![[NCDS-USA, Inc]](http://www.southsudannewsagency.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/aaaa-NCDS-USA%284%29.jpg)
United States, April 23, 2014 (SSNA) — We, the Nuer Community in the USA express our strongest condemnation of the recent brutal attack and killing of the innocent Nuer people in the UNMISS camp in Bor. The barbaric military apparatus supported the dictator regime which waged a vicious war planning to eliminate the popular will of the Nuer People. We condemned the strongest terms possible the ruthless massacre in Bor by Kiir Mayadit’s brutal butchers.
Brutal regime of Kiir Mayardit has waged several attacks against Nuer people since the war erupted in mid-December 2013.The first killing was carried out by the savage forces of Doot ku beny ordered by Kiir Mayardit. But, he was a wolf in a sheep’s skin and charlatan who was manipulating and undermining the unity among the citizens of South Sudan at which he would not succeed.
Kiir Mayardit in Mid-December started killing indiscriminately civilian innocent children, women and men and destroyed their homes and businesses. Confirmed reports by eye-witness on the ground in Juba that over 17,000 women and men including children have been massacred.
The citizens and particularly women, children and elderly men have fled the city to save their lives. There are thousands of Nuer people who are displaced and are deprived of their right to live in their homes. Others are hiding in fear in bush and cut off from all life-lines. Children are starving and dying in this general havoc that gripped the Nuer people. One of the shocking behaviors of Kiir’s forces was the random killing of innocent men, women and children. Those children, women and men who were killed by Kiir’s brutal regime had taken no part in the political struggle between President Salva Kiir Mayardit and Dr. Riek Machar Teny.
But the terrorists, far from being ashamed of their act, were proud of this massacre and claimed victory while their media are publicizing these malicious, evil and inhuman acts. The Nuer people are horrified by the brutal deeds of Kiir’s forces. In light of these savage attacks, one cannot but wonder why the Kiir Mayardit’s government is reticent about this bitter and frightening reality. The world notes reports of the ruthless attacks on innocent civilians and we condemn these acts perpetrated by brutal butchers. We also condemned the Nuer army Generals, Ministers, and Governors who are still serving Kiir Mayardit’s government which kills their own people and praise him for his genocide against Nuer.
The killing of innocent people of Nuer by Kiir’s notorious forces are in contravention and contrary to the principles of peaceful co-existence between the two tribes (Nuer and Dinka) and should be halted. We refuse to tolerate Kiir’s thuggish brutality against our people and vowed to defend our people and the fundamental human dignity of our people. Nuer people all across the world have raised the strongest voices, condemnation and are mourning the tragic loss of these innocent civilians massacred by Kiir’s forces in Bor.
We believe that the forces of Kiir’s terrorist attacks can do nothing to derail the Nuer people’s future in South Sudan. Further, the attacks and mass killings of Kiir’s forces is a miscalculation of Nuers’ power and raised the chance that must lead to a revenge and all-out war between the two tribes (Nuer and Dinka). From now on, the Nuer Community is taking all conceivable measures to provide utmost protection and defense Nuer people.
Lastly, we urge the UNMISS in South Sudan to relocate all the IDPS to their villages, Payams, and Counties in South Sudan.
Office of Nuer Community in USA.