Nairobi/Juba, January 24, 2017 (SSNA) — Kenya has been accused of kidnapping two South Sudanese opposition figures for being vocal against South Sudan’s government, a senior rebel official told the South Sudan News Agency in Nairobi.
The official who asked not to be identified for fear of reprisal said Dong Samuel Luak and Aggrey Idri were kidnapped in two separate occasions. The source described the kidnapping as “well-coordinated,” adding Luak, a lawyer and activist, was picked up Monday evening at his house by Kenyan individuals who identified themselves to him as police officers and that Mr. Idri, who is the chairman of the SPLM-IO humanitarian affairs national committee, was picked up on the following morning (Tuesday).
The opposition official blasted Kenya for not upholding “international refugee law,” accusing Kenyan government of actively working on behalf of South Sudanese government to locate and kidnap any South Sudanese who opposes ‘Salva Kiir’s tyrannical regime’.
“We have overwhelming evidence that Kiir’s tyrannical regime pays some Kenyan MPs, I don’t think there is any doubt about that,” asserted the rebel official.
“So, the bribed Kenyan MPs covertly work with Kiir’s agents in Kenya to locate, kidnap, and deport any individual Juba sees a threat,” the source added. The armed opposition official demands an explanation from Kenya.
The official wonders why Kenya allows abduction of South Sudanese on her soil and accuses some Kenyan MPs of being known paid agents of Juba.
“We would like to know why Kenyan government allows her MPs to be on the payroll of a bloody regime while serving Kenyans at the same time. We would also like to know why Kenya is not protecting South Sudanese who fled the country because of the ongoing civil war,” protests, the rebel official.
In November 2016, Kenyan police abducted rebel Spokesman James Gatdet Dak and deported him to Juba.
The SPLM-IO official disclosed to the SSNA that Luak and Idri are now being held at a jail and refused to elaborate the further.
The South Sudan News Agency (SSNA) contacted Kenyan police but was told to contact the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) instead. The SSNA, however, cannot independently verify the authenticity of the abduction claims.
38 Comments. Leave new
Kenya must know that no condition is permanent, to day is mine and tomorrow is yours, remember there are also Kenyan everywhere.
Comment *south Sudanese should be the least to complain anything over Kenya least of it abduction. Innocent Kenyans in their hundreds have have died in the Sudanese soil, raped, Robbed, jailed by the people we helped and delivered from cruel hands of Sudan. We- Kenyans- have pampered, fed, hosted, offered best health care and education to a thankless, non caring, crooked people called southern Sudanese. The treatment Kenyans in southern Sudan go through can be likened to what Syrians go through in the hands of murderous ISIS. Kenyan govt has sovereign right to deport whoever and more so southern Sudanese who are threat to Kenyans. Keep it up G.O.K.
Comment * Southern Sudanese should be the least to complain over Kenya least of it abduction. What innocent Kenyans go through in southern Sudan makes us wonder, are these the same people we pampered, fed, gave them health care, sheltered, educated n created for them country of their own? They kill, maim, rape, steal n jail innocent hard working Kenyans in their soil. Kenyan govt has sovereign right to deport any foreigner n more so Southern Sudanese without explanation. keep it up G.O.K.
Kenyan should no that no condition is permanent
I would like to question the rebel leaders. Did you really read the United Nation article for a refugees. It seems you’re thinking things should be in the way you like.
Secondly,why would you want protection while you caused insecurity in your own country. Many innocent people are many killed everyday and you refuse any call for peace. I thing Kenya is right. You have to put your house in order . You will not be allowed to use Krenya as your hiding place. You have to made a strategic choice. You bring peace in your own country or you will not be welcomed in other people’s country. You love peace and security and protection while you deny millions of S. Sudanese peace, protection and security what hypocrites. Kenya should go ahead in arresting all the war mongers
Alex, you are either one of Kiir blind supporters or pne of those paid Kenyan Mps. Reik has nothing to do with the insecurity of S. Sudan. He was forced to go to Juba last year only to run for his life. So anyone who blame Riek ha sno case. If you want peace just say things that are for peace not what you have in your Kiir-like mind.
Kenyan remembered that you are doing business and seeking for work in my country South Sudan, wait for retaliation, we need nothing from Kenya. we can shut you out, enough is enough for now, fuck you.
