Pagak/Kampala, June 3, 2017 (SSNA) — In what has been described as a “controversial move,” the South Sudanese main rebel movement (SPLM/A-IO) under the leadership of Dr. Riek Machar has criticized some European countries, saying, “Some first world nations with third world mentality have been supplying Juba’s genocidal regime with deadly weapons.”
The armed opposition also blasted Egypt, asserting, “Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is now a sworn brother of M7.” The SSNA is aware that “M7” is an assertive portrayal of the current Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni when he was a rebel leader.
The accusation comes months after the United Nations and some international arms control groups exposed Ukraine as one of the main suppliers of weapons and ammunition to South Sudanese government.
Documents leaked to the South Sudan News Agency by a United Nations diplomatic source revealed that UN and some Westerns countries were fully aware of Uganda’s involvement in the scheme. The source alleged that Former US President Barack Obama refused to act, allowing Kampala to “fly freely over Washington.”
“To make the story short, Former American leader (President Barack Obama] basically allowed Ugandan President to fly freely over Washington,” the UN source alleged.
The assertion, according to two South Sudanese legal analysts, shows how Ugandan President Museveni managed to deceive Western countries.
“When we come to South Sudan civil war, the West under Obama was technically a sworn supporter of Museveni. They accept anything Museveni tells them,” one legal analyst told the South Sudan News Agency.
“All the major European leaders [UK, Germany, and France] were not convinced by Obama’s foreign policy towards South Sudan, but they decided to accept US foreign policy on South Sudan,” the source added.
The documents also show that a central European country fighter jet pilot who has been identified as “Tibor Czingali,” deliberately bombs the armed opposition outposts. Czingali is believed to be operating in the northern Ugandan city of Gulu, according to the documents.
“Ukraine is fairly a first world nation with a third world mentality,” SPLA-IO’s Maj. General, Khor Chuol Giet told the South Sudan News Agency in Pagak.
The documents also indicated that Kiev managed to supply Juba with modern weapons and ammunition with help from Kampala.
“…, 3,000 S8 rockets for Russian-made Mi-24 attack helicopters, 5,000 rounds of T-55 tank ammunition, 12,000 RPG-7 rounds, 30 T-55 tanks, 20 ZU-23 anti-aircraft weapons, 10,000 122-mm M21OF rockets, 20 million rounds of 7.62X39mm ammunition, 50, 000 AK-47 assault rifles, and 10 BM-21 “Grad” rocket systems,” were delivered to Juba through Kampala’s help, the documents claim.
James Moises, a Former Ugandan intelligence officer who has been widely credited for exposing Kampala-juba’s secrets dismissed the news as “too old,” suggesting that the world should wait for what he described as “the mother of all secrets.”
“The European and USA leaders love Museveni. They love him too much. But they have no idea about the fact that Uganda is run by a President who is the ring leader of all East African dictators,” Moises declared.
Moises calls SSNA’s report an “old news.”
“I am tired of this old news, they are too old. Just wait for the mother of all secrets about South Sudan civil war,” he said.
Last month, Moises described the West as a Uganda’s client willing to accept anything Museveni tells them about South Sudan’s armed conflict.
Rebel military Major General Khor calls on the African Union and the United Nations to scrutinize what he described as “foreign anti-Nuer activists who gladly accept bribes from Juba to look the other way.”
18 Comments. Leave new
To tell you the truth, Obama was misled by a guy called John Kerry.
Plz Plz We south Sudanese we can’t say who is midleading our country SS suffering bring all killing in country it is we south Sudanese who bring this suffering upon our suffering outside other countries in camp we not say uganda or other country but it we leaders of south Sudan we still need more Guns to kill our own people that is good idea but remember one thing if u die today where will u go!
Please major general stop crying to the AU this body is composed of dictators remember you are fighting to free south Sudanese under the dictator so what you do is acquired your own weapons and see whether this tribal army of Kirr will ever win the battle. When I hear you crying to AU, UN and others I feel like you people are betraying us. one can you tell me that these bodies are for justice? If yes have they secured release of James gadet two when they attacked you in juba did any of those bodies open a mouth to condemn the act of government? Be intellectual in mind. Procure for us guns and we see if we shall not free ourselves we are fighting just war imposed on us
THE suffering of South Sudan is through Obama and museveni,
Museveni is a political broker he causes confusion in neighboring countries to stick in power and we know what is taking place.
(UN) or United Nation, Africa Union, United States of America government under president Brack Obama and his administration policy failed to protect the people of South Sudan. You helped to create an Country and genocided by the Sam times.
