Washington, DC, October 10, 2014 (SSNA) — In recent interviews he gave to various press houses including the British Broadcasting Service (BBC), the Spokesman of the Government of South Sudan, Mr. Michael Makuei Lueth, expressed loss of faith in the Ambassador Seyoum Mesfin and his colleagues. He further demanded that the ongoing peace talks should be transferred to another country. Mr. Lueth also accused the Troika (USA, Britain and Norway) for harboring a secret agenda for regime change in South Sudan.
The Alliance for South Sudanese in the Diaspora (ASSD):
1. Strongly condemns the conduct of South Sudan government as expressed by its Spokesman Mr. Michael Makuei Lueth for making unnecessary and frivolous demands to delay the peace process currently based in Ethiopia. The conduct of the Government of South Sudan is a deliberate attempt at delaying the peace process as it prepares for the dry season offensive against its armed opposition. This will not only lead to unnecessary loss of lives, but will exacerbate the already dire humanitarian crisis in the country.
2. Louds the Troika countries (USA, UK and Norway) for their tireless and continued efforts to support the search for genuine and sustainable peace in South Sudan because without their support the peace talks would not have made it this far. The government of South Sudan does not need to be reminded that it was the same Troika countries it is now accusing of ulterior motives which played a crucial role in the success of the comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in 2005 which finally brought peace to the country.
3. Expresses confidence in the current IGAD-led peace process and the leadership of Ambassador Seyoum Mesfin, but continues to express its reservations on the Protocol on Agreed Principles on Transitional Arrangement which the government of South Sudan now wants to exploit in order to delay and derail the peace process.
4. Calls upon the leadership of various political parties in South Sudan, civic and religious organizations to rally around the common agenda for peace in the country.
5. Urges the United Nations, the Troika countries, the IGAD, well-wishers and friends of the people of South Sudan to double their efforts in search for a genuine, permanent, comprehensive, and sustainable peace in the country and exert pressure on any party to peace talks which obstructs the peace process.
About ASSD: ASSD is an umbrella organization for South Sudanese organizations and individuals advocating for peace, freedom, democracy, human rights, good governance and development in South Sudan