Juba, June 3, 2017 (SSNA) — South Sudan’s civil war has been ranked fourth on the list of the world’s ten most neglected displacement crises, a 2017 report released by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has shown.
The report, seen by the South Sudan News Agency, ranks the top ten countries based on “insufficient economic support to meet the most basic humanitarian needs, limited media attention and lack of political will to solve the crises.” The NRC also says it analyzed all countries with more than 100,000 people displaced.
The report also blames the international community for not doing enough to minimize or end the crises.
“The international community has not only forgotten these crises but has never really shown sufficient willingness to contribute to a solution. Many of the displaced people have fled their homes multiple times, and each time they get increasingly vulnerable,” Norwegian Refugee Council’s Secretary General Jan Egeland said.
“Economic support to alleviate humanitarian crises must be given based on needs, and not be subject to geopolitical interests. In addition, we need to work for long-term political solutions, which can lift countries out of a negative spiral of violence, war, and poverty,” Egeland added.
The top ten neglected displacement crises are ranked as follow: Central African Republic (CAR) took the first spot and Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has been ranked second followed by Sudan, South Sudan, Nigeria, Yemen, Palestine, Ukraine, Myanmar, and Somalia.
NRC said in its report that the mains factors that influenced South Sudan ranking are February 2017 UN declaration of famine in some parts of South Sudan and the fact that half of population needs humanitarian assistance. The NRC further added, “…the crisis in South Sudan has gained little media attention and is among the neglected crises with the lowest media coverage per displaced person.”
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Those who have created this catastrophe stand accountable before God. The international community has a moral humanitarian responsibility to save lives in South Sudan.