrong information that will produce disaster to all innocent people must be advice that we are in an independent country, where things must be done systematically.
2. Nuer Youth must be told that having a big gap with their elderly community will never solve their problem. I am saying this because, if what happened to Simon Gatwec was a wrong thing, our people who are in the leadership would have approached the president and advise him accordingly. Therefore, what they are trying to preach is and will not receive any support from our grown up community which is fully aware of what happened. As such, they must not allow themselves to be lug into a situation they don’t have more details about.
3. Gen.Isaac Mabutu Mamuor was detained by the same authority, which detained Gat Dual, but there was no negative reaction from Lutuku community. Does that mean Mabutu is not being love by his people, or Lutuku are cowards? Where is Gen Mamuor today? He was released and re-instated into the Rank and File of the same Army. By applying violent behaviour to release Uncle Gat Dual is only jeopardizing his future.
4. This country is now free and independent through Youth’s strength, but if you misuse your strength and turn against one another, then forget about your statement which said, “As youth, we believe that peaceful South Sudan is our priority and will benefit us more than President Kiir who is getting old. The future of South Sudan belongs to the youth and we are the last sector of Nuer community to see South Sudan on fire”.
5. If history could not be a good teacher, then what are we going to learn from? If being a Nuer is really matters, why did most Nuer intellectuals and military officers deserted Riek Machaar’sNasir faction and re-joined SPLM/A main stream led by Dinka? Please be advice to think big and open-minded. Observe, analyse and see things positively and in big picture.
6. You are now calling for other tribes to help you fight Dinka. Take it from me here that call has fallen into deaf hears. No single tribe will ever unite with Nuer to fight Dinak, they will only be making fun of you. Other tribes could unite with you only when you call them to win a peaceful and democratically conducted election. Gone are the yesteryears when physical strengths were useful. We must use our intellectual power to correct things.
7. It never happened and never will to any President to be intimidated by a handful tribal youth organization which is acting in isolation to change an executive order. NBG youth had tried something like that, but miserably failed. Dinka Bor Youth organization had a similar call, but nothing changed.
Therefore Maj. Gen Simon GatwecDual will be release when time comes for that and not because the Nuer youth has declared war on Dinka. You are causing tribal tensions which could be exploited by our real enemies to harm the whole nation.
As long as the earth remains, there will be no Nuer government without Dinka and vi versa. Don’t show our blind side to the world because of solvable glitch. This is one of the political hiccups that are left for the leadership to deal with, and not at youth level as you think.
This is my advice to you my sons and daughters. Don’t lose hope on your nation. Things will get change, peacefully.
The Author can be reached at [email protected]