![Peter Gai Manyuon [File photo]](http://www.southsudannewsagency.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/aa-Peter%20Gai%20Manyuon.jpg)
October 3, 2013 (SSNA) — Some people might be wondering as to why I have stated only one term for Dr Machar to be regarded as or seen like Nelson Madela in Africa, one term is enough for him to show South Sudanese people the real democracy; it will be that very term to determine whether or not he might go for the second term.
Moreover, for you my dear people of South Sudan, in order to agree with my analytical points on whether Teny-Dhurgon can be level as International figure in South Sudan’s history or freedom fighter worldwide, is based on too many negotiations and mediations that he (Machar) spearheaded. Machar. For instance, the issue of Ugandan rebel leader Joseph Konyi who rebelled since the time President Museveni of Uganda did not implemented their agreement when they were looking for the Leadership of Uganda from Obote and Idi Amin Dada in 1986 from bush but that is another history that need independent article of its own. Realistically, he (Dhurgon) managed to mediate and as a result Konyi moved from South Sudan territories to Congo, this marks the end of killing of innocent Acholi people of Northern Uganda. The moving of Konyi to Congo also put an end to the killing of South Sudanese (e.g. people of Greater Equatoria region, etc). All these examples are a result of Machar’s peace strategy and everything he has done in the name of peace has been seen by International Community; this shows that he has ability and strength as the person who can be level in that category of Nelson Madela. Machar also did many good things for the people of South Sudan.
However, since the inception of the autonomous South Sudan, after Dr John Garang De Mabior died in the plane crashed in 2005, Dr Machar, Dr Akol, our current President General Salva Kiir Mayardit, and other dignitaries in the government of Southern Sudan at that time were gathered at Bilpham. During the meeting, Dr. Machar refused to replace Dr John Garang De Mabior due to his patient and dignity that he had up to now and thereafter General Salva Kiir was endorsed. President Kiir is a man who have ever dream to become a president of South Sudan, even in one day.
Hence, after the death of Dr John Garang, many people were of the views that the President should either be Dr Machar or Dr Lam AKol but based on the goodness and dignity of Machar, he told the gathering that Kiir is a senior then him during the liberation struggle and therefore, he (Kiir) should be the president and himself (Machar) be the Deputy. Based on Machar’s recommendation, there was no one who can disagree with his views in the meeting. I was in Uganda for my studies when all the leadership talks were taking place but I followed it through the Media and other communication channels because there was a serious evaluation and monitoring system put in place by the internationak community to monitor the three men (Dr. Machar, Salva Kiir, and Dr. Akol) on who to replace our late leader, Dr John Garang.
In 2005, many people said that General Salva Kiir Mayardit rebelled last time in 2005 after he had a disagreement with Dr John Garang and therefore he does not deserve to be given the position for Presidency. By that time, I was in Rumbek where going to Uganda; good enough, Dr John Garang was there talking about his problem with Salva Kiir, I was part of it because I was there in person when Dr Garang was talking. Salva Kiir and many other South Sudanese leaders from all backgrounds were there in the meeting. Good enough, Dr. Machar was patient and it was example of a leader with a charisma, etiquette, and resilience at the same time; Machar managed to convene many people including Kiir to be with Garang due to his (Machar’s) expertise on the issues to do with negotiations and mediations skills that I hope was given to him by the almighty God.
Machar told Kiir many things that are beyond explanations, and Kiir get convene and agree to work with Dr John Garang and eventually, they work together until early this year they disagree based on the sweetness of the seat for the Presidency in this great nation.
After Dr John Garang death in the helicopter crashed, by that time, many people came up with different justifications and analyses.
Analytical points about Dr Machar
After Dr Machar and Dr John Garang signed an agreement in 2002, people realized that the vision and mission of Machar for the self-determination and etcetera became true and logical; most people proposed that he was supposed to be the second man in the Country by then but he refused and endorsed Kiir Mayardit to be the deputy of Dr John Garang until the emergency death that was not imagine came to the late on the 30th of July 2005. Many South Sudanese were asking: what is Dr Machar is looking for?
After Dr John Garang Died, he also refused to rule the Nation, he when ahead endorsing Salva Kiir Mayardit which many people regarded him as Joshua who is in the bible.
By then, when he (Machar) and (Garang) signed the peace, they were supposed to be the top leaders and after Garang Death, Machar was the right person to replaced Garang based on the two gentlemen agreement. Two of them where having ideological differences based on the vision of Garang about keeping the whole Sudan as a secular nation, while Machar and Akol were for self-determination.
Based on the above steps, Dr Machar was patient and a leader with Integrity, accountability, transparency, and dignity that is manifested in him; he deserves to be respected and given an opportunity to lead this country. Dr Machar will show South Sudanese and the international community real democracy, good governance, respect for rule of laws, and human rights in South Sudan. Dr Machar is the man for all days, his patient and dignity earn him respect in South Sudan, regionally, and and internationally.
Who can be remembered next in this Country, if we don’t acknowledge and appreciate the freedom fighter and the only hero Dr Machar in the history of the new Republic?
Keys Recommendations
South Sudanese people should learn how to appreciate our heroes and heroines who liberated this country from Islamists dictators of Khartoum because God will never come from heaven and begin telling us to appreciate our people who brought us from darkness.
Individuals interests should not diverse the history of the country from it originality; self-determination has gone to international and regional history because of the work of late Both Diu, Dr Machar, and Dr Lam Akol who initiateed it and we are now enjoying the goodness of the idea without acknowledging these three important initiators.
Those who do not know the history of South Sudanese, should go to schools and do good research on the facts and realities about this new nation history and people behind the liberation struggle.
Tribalism, regionalism, nepotism and chronic corruptions should not diverse us from the well facts, because all those issues people have taken it as some things use for the recognition of the tribes, clan and etcetera.
Based on the ideas of useless critics that lack intellect, many people send me an email suggesting to me that part one of the article that I wrote was having only facts about Dr Machar excluding Dr John Garang De Mabior and many others. Mind you, I can write an article when I have not seen the good history of the person during the liberation struggle. And my point of argument is on the facts of self-determination and it periods, excluding disadvantage groups whose ideas were not follow by the South Sudanese people at that time.
For you to be somebody or respected in any society or family, you must have resilience and etiquette that guide you as the person.
The author is independent journalist and writer who wrote extensively on issues to do with democracy in South Sudan; you can contact him through [email protected]. He holds a BA in Mass Media and he is currently a student of Master’s Degree in International Relations and Diplomacy specialising in Foreign Policy.