Peace talks in Sudan collapse, opposition members detained

Darfur News Update by Radio Dabanga (3 – 9 December)

December 9, 2014 (SSNA) — The peace negotiations on South Kordofan and Blue Nile states between the Sudanese government and the rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, were suspended on Monday. The adjournment for an indefinite time happened four days after the peace talks on the Darfur conflict were suspended. The Darfuri Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and Sudan Liberation Movement led by Minni Minawi (SLM-MM) and the government also reached an impasse. In both negotiation tracks, the government delegations insisted on restricting the talks to reaching a cease-fire in the region, while the rebel parties sought more comprehensive agreements, including solutions for the issues of displacement. The head of the AU mediation team, Thabo Mbeki, decided to suspend the talks on Darfur after the UN Special Envoy for Sudan, Haile Menkerios, met with President Omar Al Bashir one week ago. Yasir Arman, Secretary-General of the SPLM-N, stated to Radio Dabanga from Addis Ababa that the next round may resume at the beginning of next year. 

Arman also called for the immediate release of Faroug Abu Eisa, head of the National Consensus Forces (NCF, a coalition of opposition parties), together with a consultant of the SPLM-N, and the chairman of the Sudanese Civil Society Initiative. They were arrested by Sudanese authorities after co-signing the ‘Sudan Call’ with opposition party NUP and the SRF rebel alliance in Addis Ababa on 3 December. The political declaration pledges to unite Sudan’s opposition forces to achieve a democratic transformation of Sudan.

Meanwhile, the fighting between the Sudanese army and SPLM-N forces continues in South Kordofan. The army reported to have repulsed an attack on Balinja, southwest of Kadugli, on Monday, and that it inflicted heavy losses on the rebels’ side. The military spokesman for the SPLM-N has claimed the opposite, after the army reportedly attacked the rebels.

Deadly attacks on Central Darfur camp continue

For more than a week, militiamen have been terrorising the displaced people living in a camp in Zalingei locality, Central Darfur, by killing people, firing over the camp for hours, and robbing camp residents. On Saturday, a committee of notables of Zalingei locality met with leaders of the Hamidiya camp for the displaced, in an attempt to relieve the camp of the attacks. That evening, however, a man was shot inside the camp. Two displaced men were shot dead the day before, in an attack on the market in the camp at 8 pm. Two others were abducted, the coordinator of the Zalingei camps reported to Radio Dabanga on Friday. Houses were raided and people robbed of their belongings. On 30 November, a 12-year-old girl collecting straw outside the camp was raped by two militiamen, a relative of the victim said. 

The coordinator explained that after the meeting between the native administration and the camp leaders one of the abducted camp residents was released. “Also a number of militiamen withdrew from around the camp”, where they had lingered. He still urged the UN-AU peacekeeping mission in Darfur to quickly intervene and protect Hamidiya, because the assaults continued. “On Saturday evening, three militiamen wearing military uniforms, stormed the camp’s Centre 8, and fired three bullets at an 18-year-old man […] again terrifying the people.”

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