March 14, 2014 (SSNA) — It is now official that 6,430 innocent Nuer civilians were killed in Juba between December15th& 19th2013 by Dinka militias. Among them were children, women, and elderly.They all perished in the hands of their own countrymen and not Arabs.
They were butchered for no other reason than being Nuer ethnic group. This is the fact and the world is aware of it. Anyone of Nuer background dead or alive falls perfectly into this category according to some Dinka killers. It didn’t matter to them whether a Nuer has different political party or political philosophy or not, you are licensed to be kills because you are Nuer.
It doesn’t matter whether a Nuer is/was a Salva Kiir’s staunched supporter or not, she/he deserved to dies no matter what. Nothing has helped and the sole mission of the killers was simple, to do away with Nuer at all cost.
For example, innocent Nuer’schildren, women, men and elderly were rounded up and sent (killed) to heaven or hell for no apparent crime committed. As things stands, the massacre of the Nuer ethnic group in Juba by Kiir Mayardit’s Dinka militias remains one of the vicious, ruthless, merciless and cruel killings ever happened in South Sudan history since its creation.
Many writers called it Nuer massacre; while others labelled it as heartless genocide. Whatever one call it, it remains one of the vicious and regrettable summarily execution of Nuer gentle souls.
There was no single Nuer Soul spared by the Dinka killers. They killed whoever they found.Therefore, those who still deny the massacre were in fact the killers and Hitler like associates. They deserves nothing in return but severe chastise.
In the midst of the massacre,over 38, 000 or more Nuer civilians ran for their dear livesand are now taking refuge atthe UNMISS’ compounds in Juba. The same development happened in Bentiu, Malakal and Bor where Nuer and some Dinka civilians were killed in their thousands in the midst of chaos.
Those Nuer who escaped death in Leer, Mayom, Koch, Guit, Mayendit, Rubkona and Panyjiar, Unity State are now residing in the bush without food and safe drinking water.Evidence showed UNHCR has not been able to help or made efforts reaching out to these suffering souls. If UN did it is secret, yet to be known. If they did and failed, it might have been the fact it was blocked by Kiir’s government in name of insecurity.
Regardless, this is a regrettable failure on UNHCH’s part. The UNHCH’s mandate is to reach out to the dying civilians affected by the conflicts. South Sudan is no exception and United Nations would have acted to fulfill its mandate to alleviate the suffering people regardless of Kiir’s government murderous position.
As I write, civilians are dyingin their hundreds of thirst and hungers in their hideouts in Unity State. As far as death toll and displacement is concern, UNMISS has placed the death toll at 10, 000 and whereas more than 930, 000 persons reported displaced. The death toll is more than what was estimated and so is the displaced
Despite this extraordinary tragedy, some people still claims that there is a nation of South Sudan where nationhood can be cherish and protected when in fact there is none. There is no functioning nation in South Sudan. There is no State government but Dinka tribe institution on vicious rampant and manic state.
In a nutshell, theNuer massacre has notstopped in Juba and other part of the country. It is indescribable and still happening every day in disguise of safeguarding failed national interest, which isn’t there, after the fact.
Sad thing is however,killers often dance. They dance after they slaughtered Nuer men, children, women and elderly in cold blood. For instance, the killers danced after they killed innocent Nuer civilians in Bentiu and Leer town and this is the link to prove my point.
Gravely, the triumphant in killers’ faces resembled the euphoria that ensued people aftermoon landing out of space during Apollo expedition. Sad!I never see people celebrating death of their own countrymen and women than Dinka killers. The killers also danced when they deployed cluster boom against Nuer civilians. What a shame on a dying nation!
Despite the untold suffering and senseless loss of innocent lives,I must remind Nuer remnants that the killers did not kill us all:I am alive, not dead.To those who are celebrating innocent Nuer lives lost,you are evil beings. You deserve nothing but the same pains you enforced on Nuer. But rest assured, in hell or heaven, you will flatly fail in your senseless mission.
