November 29, 2013 (SSNA) — Today the cure for fire within the SPLM as a party that fought for the independent of South Sudan is fire. The SPLM became critics to itself and the problem of the individuals within the party used to be the trouble to innocent people in the country. In 2010 election, individuals from the party who were rejected tickets by the SPLM to contest at their home constituencies during the election had averted and contested as independent candidates but after losing the election, some of them, like late George Athor Deng and David Yau Yau took up arms and started killing their own people in Jonglei. The problem of the party used to become a national problem – experience teaches us that there must be something wrong in the political machine or individualistic interest that used to take people into inadvertent trouble. Why are we impatience?
When Machar declared to take over the party’s chairmanship through party election in the upcoming national convention in order to contest for presidency in 2015, he kept biding by accusing the president of incompetency as party leader but lost his job as a country’s Vice President within a short time. Is it a right time for Dr Machar to show his colours to Mayardit?
It was Amum and Dr Machar who fished the president to trouble them. After Machar & Amum accused Mr President of doing less than expected as party top leader, however, the SPLM convention was delayed and delayed and Mr Amum got suspended as party’s Secretary General, and then the SPLM structure was dissolved. Politics is really a politics! Mr Amum and Dr Machar are now at different angles and President Kiir remained strategizing to survive every day. I never thought that party’s senior people should betray themselves. Some of the top members in the party will be at the departure point after the convention – should others leave the party to go home or form another party?
It is so disappointing to be sacked or have a problem within the party which you have dedicated your life for the sake of South Sudanese. Mr Amum dedicated his life to the SPLM for the sake of peace and freedom. He {Amum} is a man that works to the best of his knowledge. Mr Amum, Kiir and Igga were among the most dedicated SPLM commanders during the war in Sudan. They should be together but politics can’t allow, sorry!
Therefore I would like to urge Dr Machar and Amum to remain calm and patience. South Sudan is for everyone. It is the country you fought for its independency. You are the founders. South Sudanese respects you for great achievements. President Kiir is our leader and your most senior person in the party, work with him, encourage him to do good work and respect him to respect you and let continue to shine the SPLM to the world. President Kiir is a good person by nature. Leave him alone or help him and he will not trouble for ages.
I am also tired of individuals who have been accusing the president when it is someone else mistake. The presidential press team should take their job seriously to dispute allegations. I am happy that Mr Ateny Wek Ateny is appointed as press secretary to the presidency. Mr Ateny should try his best to clear president’s darkned shade from those who wish to spoil others for nothing.
All in all, SPLM is big and beautiful. It is the soul of our country. It is the party of generational credit. We should protect its image and be the SPLM in our doings and in the hearts.
Deng Mangok Ayuel lives in Aweil, South Sudan. He can be reached via [email protected]. For more inform visit my blog at: http/theshoeshinereyes.wordpress.com