February 18, 2014 (SSNA) — The Republic of South Sudan is comprised with massive self-righteous groups who would in many ways identify themselves as; Nuer, Acholi, Murle, Bari,Dinka, Ding-Dinga, Anyuak, Taposa, Mundari e and many more. These groups hold their tribal hatreds to the stage where they would attempt to project all evils deeds-I mean anything which is deemed evil onto other groups. However, in this situation the right of reply or attempt at dialogue is refused, leading to a feeling of helplessness and anger among the accused groups .As long as our human history is concerns, it’s unquestionably our human nature that we sometimes hold false views of the world, but in reality it’s not an individuals’ mistake to choose whether they are to become Nuer, Latuho, Bari etc. and it is not a mistake from the almighty Father. The other beliefs we subsequently choose, can only be done through the distorted prism of those early influences and imperfect knowledge of the facts, but should we blame others of being Dinka, Shiluk, Taposa, Nuer, Ding-Dinga and Vis versa? This typical thinking goes against the nature and if we hate others simply because they are members of other tribes, than we must wrongly be blaming the nature.
South Sudanese should acknowledge that all tribes in the Republic of South Sudan are importance and those who endeavor to lecture supremacy of their tribes are the worst enemies of the new born state of South Sudan than Khartoum’s regime. Tribalism in its broadest sense has become our major enemy than Khartoum’s regime which we often talk about day and night and it’s more determines to break the Republic of South Sudan into pieces if not managed adequately, especially at the onset of current crises that our president has started by massacring one ethnic group (Nuer). We all need each other for the fact that different tribal values, beliefs and life styles form the identity of the Republic of South Sudan. To contextualize and prove whether the so called Tribalism is growing, you need to switch to our only national Television also known South Sudan Television (SSTV). If you are a weak heart person, and you switch the television on to SSTV you may have a stress/stigma simply because it is not preaching the peace but encouraging the tribalism.
Should you turn the television on to the SSTV, than you will either hear “down, down and down Riek Machar or Riek did that and this while leaving president Kiir who massacred more than 3000 Nuer innocents civilians in Juba and has burned down to ashes the Nuer lands. After all Dr. Riek whom most of the Dinka community wanted to be down according to their tribal rallies, has no even a single position both in the government and the ruling south Sudan people’s liberation movement (SPLM).
Kiir is the one in power not Riek, he (Kiir) is the one to be told to step down because he fails us in one way or the other, look at the foreign mercenaries were brought by him simply to finish the remnants of the innocents Nuer he massacred in Juba.
The good thing is that, 100% of the tribalism preachers on the television (SSTV) are from the Dinka tribe. Therefore, this shows that the current war is not the misunderstanding between the leaders but is all about tribalism.
If any person need to approve whether it is a tribalism or not, than he must switch on to SSTV to see that.
All the untimely campaign against Dr Riek Machar on SSTV shows that, he himself is a threat to the kingdom, so bravo Dr. Machar for being a strong anti-kingdom.
My questions go like this, why only Dinka’s victims are shown on the Television and not the most current crises victims (the Nuers)? Why only the people who wanted Riek to step down (according to the Dinkas) are all the Dinkas and not the rests 64 tribes? Why most of the Dinkas politicians are crying while they were the ones that begun the fights by killing Nuer people in a cold blood?
The answer is simple a “chronic tribalism or hatred of Dinkas against the Nuer people.
In conclusion,
We must preach peace on the television (SSTV) rather than preaching tribalism otherwise South Sudan Television may be call as Dinka Television.
Weirial Puok Baluang is a concern citizen of south Sudan: he can be reach on [email protected]