In term of written records, hence forward, I must assure my readers that I will not rest. I will continue to write about the Nuer massacre and that of othersuntil I am no more. This is my honest pledge to all fallen heroes and heroics.
On March 5th, 2014, unarmed Nuer men and womenwere showered with live bullets and killed in cold-blood by Dinka militias once again. The perpetrators cheaply placed the death toll at 5 yet more than hundred unarmed Nuer civilians were butchered. Sadly, some were drag out of their hideouts akin to that of December15th, 2013 massacre. Then, the victims were shots short range in the heads. The Killing was blamed onthe soldiers’payment issue which wasn’t true after all.
Thanks to eyewitnesses and abundant technology in our disposal. TRUTH has come out regardless. Among the dead was General Gatwech Gai from Pangak Nuer. Sadly, Gen. Gai died in the hands of his own masters.Good to not that he was a die-hard failed Salva Kiir Supporter. Pathetic!
It is pathetic that Gen. Gai has died because he was Nuer even though he wholeheartedly fought alongside Salva Kiir’s government forcesin Bor and helped them recaptured the town from the rebel.Gen. Gai was hacked to death despite his selfless support to Kiir’s cause of Nuer extinction. I feel bad for this man poor’s soul though I detested his blurred thinking for not being realistic and forthcoming.
The fact is there is a lesson to belearns here. The lesson we learned is no matter how much one wanted to please the failed Dinka’s institutions and government, there are some satanic characters within whoare bent to end your life no matter what.
On February 1st, 2014, after the dysfunctional cessation of hostility signed in Addis Abba, Ethiopiain January 23rd, 2014, Leer, Dr. Riek’s birth placewas attacked and captured by pro- Kiir’s troops with the backing of the SPLM- N and Justice for Equality Movement (JEM).
Leer was ransacked and completely destroyed by pro- government soldiers. For instance, Leer’s hospital which existed for more 35 years and surrounding villages all were torched to the ground. Please see the report here: Frankly speaking, Leer has no operational importance than being a Dr. Riek’s birthplace.Its people have nothing to do with political madness in Juba then and now.
Some chiefs who refused to run for their dear lives were thrown to make-ship jails and were subsequently executed on March 5th, 2014. The chiefs were all from Dok Nuer. Their names are Chief, Nhial Chakuoth Malek, sub-chief, Machek Ninrew Lieh and Chief, Gajang Gai Machar. The chiefs did not commitany crime than being Nuer.
This murderous act is rampant and out of control.Crimes punishable by hanging where there is rule of law are being committed in broad daylight against Nuer, while the rest of South Sudanese 62 tribesmen and women remained onlookers. They shamelessly turnblind eyesontheir own fellow citizens and watch them being kills by insane beings without saying enough. What a nation!
Evidence showed that some of the 62 tribesmen and women who are currently not being targeted by Dinka militias were blindfolded andfalsely made to believe that there are good citizens and South Sudan belongs to them.
Out of this hopeless deceit, three arms of Equatorians’youth have been mobilized and placed into various military training camps in the name of the national army. While unknowingly, these youth are being trains to protect nothing short of Dinkanization of South Sudan.
The same tacticis underway among various minority tribes across South Sudan. Some people are being mobilizes falsely in the name of nationhood, yet, such a nationhood doesn’t exists.
Few facts to note contradicting nationhood naivety!
Do you know that 7 out of 9 appointed South Sudan Supreme Court judges are Dinka? In a nutshell, there was one Equatorian which after appointment was vilified, shamed and removed through uncounseled presidential decree for being smartest than her claimed bosses.
One Nuer, Judge Gatwech who also headed the dysfunctional anti-corruption commission. Mr. Gatwech is now rotting in one of the UNMISS’ compounds in Juba because he was almost killed by Dinka’s militias during Juba Nuer massacre.