Alex, you are either one of Kiir blind supporters or pne of those paid Kenyan Mps. Reik has nothing to do with the insecurity of S. Sudan. He was forced to go to Juba last year only to run for his life. So anyone who blame Riek ha sno case. If you want peace just say things that are for peace not what you have in your Kiir-like mind.
Kenyan government is a friend to South Sudan and he is always on the side to South Sudanese government because our friendship still maintains until Jesus comes.
So Kenyan government has right to deport all the rebels of South Sudan to Juba.
Comment *CURRENT kenyan rule is damaging it image and YET it is kenya country who fail IGAD. HURU should behave as he has gone to school.
may be kenya govt is in the payroll of kirr govt.i may suggest tit for tat.deal with the kenyans who are in s sudan for revenge.
Any one who lived in Kenya should know and understand how Kenyan are when it come to money. Do u remember when the Kenya police would take refuge out of buses women and children demanding that they pay money before they are allowed to proceed to their destination and in most cases to the refugee camps. Never trust them money hungry Swahilis. They have no virtues what so ever only money . Just look at president Barrack Hussein Obama . What has he accomplished as the leader of free world? Yes I its my pride as a black man to see a black person elected to the office of the presidency of the most powerful democracy in the world known for its unending and relentless humanitarian assistance across the world and it’s unwavering commitment to human rights and justice for all – giving voices and hope to many suppressed people all over the globe including us South Sudan. All that the we have envisioned and the United States and the world helped us realized in 2011 Barrack Hussein Obama throwed all that in garbage for being an indicisibe president thinking like a Swahili while while tyranny took hold a mass atrocities being committed on his watch and I hope the new president of the free world Donald J. Trump will leave no room or reservation for America commitment and responsibility to the world. The United States is the pillar of hope to many oppressed or the only thing close to that and it’s was a mistake for former president Obama to relinquish that leadership to bunch of lunatic evils who are engaged in mass killings of their own citizens. with out the United States leadership the world will be in more chaos like it was under Obama and president Trump must re position the United States of America on its its rightful place as the beacons and hope of humanity. we south Sudanese in opposition aspiring for peace, Liberty, and equal justice for all systems should never put our hope, lives and our very existence at the hands of these useless and money serving East African cause they have no regards to human lives only what goes in to their bellies. Long life the IO and long life South Sudan . God bless u all
It is election year in Kenya therefore the politicians in Kenya need easy money for bribing voters. That easy money obviously is from Kiir’s South Sudan that would do anything to maintain its tyrannical, brutal rule on the people of South Sudan. One thing is as a freedom fighter you should be conscious of your security. Do not venture our unnecessarily . Move in a group of people who can confront criminals who work for the brutal leaders of Juba.
South Sudan has no money.kindly note kenya is the power house of East Africa.so the issue of bribe Is irrelevant.Go to your country and make peace.South Sudan are suffering while you are fuelling war and leaving luxury here in Kenya.we will deport u.
I think there is nothing bad in jailing them; why did they leave there own country?
They deserved it,the so-called rebellion become like a disease.
You are a brain box man
Ruben Wala Sorry for Kenyan , u have forgot that equatoria is your immediate neighbors & next is upper Nile . fire can even cout ur house tomorrow where will u run my friends . put in your mind that s Sudan will be divided in to three countries weather kirr wants or not.
My friend you should know that those kenyans are receiving dollars for their slaughter are instead the south Sudanese’s human rights fighters. And you know that the ball is round.
They ran for their safety why do they make the polictics in the camp. I think kenyan are right because you cannot out from your country for political cases in the camp and i want kenyan to keep it up. When there is insecurity in neighboring country as yours where will you run?
This is very weird, Kenyan must not be given a sympathy anymore in all rebel control areas even with Juba or else where in south Sudan.
I think almost those who stayed in Kenya, might have known the dealing Kenyan are doing to non Kenyan, ransom is always done so that someones is freed from Kenyan police.
What Kenyan Goverment is doing is shameful and deserve condemination from all Human defenders.Internal disagreement of south sudanese cannot become private business of Kenyan Goverment-it shows Kenyanta goverment incapability in safeguarding and protecting legitimate refugés in line with international standards!
African dictators always support one another even if it means literally abducting, assassinating and lobying g internationally. We saw them supporting Omar el Bashir despite genocide cases against him. We saw them rally against ICC to protect Uhuru Kenyatta even as witnesses were intimidated into recanting their testimonies while others were eliminated and some disappeared without trace. It is sad but Africa is not a safe place for people with alternative ideologies to thone of the ruling clique.
