April 2, 2014 (SSNA) — To be drunk with power is one thing. And to be drunk with alcohol is another thing. But to be drunk by both is completely in a class of its own.
Think about the above opening statement to this article and think about President Salva Kiir and his leadership styles. Then think about the degree of misery this intoxicated leadership and its followers of dinkocrats have plunged the nascent country into.
For sure President Salva Kiir Mayardit should end up in the Hague since all his fake witnesses have one after the other failed to provide any evidence to support the president’s allegations of the so-called coup attempt to overthrow his "rotten to core" dinkocratic government.
How much proof is needed to label this government as a government of liars when its own Military Intelligence chief accepts in front of the court that he has nothing to link any of the accused persons to the claimed December 15, 2013 coup attempt?
Again is it not enough proof that the coup was purely president Kiir’s own imaginations after his staunch supporter and tribesman who doubles also as the dinkocratic government’s minister of Interior, turns down the request from the court to witness against the so-called coup plotters?
A lay man like myself does not need a law degree to see the flaws in the Kiir and Wani -imaginary coup that was about to take in the world’s newest country.
President Salva Kiir has for a long time been suffering nightmares in his sleep as a consequence of his heavy drinking habit and political worries both of which are triggered by his poor leadership performance and record.
It has since long became everyone’s knowledge that the embattled president once suffered a nightmare where he saw himself being strangled to death by his late boss, the SPLA/M founder, Dr John Garang de Mabior.
This iconic figure of Sudan and South Sudan politics who mysterious died a plane crash nearly a decade ago must obviously disapprove of his successor’s leadership if he were to come back from the world of the dead.
The case in point here is how president Museveni of Uganda quickly moved in and pocketed Salva Kiir’s pathetic presidency we all know that it was his chopper that carried the great man to the world of the dead as it crashed over the mountain ranges between Uganda and South sudan killing everyone on board.
Following this superstitious encounter with late Garang’s ghost as claimed by what is now a paranoid president , Salva Kiir went on to force his entire cabinet into not only believe that he indeed involved in a practical and struggle with late Dr. John Garang’s ghost.
He also made them embrace the weird view which suggests that the superstitiously interpreted nightmares are indeed the work of his rivals and other anti government groups who want to unseat him from the presidential driving seat, and that there intended outcomes can equally be superstitiously mitigated as well.
What followed this crazy nightmare was an equally crazy government judgment and reaction, to say the least.
Tax payers money ( preferably referred to as Oil money, as all paid tax monies end in the collectors pockets) probably in the ranges of a couple of millions of dollars were misused to contract traditional Dinka witchcraft’s priests and other agents of the Satanic world.
These fellows went on for weeks performing every witchcraft in the book with the aim of protecting a president who is obviously suffering from" Delirium tremens".
To this point all sorts of unthinkable and often unnecessary superstitious masquerades have been allowed and performed at the late leader’s burial ground, commonly referred to as Dr. Garang’s mausoleum in Juba under the State House’s directives.
If that is how this paranoid president responds to a nightmare possibly triggered by alcoholic delirium, it shouldn’t then surprise anyone to see him over reacting to yet another one that threatens to dislodge him from power. We are talking here about how sweet power can become.
However a nightmare then followed by real targeted kills, in fact an ethnic cleansing is no more a mere nightmare. This has gone to abuse other p’s rights to life. Thousands of them he ordered killed in his capacity as the country’s commander in chief (C-in-C).
The central argument here is, although Salva Kiir’s claims of a failed coup attempt is purely based on what he imagined in his sleep, his actions that followed were real and true. In simple terms it can be summed up as follows: “The claimed coup cannot be proved, but the target killings of Nuer civilians in Juba can be proved”.
Based on the above deduction Pagan Amum Akeich and other three comrades must be immediately set free.
The next step while the released detainees including the Group of 4, work with their lawyers to file their case against the dinkocracy regime and request for compensation, the international community should immediately start the indictment procedures against everyone involved in the target mass killings that begun in Juba and spread to other parts of South Sudan.
Dr. Justin Ambago Ramba is a concerned citizen and a voice for the voiceless. He can be reached at [email protected].