December 13, 2014 (SSNA) — Bor district is a former administrative district in Jonglei State, South Sudan. The capital is known as Bortown, which had been divided into several districts, is now divided into counties and payams. Jonglei is a largest state in South Sudan nearly 11 counties in the country at large by side of the land and population. There are six tribes in Jonglei including Dinka Bor, Nuer-lou, Anyuak, Murle, Kachiepo, and Jie. It is a large state that doubling Unity State and Warrap State by side of the land.
In 2005 the Former Bor district was created three counties including Bor, Duk, and Twic during the preparation of independent of South Sudan. This is known as Greater Bor Community including 3 counties and 12 payams, which is a Greater Bor of Jonglei.
Twic County, Duk County, and Bor County known as Greater Bor in their own territory along the Nile River Bank from Horn of Chuei-Keer Buma to Horn of Chuei-Thon known as Duk-Padiet. The history of Greater Bor Community is known as Dinka-Bor is largely occupied the Nile territory of swam-land with no single hill in the area. Bor County itself has five Payams including Kolnyang Payam, Anyidi Payam, Makuach Payam, Baaidit Payam and Jalle Payam. Twic Countyhas five Payams including Lith Payam, Kongor Payam, NyuakPayam, Ajuong Payam, and PakeerPayam. Duk County has two Payams including Duk-Padiet and Duken known as Greater Bor Community in their living territory of Jonglei State. These counties and payams made up the Greater Bor Community that dominates the Jonglei State.
Within the Bor County there are two sections known as Gok and Athooc. The South of Bor County known as Gok including Kolnyang Payam, Anyidi Payam, and Makuach Payam. The North of Bor County known as Athooc including Baaidit Payam and Jalle Payam.
The Largest Payam in Jonglei State
Kolnyang is one of the largest payam within Jonglei State, evenly the whole South Sudan at large according referendum source of voting in 2011. Kolnyang is largely more overwhelmingly and congesting payam than other payams in South Sudan among 86-payams in entire nation. This is where some of the citizens were referring Kolnyang Payam should be county itself, rather than a payam in Bor territory. Kolnyang Payam is miss-represented in term of leaderships within the state of Jonglei. They are largely living from this distant from Jemeze-Town and until Malual- Chat near Bortown.
Kolnyang Payam is combination of two major branches of the communities known as (Juor-Hol and Juor-Mac) in Bor County. Juor-Hol is including Gualla, Adol, Jiir, Abang, and Thonye-ke Malual-Chat. Juor-Mac is including the sub-communities of (Chuei-Keer-Buma) Gol, Thonye-ke Pariak, Awan, Nyicak, Kuot, Pador, Mac-Ayil, Biong-ke-nai, and Nyara.
Chuei-Keer Buma of Bor County
Chuei-Keer Buma is located in Horn of Bor South sharing the border with Mundri of Central Equatoria and until Goi near Pan-pandier village. The members of Chuei-Keer Buma within Kolnyang Payam are voice their communities and the leaders of Jonglei to have their own payam in Bor County because of their populations, which makeup payam if there is no Kolnyang County of Bor. The issue and concern is population of Kolnyany Payam in Bor County is more double other payams need two payams, so that the leaders can work closely to their local peoples. Juor-Mac known as Chuei-Keer Buma was includes to Kolnyang Kot during the SPLA-Movement of taxation, but Chuei-Keer Kot was stand alone in many years in Borland.
In June 2012 Chuei-Keer Buma was exceeded total of 19,450 populations during election of their village leaders in South Sudan. The representatives of Bor County were said that if any sub village reaches the total of 3,000-4,000 must be represented by two leaders. So, in 2012 the election was conducted by local representatives of Chuei-Keer Buma and their total of populations was reached of 19,450. Some of Bor citizens were describes Chuei-Keer-Buma is supposed to be payam since day one, as many people knows that Chuei-Keer is a Buma of high population.
Chuei-Keer Buma has sub villages along the Nile River Bank from Bang-Achurot, Malou, Anuet, Pan-wiel, Dotwong/Yolthar, Pariak, and Goi along the Nile Bank and outward to Chuei-Keer territory of their old town. Chuei-Keer Buma is sharing the border with Mundri of Central Equatoria marking the Jemeze-Town as the border between the Bor and Mundri people.
