![[File photo/Getty Images]](http://www.southsudannewsagency.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/aa-cutoutandkeep_net%20%281%29.jpg)
August 8, 2013 (SSNA) — We all know that South Sudan was liberated by our heroes and heroines and war has taken more than 2.5 million lives between the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) and the Khartoum’s Army beginning from 1945 up to the time Comprehensive Peace Agreement was signed in Naivasha in 2005. The agreement had given birth to referendum and subsequently declaration of the Independence of the South Sudan as a separate nation on the 9th of July 2011; but what I am seeing is that; there is need for another liberation struggle that does not need careless writing but writing with evidence and good exposure of most of the crucial issues that need citizens’ concerned or attention. It was last night that I had a dream and that dream educates me of many things that need our seriousness as the writers in this unique country in the world context. But we should not write things that are mainly focusing on the political environment where South Sudan is heading too. People may ask what are the things that writers can analyze, conceptualized and scrutinised?
Writers are supposed to expose issues to do with corruptions cases, write articles that promote democracy, respect for the rule of law and human rights and lastly the freedom of expression and associations because our country is heading to a volatile stage that is not good since we are young nation that needs only good democracy to be put in place then not writing articles that promote corruption, dictatorship and tribalism in South Sudan like what some of the useless writers do always in some newspapers in South Sudan.
I begin writings in the media for the last four years up to date; I have really seen many issues that need serious attention to those who are writers in South Sudan as the independence nation if we want to progress in one way or the other to a diplomatic and international level unless otherwise we don’t want transformation at this particular period of time.
Most of the writers write without legitimacy ,good principles of using Journalistic approaches of following the principles and guidelines that determined the professionalism in the Media fraternity in the Republic of South Sudan ,accordingly other have started use to write articles that promote tribalism ,nepotism and corruption especially in one of the Media Institution in South Sudan but I will not mention its name since most of the Journalists and writers know that in their daily style of writing techniques in different media institutions more so the writers have forget their mandate that they are supposed to do. Most of the writers lack legitimacy, accuracy and lack intellectual way of writing in the media fraternity globally. People might ask whether these are principles of Journalism or not.
The answer is very simple, for you to be good in whatever you are doing; you must follow the following tips;
First of all, you need to observe objectivity in your writing no matter what might be the circumstances; objective in writing is good to be follow in order to avoid critics and bad refutations or wrong perceptions that people might take from your writings. One of the way to identify as a writer, is to see the sequence in words that can make your writing balance to avoid prejudice.
In my own theory as the Independent Journalist “in Media there are those that are just forcing themselves to write and more so, there are those that write with objectivity, they use conciseness, preciseness and accuracy of word when writing and applied ways that captivate the audiences interest but for those who lack intellectual dynamism in them they ended up writing tribalistic and irrelevance articles that might jeopardize the country not to be a democratic state”
Base on my knowledge and principle, I view that Media is an important institution that need to be protected by following the Media Ethics and Laws that guide the career. But, do South Sudan as the new Nation followed this? To me, the answer is a big no because people are just gambling with the situation that has confused the good number of people, and that is why you find that some people just write to please people other writes to educate , inform the readers by using intellectual way of writings. I know most people in South Sudan are traumatized by the situation and ended up writing pleasing articles that might let a writer get something out of it but that is not the best way my dear countrymen and ladies. South Sudan is our country all of us therefore, if there is nothing good we have to expose and write facts and what might affect the citizens of this great nation.
I cannot say so and so is not a good writer, that might look very complicated and ambiguous or irrelevance due to many interpretations that people may have in their minds because most of the people are traumatized psychologically and even physically but they know themselves very well. I always get shock and harassed sometimes due to the fact that the way some people have mistaken the word MEDIA, there is really a need for our people to know the word Media contextually by defining the word so that one should get to know it widely.
Journalistically, Media refers to the communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data, or promotional messages are disseminated. Media includes every broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax, and internet. Media is the plural of medium and can take a plural or singular verb, depending on the sense intended.
But some people especially in South Sudan have taken it in different ways that is so tribalistic to be practice.
The author is the Independent Journalist who writes for Juba Monitor as Columnist. You can reached him at [email protected]