July 22, 2013 (SSNA) — First and foremost ladies and gentlemen, I would like to take this opportunity to let you know my people about the fact behind the reason why South Sudan as the Country was regarded as the fourth State in the all world. It might not be surprise to the people specifically the current government of the Republic of South Sudan in particular; it was something obvious and factual to be disclosed because there are a lot of things ahead of us as the people of South Sudan as new the Nation. Basically I have only identified four out of the many points that make South Sudan to be world number four failed State. The question might come, why South Sudan is put in that number when it’s only two years old after getting the Independence? My dear people, there are a lots of weakness, failures within the system of governance , respect for the rule of law and human rights in South Sudan context. There are lots of citations and recommendations that were given to our government in order for the Country like South Sudan to be removed out from the list but all these can be achieved when we have identified what to do next after we have got the wrong title in the world context.
People in South Sudan always talks all the days wasting a lot of time discussing what the all world regarded Republic of South Sudan as the failed state number four like, if they are not viewing the current situation psychologically. According to my view and observations as the person, we have been regarded as the failed State due to the facts that we have failed to do the four main things that should have been done by the government of South Sudan under the Leadership General Salva Kiir Mayardit but all in all, nothing have been achieved since the Country is in political crisis and I think all of us are seeing with our own necked eyes.
First of all, the issue of insecurity that have been in the country for the last seven years is most difficult point that, have affected most of the Journalists especially the prominent writers that are supposed to liberate our Country by writing articles that are educative and informative that can transform the new country to be better and can respect the rights of the citizen without hindrance and disturbances. Many writers have been harassed, arrested like the Editor –In _Chief of the Juba Monitor Alfred Taban who was arrested most of the time and also the Juba Monitor Managing Editor Michael Koma who was detained in the Northern police due to the article that was published in April edition by the newspaper that was explaining the person who was behind the killing of the late Traffic police officer that was identified as the Nuer from Mayom County in the Unity state and nothing have been done up to date, that justified that our government is very weak and weak in term of security provision. And the issue of the Jonglei state, is becoming so complex and complicated this time around, many people from the Sudan People Liberation Army have lost their lives and they are also in that crisis up to now and the world is not happy with the way things are handle in our Country as South Sudanese.
Secondly the issue of too much corruption within the system have gave the South Sudanese shame in the world context and that is why we are regarded as the failed state number four, and I hope no one from the government will said that point is not correct, because even the President of the Republic of South Sudan promised that, he will deal with the corruption issue which is becoming one of the critical issue that has been regarded as the problematic in this Country “ that was the time his excellency President General Salva Kiir Mayardit was addressing the huge number of audiences during the second Independence Celebration of the South Sudan 9th July 2013”. In the year 2012, the list of the seventy five (75) members from the government of the South Sudan were identified but all in all, nothing have been done by the legitimate leadership in this country, that is why people like me begin analyzing the government as the failed one, I have really agree with the world in this regard, because a truth must be said no matter what other people think about my view. There is no prosecution of the corrupts officials being carried out in South Sudan ,and the government know the people who are involved in all these corruptions scandals that are going on daily in South Sudan. Believe me my dear comrades; let me use the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) word, all these seventy five within the system, it is the failure with the parliament of the Republic of South Sudan, National Assembly and Council of States are really failed to implement laws and orders that are supposed to help the new Country to progress from one point to another , therefore it is good for our President to announce the state of emergency and dissolve the Parliament and stay appointing the excellent people who are intellectuals, because what is causing most of the issue even for the country to be regarded as the failed state is because of the lack of proper parliamentarians that are representing the citizen issues in South Sudan. The role of the parliamentarians was supposed to summon the office of the Presidency to give the name of the seventy five (75) to the public and the Members of the two Assemblies should start prosecuting the corrupt officials and progress with developmental issues that might help the people of the Republic of South Sudan.
Thirdly, there is lack of Implementation of the Transitional Constitution of the South Sudan 2011 that was signed by our beloved President General Salva Kiir Mayardit , all in all people are in serious mess both from State level up to the National Level which is Juba. Laws have been put a side and people have started using traditional way of leading people like if we are not having good laws, I always tell people that, we have good laws but the problem people are not reading the document which is supposed to be read by everybody in this Country that is why most of the Parliamentarians do not even keep one article in their minds, and I can blame our government because the Ministry of Justice was supposed to be translate the Constitution from the English Language to all the South Sudanese local Languages because most of those who are in the Assemblies knows only their specific languages that is why most of the times only ten to twenty members of the Parliament can rise a good motions and other are just dossing on the Chairs in the Assembly . How can we have development in this country? People always blame President Kiir and his Deputy Dr Machar for nothing and the problem is because we are having weak and weak Parliament that is supposed to oversee the ongoing of the Country movement in term of coming up with good ideas that can transform this beautiful nation that is so unique world wide
Fourthly no Democracy in place, everything is the same as usual in this Country, politic is not practice in good faith, people are using traditional way of making politics in villages that have forgotten that we are in the World of dotcom, the world is interconnected to each other, people dislike each other due to the too much tribalism, nepotism and sectarianism that is existing in almost the ten sates of the Republic of South Sudan. There are a lot of intimidations in the politics nothing is free like the other Countries, everyone is trying very hard to under look the rests of other people. There is need for good orientation on how should the people of South Sudan should promote good governance, respect for the rule of law and Human rights in this Country.
The author is Independent Journalist who writes for Juba Monitor Newspaper; you can contact him through, [email protected]