Nuer should had drink a cola and Save a Water.
Wheather it’s tribalism or anything else, the people of South Sudan should note that they are ruining their own country.the country is still falling apart instead of rising.if each and every person doesn’t put aside his own interests, South Sudan will one day be a history
This seems like crybaby opposition complaining against everyone (but not accepting their faults) and trying to bring division between Uganda and Ethiopia by accusing “M7” of working with Sisi. Uganda has become tired of supporting Kiir because he is proving not serious in finding peace. Uganda is losing $200M per year when the fighting resumes in South Sudan. Uganda has no benefit in prolonged fighting. No other market can pick up $200M loss from South Sudan and it’s affecting Uganda economic outlook. Plus the refugees are really stretching Uganda’s capacity. Both Kiir and Machar should be held accountable and South Sudan get a chance to start again. Ethiopia on the other hand is moving rapidly towards economic middle income status and economic transformation. These useless wars are slowing everybody down. Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Rwanda don’t benefit from these wars. Maybe Sudan and Eritrea but no one else. There needs to be peace soon.
My country Ethiopia is focused on transformation plan but will defend itself against any enemy – Egypt or Uganda or Eritrea or Kenya or Sudan or Somalia. But our enemies are not Sudan or Uganda or Kenya or even Somalia. Our enemy is constant fighting in Somalia and South Sudan. War is the enemy of all of us, most especially our brothers and sisters in South Sudan. This is lost time. Uganda has lost $200M in export and trade to South Sudan. Kenya and Ethiopia have lost millions too. All of us need peace.
I really wondered how come for someone who is on the same board with you keep on claiming to be the right person.
Riak was a vice President of the republic with his job description as dupty but he failed to make different. Rebels are using weapons not spears ,who is supplying weapons to them kumbe they claims of government not to get weapons. Shut your mouth and get on with your program. Kiir will remain president until you kneel down to him asking for forgiveness otherwise,you are a dead alive brother Riak
please think beyond your noses, everyone reading this off-course knows that south Sudan does not manufacture guns and so in the bush where the rebels are, they don’t manufacture guns too. bottom line is, someone somewhere is supplying guns to both of you, the government and the rebels. don’t complain like you are not being supplied with guns too. this is a complain of a fool. i have never heard of a rebel group complaining of the government being supplied with arms. they used to get arms supply way before you even became rebels. please focus on peace and stop killing our people or planning to rather than making silly complaints. if you are tired in the bush come back home or dont even wait to be tire. many of us here are waiting for you as brother in the name of peaceful coexistence. come back!!!!!
I am feeling better for Dr Riek Machar because we Southern Sudan we ties to our country but look now is Uganda is part of south sudan and less North Sudan is our part
southsudan need federal system, if we people need future of southsudan because to stop people stored money of government. If not federal system. the war will not end because those two like themself in government and don’t like other people in government.
southsudan need federal system, if we people need future of southsudan because to stop people stored money of government. If not federal system. the war will not end because those two people like themself in government and don’t like other people in government.
South sudan will not be peacefull country again went this dinka tribal hegemony suportedly by supper power states around the world.
We south sudanese we should work for peace.
The only way of bring peace back to south south by forming a new body not IGARD/JMC. With reasons being both igards and jmc had play a big role in bring back the first vice prisdent to juba but unlikely they also make an atem to do some thing which is an fair. I would like to make it clearely to all the world who support south sudan goverment with more funding, indeed the funding they plage to south sudan with the aims of solving food sexurity but they have turned those funding to purchases weapons that tergets civillians not there oppositions. The world should first focusing on bring peace to south Sudan such that people will returned back to their homes. In addition to that, south sudan must accept the sharing of powers by all parties andagree to sit down on the table for negotiations that will bring everlasting peace through the mediations of the world leaders. Besides that, peace will returned back to south sudan if they can involbes and bring back dr. Riak to hold his post once again.
With regards to all this south Sudan civilians are the one suffering. We the civilians are calling the world atlist to put much efforts on south Sudan and put a clear instructions to igards/jmc to use 2015 agrement to solves the outstanding issues between the two peoples otherwise civillians will contiounes to suffer. Above all. I would love to thank the world leaders for their warms supports to all south sudanes refugees peoples who are living out side their country more specially the USA and UK govermaent who had make refugess feel at home and the who have accepts all tje refugees to entered through there boardes with out any problems.May the almihtly God bless all of you as well as your jobs too.