Nairobi, February 4, 2017 (SSNA) — The Egyptian government has denied reports that it carried out deadly airstrikes on South Sudanese rebel outposts in Upper Nile.
The armed opposition said Egypt’s response is a part of a coordinated lie and warned of “another Syria in the making.”
On Friday, the Sudan People’s Liberation Army-In Opposition (SPLA-IO) accused Egypt of carrying out air attacks on its bases in Kaka town, adding that Egyptian warplanes dropped at least nine bombs and explosions on its bases.
Egypt simply responded to the allegations, declaring that Cairo doesn’t involve in other countries’ internal issues.
“Egypt does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries,” Egypt’s foreign ministry spokesman, Ahmed Abu Zeid, said.
Meanwhile, South Sudan presidential spokesman Ateny Wek Ateny claimed that his government cannot bomb what he described as “small pockets of rebels are…operating inside our population and we cannot bomb our own population.”
Coordinated Lies
However, South Sudanese rebels blasted Juba and Cairo responses, saying the governments of Egypt and South Sudan are simply trying to feed the world with their “coordinated lies.”
“The responses we received from Egypt and South Sudan after they killed innocent people in Upper Nile are just clear signs of a campaign of coordinated lies,” Abraham G., a rebel figure who demanded his real name be protected for fear of reprisal told the South Sudan News Agency in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi.
“Kampala managed to baptize Cairo last year, so you go figure out the rest,” Abraham G. asserted.
A senior rebel official said the African Union (AU), United Nations, and the internal community should be the ones leading the peace process in South Sudan instead of IGAD, warning “another Syria in the making.”
The SPLM/A-IO has in the past expressed concerns over Cairo close ties to Kampala.
16 Comments. Leave new
Dr.Reik Machar needs to rethink. I am not well educated nor in that government. Leave us in peace.
South Sudan is a part of Natural World.
Rebels are lying. The Egyptians are never involved in South Sudanese conflict. The Egyptians have tremendous precision jet fighters,well fitted with state of the art high resolution infrared cameras and other technologies, hence making them capable of hitting the right Targets. Such jets just don’t drop bombs that caused damage to people like innocent civilians as the rebel spokesman said but fire guided air-to-surface missiles from their rocket launchers which take out enemy’s targets such as soldiers, communication unit, stores, and vehicles without causing any collateral damage to people like civilians. They rebels are lucky that they are not dealing with a powerful country like Egypt. Otherwise they wouldn’t stand a month.
haha 1 month you talk foolishy egypt is nothing io have to worry about, we’ll defeat them like we defeated uganda and then we’ll get kiir
Naath, you are sleeping. Ugandan air force isn’t comparable to Egyptians in terms of superiority. Ugandan air force is outdated. Egyptians took on the mighty Israelis who have now iron domes that shoot down Amass rockets to protect themselves. Please YouTube up arab – Israeli war, you will be surprised of Egyptian capabilities, living your Naath might out of contest.
Nuers have never colonised any one Sudanese tribe now or in the past. When I say Sudanese as above, it includes others in the South which is presently South Sudan where you and your Nuer tribe belong. Naath or Nuers plus other Sudanese were colonised by Egyptians and I wonder where you and your mighty Nuers were when all Sudanese including Dinkas, Equatorians, Shilluks and Arabs were under Egyptian condominium. Ismail Azaar and his Arab people are the only respected and sung heroes who brought the independence of Sudan. Naath, please accept the historical facts that Egyptians were your colonial masters and can still make your nose and mouth bleed in this 21st century if it wasn’t fake they were involved.
I just sympathize with this Bala Man. What do you mean by saying bombs targeting soldiers only???????? I need to inform you that there is no accurate bullet, no accurate target and base. Do u remember the proverb that says “When two Elephants fight, the grass suffers”? who are the grass? How can you man be blinded to see this fact? Is it the Dollar or the Job/Position that you are saying these things? Sorry for people like u who joys in other peoples suffering. I neither support nor encourages killings or rebellion but a concerned about the suffering of the people of south Sudan.
It is a fact that some bombings are selective. This is true when no prejudice is involved against all human beings but only known enemy. When there is no need for distinction, the actions of bombings can be done without discriminations – a prejudice to civilians, of course. It might be not the intentions of the directives given to pilots to carry out such things but capabilities of warbirds they possess in commission to conduct such campaigns or sorties in relation to their skill competencies.
Why need Egyptan needs to interfer? Such kinds of proxy war already terminated before 20century. Now every solution comes on round table. if not we know the result of syrie. So, the egyptan needs to cooprate to use the Nile rever based on international agremment & common undersatnding. Every Egyptian leading government use this Nile rever as a bomb to lead their ppl. If they dont use it as a propoganda they have no ways to asure their ppl usung other option rater than it. So, damaging other country to get what demands not fair. So, let us leave the ppl of south sudanse to solve their proble by themselves. Since world got good lessone from Syria. Because of Americans & Rassian one country tatally damged the country infrastructue which was build by syriean ancent family of the current generation. Who compenset this ? So, as the offical lie interfiring on other country not good. So, pls leave this nations to allow them to live by their resoures. The ppl of south sudan are die without hope but if they access their resorce they can live other ppl nation like western. So don’t lie & leave the south sudanes nation.
Just take some pictures from the fragments of the bomb and put it online!
Facts will speak clear and loud, I think.
Africans are so dumb and greedy. Why is Museveni of Uganda and Kiir of South Sudan so naive to ally with Egypt led by a tyrnat greedy Sisi? Is it bad for Ethiopia to develop a dam that will benefit all it the region? Museveni wants a naive puppet like Kiir so that they can loot South Sudan together.
Comment * Eyptian are not goverment of war but for development
I am a men from Oromia, Ethiopia. We have struggled for many years to have our rights respected. For many years many of our people killed, arrested and driven our of theri country to suffer in Egypt, Sudan Kenya and in all other other African and Arab countries. Now it is time for us when we get such help from brotherly people of Uganda, South Sudan and Egypt that we reclaim our humanity. Thank you friends. We will pay back from a golden relationship, love and respect from the next centuries relationship we are going to develop. Please also think of helping us individually, help our people and community in your country. Please stand with us fast fighting injustice in Ethiopia. Thank you.
Egyptian they are not good people you can make a deal with Egypt, they killed many African with cold blood in their country also they were the one pushing all black African toward Southern and eastern part of Africa they always claiming to be Arabs as well, they are not proud to be African, how can you trust them? they don’t even know claiming to be Middle Easterner its shame for them, Sudi Arab is middle how can you claim to be somewhere you don’t even existing there!? Americans came from Europe and they were proud to be American they are not claiming that America is land of Europe, I am so sick about Egyptian they need to leave Africa land and move back to Middle East if they don’t like the Geographical location.
Was it the aircraft that sometimes bomb the SPLA-N… That IL-28? Only Egypt has those… Or are they loaned to the Sudanese?
George, those are not Il- 28 but Chinese Pandas which sense the SPLM/A-North many kilometres or miles away, based on their radar and from where their cacophonous gunshots come. The Sudanese government bought them from China with oil wealth.