September 16, 2014 (SSNA) — By her most recent move, IGAD has formally declared war on the South Sudanese people. IGAD has set in place the pretexts and justification of joining Museveni in his genocidal quest not only against the Nuer people in particular, but every single South Sudanese ethnic groups, including the Dinka people who have fallen victims to Kiir criminal machinery except for his inner clan mates.
IGAD essentially seeks to impose Kiir on South Sudanese by doing so:
A) IGAD is imposing a leader who has failed the last 10 years to unify the 64 tribes of south Sudan under his leadership making him the divider in Chief and a figure of disunity, but also he choose to lead a group of Robbers who have stolen from the nation’s treasury, he at least know 75 of them, he has their names on his desk and sat on it. IGAD wants more of the same, could it be because, these thieves invest the stolen moneys in IGAD member states such as; Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia etc., building houses and sending our stolen money for their wives and Children in these IGAD countries? It is common knowledge that the thieves favor these IGAD countries for money hideaways, thus making the IGAD countries beneficiaries of thieveries at the expenses and blood of the South Sudanese People.
B) IGAD is imposing a tribal imperialist who oversees the largest land grabbing in the history of South Sudan, by seeding his tribe all over South Sudan in other ethnic groups’ ancestral lands, with the approval of the tribally written interim constitutions design to protect his tribal interest and power at the expense of the remaining 63 tribes of south Sudan.
C) IGAD is imposing a warlord, making him the chief, war and unrest, instigator in the nation, paid by national money. Kiir recruited 15000 of his clansmen for the sole purpose of ethnic cleansing against the Nuer ethnic group with clear messages to the rest.
D) IGAD is imposing a liar on the South Sudanese people, making him the liar in Chief. Kiir desire to assassinate his political opponents chiefly Dr. Riek Machar, in the process he lied and unleashed his illegal militia, in Juba, killing by conservative estimates more than 3500 Nuer women and Children on the nights of 15-19 December 2013. Juba had never before, in her history, seen this many deaths of fellow countrymen in the hands of her own sons! Now as we know and the whole world acknowledges, including Musseveni himself, THERE WAS NO COUP ATTEMPT IN SOUTH SUDAN!! If this were the case then what was it? It was a criminal, genocidal political maneuver and ethnic cleansing by Kiir’s very own engineering, because the militia was his idea meant and put in place for this very purpose and the goals achieved in Juba for which Kiir has become criminal and should go to The Hague not remain in power.
E) IGAD is imposing a genocidal president on the South Sudanese people, making him the murderer in chief. As stated above, Kiir killed more than 20,000 fellow citizens during the course of the war in Juba, and other cities and villages across South Sudan. Kiir is using the state power and national resources and international coalitions with the blessings of IGAD to wage a tribal genocidal war against the Nuer, we must not loose sight of this fact; at the other end of Kiir’s and his coalition’s gun is a single tribe, the Nuer tribe, and the traditional thorn in the side of Kiir’s tribesmen. Kiir’s is carrying out ethnic cleansing in the cover of fighting rebels. It is Rwanda in actions in 2014, with IGAD’s and Troik nations’ blessings! Let us look at this critically; if you agreed, Kiir armed 15000 militiamen from his clans to later commit crime against the citizens, and if you agreed Kiir lied and fabricated unfounded coup attempt by Riek and later it is proven there was no Coup attempt against him, and if you agreed that Kiir’s Militia initiated the current genocide and killed more than 3500 innocent Nuer civilian in Juba in the nights of 15-19 December 2013, while in fact those he accused initially of Coup came from many tribes, then you must agree that this war is Rwanda in action and it is an ethnic cleansing of a single tribe the Nuer people and IGAD is helping him achieve it!
Kiir has defied the call for just peace despite rampage death of fellow citizens, could this be because of, how can we forget when he declared, “This power I have belongs to you and they want to take it away, will you allow them?” and now we know it was Nuer he was referring to and how he is keeping the Dinka power by killing off the Nuer in pretext of fighting rebellions which was of his making because of his lies and desire to cling to power.
It must be highlighted that the Nuer never rebelled in the first place; the Nuer fought back and are fighting back an attempt of annihilations! The national and international army has been unleashed on them by Kiir. Without their abilities to fight back, they could have been wiped out! If there was anything that prevents further and greater genocide through out the Nuer land than in Juba, it was not Museveni’s UPDF which only made matters easy for Kiir and UPDF was and is partakers of his crime, but rather the Nuer’s ability to fight back in self-defense!