The people of Chuei-Keer Buma are kindly appeal to Governor of Jonglei and Bor Commissioner to uphill this case of Chuei-Keer Payam that will make a different and will help the local people to make their own development. It is easy for local people to meet with their own leaders, than largely combination of biggest payam.
Matter of Resources
Chuei-Keer-Buma is applying the doctrines of Jesus Christ as it said, "Give to Chuei-Keer Buma what belongs to Chuei-Keer-Buma, and give to others what belongs to other payams." this message is completely amazed to people who thinking about the resources inadequate in the state or counties. It is pointless to say that there are no enough resources, while resources should be distribute according to populations in the areas. Resources are not the issue to keep Chuei-Keer Buma to have their own independent payam in Bor County. Some of Bor citizens were assuming that if there are more counties and payams will cause inadequate of resources. It is totally wrong. Bor people were confined themselves rather than create more accessible of leadership will help the local people in their living territory, as a demand of Chuei-Keer Buma.
Chuei-Keer Buma along with Greater Bor community is asking the leaders of Jonglei and the communities to implement Kolyang with two payams. There are no resources that even reach to local people, while some proclaims about resources as problem. Chuei-Keer Buma ideal to have payam because of the side of the population in the area.
The people of Chuei-Keer Buma are appeal and request the Governor of Jonglei and Bor Commissioner, to uplift this case to make two payams that will make a different and will help the local people to make their own development.
Petition Letter to Jonglei State, Bor County, Bor Leaders, and Bor Citizens:
1) Hon: Governor of Jonglei State
2) Hon: Deputy Governor of Jonglei State
3) Hon: Judiciary System of Jonglei State
4) Hon: Commissioners of Jonglei State
5) Hon: Commissioner of Bor County
6) Hon: Leaders of Bor Counties
7) Hon: Traditional leaders of Bor
8) Hon: Leaders of Kolnyang Payam
9) Hon: leaders of Faith in Jonglei
10) Hon: Chuei-Keer Buma Leaders
The Members of Chuei-Keer Buma in the Government of South Sudan
The Members of Chuei-Keer Buma in Government of South Sudan from civilian servant and military level. We are here to request your attention to lift up his structure of payam, so that the community will make a good leadership and good development. This will help our local people defend themselves in danger environment and enforce their own security without rely on top.
1. Hon: Machar Gai Agaau
2. Hon: Makeer Deng Mach
3. Hon: Majier Mayom Ngong
4. Hon: Ayom Mach Jok
5. Hon: Mabiei Nhial Mabiei
6. Hon: Mach Yout Mabiei
7. Hon: Deng Mabior Deng
8. Hon: Kor Kucha Thon
9. Hon: Thony Aret
10. Hon: Malith Manguek Nyok
11. Hon: Mawut Buk Deng
12. Hon: Deng Buk Deng
13. Hon: Mawut Maciek Kuot
14. Hon: Mach Jok Mach
15. Hon: Makeer Yout Mabiei
16. Hon: Chol Aciek Ngong
17. Hon: Moses Gol Mabior
18. Hon: Gai Ngang Achok
19. Hon: Woui Awar Lual
20. Hon: Ajak Aboul Mach
21. Hon: Majur Aderek Dautong
22. Hon: Chol Garang Nyok
23. Hon: Panchol Nyok Garang
24. Hon: Kuol Laul
25. Hon: Thon Aciek Mabiei
26. Hon: Thon Kucha Thon
27. Hon: Kang Mach Thon
Community Leaders of Chuei-Keer Buma
1. Gol: Marial Malil and Aguot Chol
2. Awan: Pandak Mach and Mach Kucha
3. Thonye: Manguek Thomam and Madol Mach
