Canada, May 11, 2015 (SSNA) — The office of the SPLM/SPLA representative to Canada would like to take this opportunity to announce that there will be a public briefing on the Pagak SPLM/SPLM’s Leadership Conference held last Month in Pagak, South Sudan.
This briefing is scheduled for this coming Sunday, May 17th, 2015. The SPLM/A representative to Canada Comrade, Mr. Lual Mathok Wol and his counterpart, SPLM/A representative to the Republic of Brazil Comrade, Mr. James Mawich Bichok will be briefing the general public, particularly the SPLM/A’s members on the Pagak SPLM/A’s Leadership Conference.
Therefore, the following SPLM/SPLA’s offices in Canada are cordially invited to attend:
The second tier which is also invited to attend are:
Other stakeholders, including the general public, particularly, members of the SPLM/A’s Resistance Movement in the province of Alberta are kindly invited as well.
Should you have any question(s) or concern, please do not hesitate to contact us, the SPLM/A Canada’s office representative @ 1 306 261 9575.
Sincerely yours,