December 4, 2013 (SSNA) — When the existence of freedom of expression is threatened, justice is also darkened and the truth begins to fade like morning dew. A year ago, Isaiah Abraham {Diing Chol Awuol} was assassinated in Juba. He was a prominent political commentator in the country. How really killed him and where are the killers? Brought to book or above the law?
After Isaiah was killed, Dr Marial Benjamin, who was the Minister of Information and Broadcasting announced on the SSTV that the suspected killers are arrested and will be brought to book – how long does it take for people to be tried in Juba of our time? Was it a planned assassination? No, no, one has not evidence or proves to accuse anyone of an intrigue. But there is God where there is no justice.
As suspected killers weren’t tried, should activists, journalists keep writing to die, go into exile or stop writing? Die in silence – fade into darkness to live longer in order to become storytellers to next generation or fight for their rights and the rights of majority?
In multicultural, ethnical, sociopolitical society, there are opposition and individuals with different opinions over the affairs of the parties and country itself; should we enemize ourselves or work together as one people for the benefit of South Sudanese? The world of today is the world of critics, opposition, human rights. We must stand on our feet to be accounted in order to account others.
Our legislative, judiciary systems shouldn’t hibernate while seeing others vulnerablize by powerful individuals. If judiciary system fears individuals in the executive, legislative systems in the country, then who are they going to convict at their courts? A thief who shall steal a woman saucepan in the kitchen at night or a drunkard who shall insult a government official in the bars where people always drink to lessen political fever of the day?
Deng Mangok Ayuel lives in Aweil, South Sudan. He can be reached via [email protected]