The fact that the white army, a civil defense forces, carried out revenge killings is to be blame on Kiir! Had Kiir not unleashed death but rather exercise the power bestowed on him by the people of south Sudan, including the Nuer people, to protect them as the leader of the nation, Then there was going to be no need for a civil defense forces to take up arms, but he Kiir sought to achieved his evil plans by killing the Nuer people who never revolted against him to begin with, the quarrel was within SPLA ruling party, this has nothing to do with Nuer as it has got nothing to do with the other 63 tribes of south Sudan. This being the case, how can the Nuer achieve peace and healing as long as Kiir remains in Power?
IGAD has added insult to this wound by imposing Kiir on South Sudan.
Kiir’s government has used and is still using the state and national resources to Lobby the world and buy out some of these IGAD leaders to keep him in power. He uses the argument that Dr. Riek Machar is unstable and unreliable because of his fights against Garang’s Dictatorship in favor of a separate South Sudan and a crime committed by the white army not Riek’s forces, in 1991.
Riek apologized for this crime not because he gave the order for the killings against Dinka Bor, but rather as the head of those in armed conflict against Garang, for the sake of peace, unity and healing. Riek never was the head of the civil defense the so-called white army. The White army has always been a headless civil defense forces that come together whenever there is a threat to the Existence of the Nuer people, where absolute governmental security vacuum exist or failed to protect them. Due to this, Kiir’s worshipers argue that if Machar comes to power he will commit genocide like in 1991; this is how they garnered the American Support as well as Uganda’s boots on the ground. This is their selling point! IGAD now swallowed it! This yet is another lie well sold, contrary to the coup; most world bodies have bought into this one! Thus the only thing that function well in Juba is the propaganda machinery!
If we found it easy to accept Juba’s selling points regarding Riek Machar, How about Kiir and his Presidential guards, assembled by him, killing >3500 Nuer at onset of this conflict and Juba say was without the presidents order how comes we found it hard to believe the Nuer civil defense forces takes no order from anyone but themselves for the 1991 Bor Killings! What a double standards!
Well IGAD, your man Mr. Kiir by this same argument he uses against Dr Riek Machar, he Kiir is not fit to remain in the presidency! He is minimally educated, inept leader, a thieve, a warlord, a tribalist, habitual liar, power hungry and a criminal ethnic cleanser, he has innocent blood in his hands! His sin is worse than any of Dr.Riek Machar’s, which the Dinka people only know!
In 1991, Machar held no elected position, neither the constitutional obligations, nor control over the White army to protect fellow citizen as Kiir now has! Kiir beyond doubt has committed untold crimes against the people who brought him to power, no match to any crime committed by Machar in 1991. Kiir, therefore is a criminal who has lied and his lie has caused the death of thousands of his fellowmen, of all tribes not just Nuer. He unleashed unnecessary death, by his lies and power hunger on our Soldiers from both sides of the conflict; he is the author of this war and death! I do not recall the last time Machar ran havocked all over south Sudan causing death from Nassir to Nimule and from Kapoeta to Wau. there are tombs and skeletal remains all over South Sudan from Kirr’s actions something Riek Machar has not done! And now IGAD wants to impose this criminal on us?
I urge all South Sudanese to boycott IGAD and look somewhere else for salvation but at the same time get ready to fight IGAD should they join Museveni to deploy their forces of death in our sovereign land simply to keep their co- dictator and criminal Kiir in power to solely benefit them not us.
IGAD may be able to force the guns to fall silent, which I doubt, if the history of South Sudan is my witness and even if they miraculously caused the guns to be silent, they will never achieve peace in South Sudan as long as they keep Kiir in Juba presiding over the survivors and relatives of his ethnic cleansing. What South Sudanese needs more than gun silence and more even than peace is healing and healing is not possible as long as Kiir remains in power and at large.
Without Justice there is neither Peace nor healing! Healing which we need most shall never take place in South Sudan as long as the one who inflicted the injuries remain sited on the people’s neck. It is like asking a rape victim to remain married to her tormentor else shall face force! That is the message IGAD is sending and by asking the impossible from us, the South Sudanese people, IGAD has declared war on us, has taken sides and fellow Countrymen, we are on our own, be prepared for another long ride to liberations!
"He who maintains silence in the face of massacre is a murderer himself."
Dr Peter Kopling Josep, MD, lives in the Republic of South Sudan. He can be reached at [email protected].