4. Nyicak Garang Athiek and Garang Manguek
5. Mach-ayil: Lual Teir and Deng Kurdit
6. Nyara: Kur Mareng and Makuch Arem
7. Biong: Tur Garang
Chuei-Keer Buma in Western Worlds
Gol in United States
1. Aciek Ayol Akol
2. Aguot Majok Aguot
3. Ayuen Awan Adet
4. Bior Garang Akon
5. Bol Ariem Jok
6. Bol Ariem Dut
7. Chol Majok Aguot
8. Deng Biar Deng
9. Dut Jok Acuoth
10. Garang Aciek Dut
11. Madit Makuach Borthok
12. Madit Ngong Anyieth
13. Majur Makor Gai
14. Makeer Madol Jok
15. Makoi Malual Makoi
16. Matiop Garang Nyok
17. Panther Ayuen Lual
18. Joh Lueth Chol
Gol in Canada
19. Yout Alier Nhial
Awan in United States
20. Ajak Jok Mach
21. Ajak Awar Lual
22. Ayuen Aciek Aguot
23. Akech Garang Aciek
24. Akol Riem Garang
25. Aluak Majok Akuch
26. Awar Ayuen Awar
27. Dit Majok Akuch
28. Dut Jok-Kuch Aguek
29. Jok Lol Jok
30. Joh Aderek Dautong
31. Kor Lukuach Malual
32. Madit Chola Garang
33. Mabil Beer Chol
34. Nyap Riem Garang
35. Panther Kuol Deng
36. Riak Deng Riak
37. Riak Mayen Joh
Awan in Canada
38. Aboui Maluak Deng
39. Athel Manyok Gai
40. Aciek Marial Deng
41. Ayor Sodit Gai
42. Dautong Athel Manyok
43. Maluak Athel Manyok
Awan in Australia
44. Ajok Kucha Mach
45. Gai Manyok Gai
46. Majak Aderek Dautong
47. Ayor Dot Reng
Nyicak in United States
48. Abeny Gai Mayen
49. Ajak Makeer Ajak
50. Anai Kelei Malith
51. Arem Mayom Ngong
52. Ayuiu Mach Dhol
53. Ayuen Aloh Dot
54. Ayol Joh Mayen
55. Ayuen Deng Anyang
56. Bior Mach Ngong
57. Bukdit Mawut Buk
58. Bukthii Mawut Buk
59. Deng Mayen Deng
60. Chuti Ngong Anyieth
61. Kon Gai Mayen
62. Kuer Bol Kuer
63. Leek Mach Dhol
64. Machol Mach Gai
65. Madol Mach Dhol
66. Malou Mach Thon
67. Manyok Aciek Mabiei
68. Mamer Nyok Abil
69. Ngor Anyieth Mayom
70. Thon Aloh Dot
71. Thuor Alier Ayom
72. Yai Makeer Ajak
73. Yout Mach Thon
Nyicak in Canada
74. Chol Dautong Agoot
75. Mabiei Mach Yout
76. Majur Dautong Agoot
Nyicak in Australia
77. Ayol Aboul Gai
78. Mabiei Nhial Mabiei
79. Mabior Kut Wai
80. Majok Alier Thon
81. Mading Jol Ahok
82. Madol Makeer Mabior
83. Mamer Jok Makuei
84. Nyok Alier Mabiei
Mach-ayil in United States
85. Ajak Akai Machot
86. Anyang Ateny Ngang
87. Jok Aguot Mach
88. Thon Ateny Ngang
Nyara in United States
89. Ajak Mabut Ajak
90. Ajak Malual Jok
91. Alier Majok Nyok
92. Bol Akon Nyou
93. Chol Dakbai Ngong
94. Mabut Malual Jok
95. Majok Deng Alier
96. Kuol Ding Deng
97. Nyap Malual Jok
98. Riakthii Akienym Riak
Nyara in Canada
99. Riakdit Akienym Riak
100. Deng Ngang Deng
Biong Ke Nai in United States
101. Deng Aluong Deng
102. Deng Nguncey Deng
103. Makeer Akau
104. Makeer Makuei
105. Angu Ayor Mading
106. Akech Majok Ngang
This is our pleasure to people of Jonglei State and Greater Bor Communities as we are informing them due to our overwhelming and overpopulating in South Sudan among the 86-payams. We are deeply making our request and honor to our leaders from the top to bottom of the Government of South Sudan to Buma level to do this as will of interest of the Chuei-Keer Buma to have their own payam.
This petition letter was prepared by sons and daughters of Abii Community of Chuei-Keer Buma.Thanks go these gentlemen for their contributions in this frame work. Majak Aderek Dautong, Bior Mach Ngong, Arem Mayom Ngong, Chol Dakbai Ngong, Jok Mach Aguot and Dut Jok Acuoth. We deeply thank all Jonglei citizens and entire South Sudanese in their leaderships.
Framed and inked by Manyok Mabiei