African dictators always support one another even if it means literally abducting, assassinating and lobying g internationally. We saw them supporting Omar el Bashir despite genocide cases against him. We saw them rally against ICC to protect Uhuru Kenyatta even as witnesses were intimidated into recanting their testimonies while others were eliminated and some disappeared without trace. It is sad but Africa is not a safe place for people with alternative ideologies to those of the ruling clique.
I think the whole thing is a mess,lets wait for de regional force so that Dr.Rico returns home surely can make things right for de future of SS.
Rebellion has no rewards , no complains to those who join the rebellions for wealthy ,these crooks should be hunted down and dismantle and denied them access to public gathering we will leave no stone unturned in Kenya no where to hide this time ,back home we have prepared detention centres for all those criminals who branded themselves as rebels .
The mongers must not br allowed to enjoy while they make the lives of their fellow country men hell. These people should go bavk yo their country. They shoulf not be allowed to educate yheir children as they have denied education to millions of innocent S. Sudanese children. Their women mudt noy be allowed to enjoy while they made our womens widows. The women of the S. Sudanese leaders should also face raising vhilfren without their father being around to enable them to push their husbands to tslk language of peace. Kenya go ahead these people sre criminals.
They should all go because they spoke their home knowing that they have an alternative home that welcomes even Terrorists. They have been harassing us, I Being a victim staying there for four years. They have no humane and they don’t deserve it in return. One of the worst incident that happened to me was when I was on a South Sudanese boda boda going home, a private car Known
as ‘V8’ knocked us from behind. I was seriously beaten and told that this accident could not have occurred if you foreigner could not have come to this country. I was asked to pay the SMALL scratch on the V8 costing 900 USD I had to or I could rot in their nasty jail.
if you set your own house on fire and you run to your neighbor’s house ,that neighbor of yours will not feel safe until he makes sure you are out.
Kenyan are right..
they like to hide and fuel the war instead of preaching peace..
while innocent civilians suffer..
They beg a lot in the name of our people in order to pay their expensive rent’s homes in Nairobi and to pay their tickets to go back to the rebel’s areas in order to use poor youth to go and fight for their senseless rebellion.
Keep it up Kenyatta South sudannes are no better than animals the law only applies to foreigners but the locals go scout free imagine some officers checking a woman’s hand bag and if they find money or an expensive phone or a laptop they just take. The immigration department virtually steals from any foreigner coming into South Sudan. Kenyatta deport them all let them come n suffer with the ppl they have made suffer even Riek himself should be deported he is the many character in this movie. All South sudannes living in Kenya should go back to their country and Mark you Kenya is not at war we can go back to Kenya only that we know you can not do without foreigners bcoz you are all lazy depending on handouts from NGO s.
You are wrong my friend,in my opinion it is Kenyan nationals who had benefits from the so-called corrupt SPLM leaders because Kenyans themselves are also most corrupt human on earth. Everybody is a thief there.
I don’t know what word should i use to desrcribing Kiir’s suppoerters in relation to this inhuman act of kidnapping and assissinating of an innocents human rights activists at home since it begun in 2006-2017. Now those who fled Koir’s present and becomes refugees are being hunt down at the diaspoara! What an evil acts.
Moreover,this is redicluos indivdual and an evidence of selfish-ego.
Is very unfortute to seeing our African leaders have lost thier minds and embraciing materials much than brotherhood. Whoever intend to kill another African brother just for a material gains is fool for nothing and that’s not suppose to be a best way of developing Africa.
I think whoever turning a def ears to all this criminal act against humanity in South Sudan, will one day becme a victim and can finding herself/himself in shits.
Kenya acts too, used an informative decision and of course, South Sudan its hypocrisy regime is behind all this Kenyan motives of kidnapping activists and IOs officials.
You have the right to sue those who have taken money illegally from you because they are against law.
[…] to reports from within South Soudan, numerous SPLM-IO members are blaming Kenya for the kidnappings, insisting they were […]
Stop accusing Kenya for nothing, the very people to blame are those idiots who claim to be South Sudanese rebels. My message to the Kenyan authority, If you keep on deporting them, I hope the war in your neighbouring ,South Sudan will end soon. The very people whom you have detained and others hiding in Kenya and other African countries are the ones fueling the war. They need to be deported every single day one by one.
[…] November 2016. South Sudan government agents with help from some Kenyan police and officials also abducted Dong Samuel Luak and Aggrey Idri early this […]