![Daniel Abushery Daniel [File photo]](http://www.southsudannewsagency.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/SSNA-Daniel%20Abushery%20Daniel%20.jpg)
May 6, 2013 (SSNA) — First and foremost, I would like to seize this opportunity, to convey my heartfelt condolence to the family of Kuol Deng Kuol the permanent Chief of the nine Ngock Dinka of Abyei region, especially, the Abyei community in Arizona State, in the Diaspora, while we are mourning the death of Chief Kuol, who was ambushed, and gunned down cowardly by Maysseria Militia after he accomplished his mission of peace in the area. Almighty God rests his soul in eternal peace.
More importunely, I would like to salute all our heroes and martyrs, who have fallen in that tragedy for our dignity, democracy, freedom, self-determination, and justice for all, their precious lives that; was shed’s in the line of duty, did not perished in vain, and their shrines would be reliquary for generations.
Furthermore, the crisis of identity is a creation of former Sudan regimes, which defines the Sudanese identity in Arab and Islamic terms. The north political elites consider the Sudanese citizenship as a transition to full integration into the Arab identity. This undermines the rights of the vast African majority to whose identity should be fully embodied in the character of the state, which leads to decimation of South Sudan through prosecution of war and perpetrating large-scale massacres of innocents people by various north regimes, and, the last atrocities and hyena crimes committed by Arab Maysseria nomads, was the living proof, and, we sincerely, We remonstrated, and condemned this remorseless, and barbaric act against innocents’ civilians in strongest terms.
On the other hand, there is racial, religious, cultural, linguistic, and historical diversity in the region, these diversities have not been used to help enrich and consolidate its unity, rather, were used by the elites in the north to oppress and exploit the indigenous people of Dinka ngouck. Plus, socio-economic and political exploitation, and injustice perpetuated by the successive sectarian civilian and military regimes have been the prime cause of the conflict in that rich area.
It is worth mentioning that; Sudan has been at war for the last fifty years and it is our strong belief that the only way to resolve this conflict, and to attain just and lasting peace is to allow the people of Abyei region, “and only, nine Dinka Nyock tribes” to exercise their constitutional right to self- determination, (to be or not to be) according to CPA protocols through supervised referendum by the international community as soon as possible.
There from, I would like to add my voice with those who are working day and night to bridge the gap of differences and hatred between South Sudanese tribes, and their neighboring tribes, which has been accumulated for years through divide- and- rule policy. Islamic fundamentalism has become a serious cause of human harm and suffering worldwide. This ideology implies bigotry and does not accommodate any reasoning, rational, or any logical thinking what so ever.
It is important to note that human rights value do not only impose negative restrictions on the United Nations members state, but also impose positive obligations on the states to create conducive environment for a dignified life. It operates as a parameter and standard of a society based on the rule of law, justice, and equality.
Sudan as a UN member is a signatory to the aforesaid Universal Declaration and the two Covenants thereto. It’s an established principle of the International Law that UN member nations are to abide by the provisions of the international documents and willful failure to do so may result to punitive consequences, especially where a member state has ratified the same.
Article 6(1) of the I.C.C.P.R provides as follow: “Every human being has inherent right to life, no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life, and this right shall be protected by law”. It’s also the requirement under Article (4) Of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights. Arbitrary arrests and detentions, torture, and custodial death; without trial and the like have become the order of the day in the region.
Therefore, we appealed to the International Communities, and world leaders under the umbrella of United Nations to thoroughly, investigate this incident, and brought the criminals into justice, despite the fact that; the comprehensive peace agreement “CPA”, and Abyei protocol is not perfect marriage between two Sudan and South Sudan.
Then, you know the rest of the story!
The author is a criminologist, living in USA, and can be reached at [email protected]