By Peter Gai Manyuon
April 26, 2017 (SSNA) — Comparatively, the combination of parasites, pests, bedbugs and suspicion within Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) leadership caused this man-made crisis that killed thousands and displaced civilians to refugee’s camps in different parts of the world.
On another hand, the absence of good governance, the extermination of a certain ethnicity, weak Institutions, serious corruption, the building of dynasty by Jieng Council of Elders (JCE) and the inability of sharing equal opportunities and much more caused this crisis. What do you think?
What will be the solution to this crisis?
Obviously, the current geopolitical measurement or proportion of the war especially in greater Equatoria, greater Upper Nile, and Wau in Bahr-el gazal at moment is a justification for regime change. Even though political leaders will try to re-negotiate or remediating the peace process, still nothing will materialize if necessary measures are not identified. Those hoping for peace this year should wait up to early 2018 because the current twist of war doesn’t require another Addis-Ababa.
However much, other assumed, the national dialogue constituted early this year in Juba might work or bring peace to the people but to my understanding, it’s just a waste of time and resources that should have been used for developmental projects in the country like the building of Roads, Hospitals, and schools. The current political atmosphere and economic despondency in the Country don’t require another political dialogue now, either International Monetary fund’s (IMF) or World Bank (WB) support but rather, Kiir should just step aside peacefully and allow a government of technocrats to organize a general census and organizes elections country-wide.
Hence, economic recovery, reconciliations or transitional justice mechanisms can only be addressed by any new leadership since the current individualistic government is sabotaging the establishment of the hybrid court as stipulated in the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan.
What will be the future for South Sudanese?
Currently, South Sudan is at the stage of disintegrations and sectarian politics is now the driving force since most Leaders in South Sudan only aims for building bellies not the future of South Sudanese. In a long process, the Country might or will disintegrate into three Republics unless otherwise, good mechanisms are put in place by the world, region and South Sudanese particularly.
Nevertheless, most of the international community admitted that indeed, there is already genocide committed in the Country starting from 2013, 2014, 2015 and the most recent in 2017 against Acholi of Parjok, Fertits of Wau respectively. However, the burning issue now is the hybrid court that is mandated to question those who committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and Genocide in South Sudan but leaders are not willing for the court establishment. What do we do?
In summary, as the conflict continues, many families are still displaced from their homes by the government on assumption of fighting insurgencies in the country which is not the case. In 2013, 2014 and 2015, the war was mainly between the Nuer and Dinka but currently, all over South Sudan (three regions) are experiencing a serious inter-tribal fighting’s that might not be controlled soon unless prophetic miracle.
In conclusion, this political conflict compounded by economic melancholy currently, famine, drought, and the ongoing killings of civilians in Wau, parjok as well greater Lou-Nuer areas will only be address through “specific approaches” by all the parties. Peaceful stepping down of Kiir Mayardiit will bring permanent peace in South Sudan as well East Africa Region.
The Author is Investigative Independent Journalist and Columnist who has written extensively on issues of Democracy and Human Rights in South Sudan. He is currently researching on the Propaganda and conflict in South Sudan. Reachable on [email protected]
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