PRESS RELEASE: For Immediate Release: December 5, 2013
New York, December 4, 2013 (SSNA) — December 5th, 2013, marks a year without justice for the family of late Isaiah Abraham. Such a failure by the state is an attack on South Sudan’s Constitution 2011 and the universality of human rights.
Today, South Sudan Human Rights Society for Advocacy (SSHURSA, in solidarity with the family and people of good conscience, continues to remember the late Isaiah’s assassination. His death marks the darkest day in the fight against dictatorship, abuses of rule of law and human rights as the late was on forefront, challenging the evils beshaming the new state contrary to the liberation principles.
On January 3, 2013, the former National Minister for Information and Broadcasting Hon. Barnabas Marial Benjamin, announced that the government of South Sudan had arrested some suspects over the murder of the late yet it is one year today; no one has been brought to justice. Such silence is a clear violation of fair trial under Article 19(4) of the Constitution and this raises the following questions:
Who killed Isaiah? Who sent them to kill him? Where are the suspects? When are they going to be tried?
SSHURSA, through the National Minister of Justice calls on the office of the Prosecutor General in the Ministry of Justice to bring the suspects for trial so that justice is done for the family of our colleague. It also calls upon the public to continue condemning evils that are consuming South Sudan so that the country upholds the values South Sudanese sacrificed their blood for. SSHURSA will continue as usual to remember the late on every 5th day of the month until Justice is done. Our condolences to the family.
Signed by:
About SSHURSA: South Sudan Human Rights Society for Advocacy is an incorporated non political and non-profit making Human Rights organization founded in June 2007 by South Sudanese Lawyers and Law Students at Makerere Law Development Centre (LDC), Kampala-Uganda. In 2009, it became operational in South Sudan with its head office in Juba and co-ordination offices in the states. Its vision is for a democratic and human rights abiding South Sudan. Its mission is to monitor, document and publish human rights status in South Sudan and also train general public on the importance of human rights, fundamental freedoms of an individual, Rule of Law and democracy, all geared towards creating a more responsible, justice and good governance oriented South Sudan.. SSHURSA works closely with the National Human Rights Commission and other like-minded institutions. For more information on this statement or about SSHURSA, contact us on E-mail: [email protected] or visit us on our webpage at: http://www.sshursa.org