Now, tell me who is running this dysfunctional South Sudan’s Supreme Court? Dinka men whoareled by none other than a junior judge Mr. Chan from Warrap, state where President Salva Kiir Mayardit hailed. Tell me, if this is your South Sudan government that you are about to die for?
Take South Sudan internal security agent and all its affiliates.TheSouth Sudan Intelligent and Security Services runs by a Dinka man, Akol Kor as its director. All five personalities running this murderous organization are Dinka, four of which are from Bhar el Ghazal (head and deputy from Warrap and third man in line is from Lake) and other from Jonglei. Tell me, where are the rest of South Sudanese tribesmen and women if this is our country? How does this make you feel? Don’t you feel robbed, betrayed and marginalized or not?
Take again South Sudan’s foreign affair and diplomatic core. Among the eighty diplomats appointed and 67 out of 80 are Dinka. Nineteen out ofthe 21 diplomats deployed are Dinka. Guess what! There are also deployed in the most well to do countries and institutions which include USA, Norway, China, Russia, France, UK, German, Japan,Malaysia, India, UN, World Bank, IMF, EU, and Sudan…etc.
Again, where are the rest of 63 South Sudan tribes if South Sudan government is yours? Beside, where is the nationhood here, where you can be proud of and ready to protect? Do you now really see yourself in a nation where you blindly called yours?
Consider the financial district of Juba (banks, customs,chambers of commerce, and business community) and natural resources. There is nosingle other tribe man or woman in these institution. Dinka controlled these institutions from cleaners (tail) to heads.Look, where are you? Where do you see yourself in the nation building?
Finally, take immigration, police departments and military. Three men who take decisions on matters related to immigration are all Dinka. These men decide whether one should leave and be granted an entry to South Sudan or not. They decide would smuggle money out without being check.
This madness doesn’t stop there! All seven men who runs police department are all Dinka. They decideon matters regarding killing together with security apparatus. These people decide who should be beat up, left to dieor thrown behind bars without due process. Is this really your South Sudan you are made to believe or you envisioned?
Last not least is the military. You know it and I need not to tell you anything about its operations and do on the daily basis.One thing to note though, you have seen Mr. Malaak Ayuen and Mr. Philip Aguer talking to you in Dinka dialect on supposed South Sudan national Television as if all South Sudanese are Dinka. What do you make of this?
I hope I jerked your memories andif you are a sane being, I am certain that you will revisit your elusive perceptions about South Sudan state of affairs. I left that you to decide.
Way forward
Despite all these inconveniences, sadly, some Dinka are not satisfied. They still think they can kill and grab other peoples’ lands as they pleased. Besides, good to note that some Dinka are also victims too. Those who spokethe truth and against self-driven hatred were either killed or exiled for good. Some Dinka communities have been marginalized too and told to shut up or else.
It’s sad to mention that fools have managed to drive South Sudan into abyss and divided it along tribal lines. However, the painful truth is, their system is set up to fail. My message to all of youis time has come for meaningful change. Your staying on the sidelines is not helping or shaping your long term survival or our survival as a nation. We must collectively grasp this opportunistic time to ensure better change.
Let the Nuer’s spilled blood bring down forces of tyranny because you will be next if you do not act now. Let’s demand a collective change and we shall collectively establish a platform where no single tribe in South Sudan has an upper hand over than others. Embrace a platform where no one deserves maltreatment or subjected to mistreatment. An environment where no single tribe isa bully,subjecting smaller tribes to unnecessary marginalization. A nation where smaller tribes shall have the same says as big ones.
A nation where killers are called by their rightful names and made to accept that the Nuer massacre in Juba rather than boring us with irrelevant rhetoric that some Dinka were also killed too in Bor, Akobo, Bentiu and Malakal, yet we are all aware that these and if any, werere sultant of the Nuer Juba massacre.
J. Nguen is a South Sudanese living in Canada. He can be reached at [email protected]