The Red Card Movement – Office of the Citizen, Kenya
May 17th, 2019
Our Ref; RCM-NRB 004/19
TO: Comrades, Red Card Movement, South Sudan
Free Streets, +211,
May 17, 2019 (SSNA) — I want to take this opportunity to thank all my teammates in Kenya Front and in other fronts across the world for mobilizing the young people to come out in their large numbers and stand up for what they believe in. You were not given money or food or drinks or transport. It was a sacrifice — kind that got us a country.
What next after 16th May?
Let me start by reminding you that it took 50+ years to achieve independence of South Sudan. In fact, it took the genius of Dr. John Garang 21 years of war and 6 more years of dialogue and implementation of CPA. It is foolhardy to expect #RedCardMovement to overthrow the dictatorship of Salva Kiir in a single day. The dictator is well equipped with all weapons and lots of money at its disposal to spread around. Despite the many advantages the enemy has over us our offensives have caused the regime massive damage and losses.
Comrades allow me to list to you the losses the enemy has incurred.
- For the first time, our men in uniforms have received a four-month advance pay. This is an attempt to bribe them to dissuade the protests.
- It has been said and with evidence, that the dictator went to his personal bank accounts and withdrew millions of dollars to give his ministers and loyalists so that they do not switch sides.
- The regime splashed out millions of dollars to its embassies to try stopping the protests. Honestly, it has made victories but also lost many fronts.
- Work has been paralyzed in many enemies’ embassies. Dozens will remain close. Their quarters are crumbling.
Good news. Aren’t we proud? Other protests like these and I assure you the regime will go bankrupt. And of course, that’s our mission — to destabilize and dismantle the dictatorship. Kede Waga Bes! Dictators don’t just disappear. Many have been known to put up countless resistance against the people but only few have been known to have succeeded. We must intensify the offensives on tyranny and corruption and abuse of human rights.
Fellow comrades,
Allow me to remind you that the struggle has just begun. The operation to liberate motherland could not have come at any better time than this. The battle could not have gotten any better fighters than the brave and courageous young people of South Sudan. We resisted the regime offensive and threats. Now we must deploy our best weapons while at the same time devising progressive tactics that will derail the enemy. The enemy must be at all times kept distracted and sabotaged from within and outside. DON’T BE SILENT DON’T BE VIOLENT!
A few pessimists have already dismissed us as insignificant and jokers. I remind you not to respond using the same medium. The young soldiers have things and enemy to take care of; the critics are not our enemies — some of them are cowards and idle buddies who are better in analyzing and giving ‘how it could have been done better’ after it’s all done. Our relentless actions will prove them wrong.
Dear comrades,
The path we have chosen will determine the future of our country. It will determine whether South Sudan will remain with the dogs or go to its rightful owners — Shaap!
Our every effort must be exerted in to achieve the later. The peaceful protests we have started are a national call of duty.
The enemy has already put to use the rented service of unpatriotic youth to spy and intimidate us. In the next coming days, we expect loads of propaganda coming from the enemy. Our enemy will also seek to divide us by instilling fear and distrust among ourselves. If they tell you that ‘filan amulu kide’ or ‘that guy is not with you’ never accept. It’s the old tactic of divide and rule. Be vigilant. We are all young and determined. Kede Waga Bes.
Dear comrades,
Once again, our country is in most critical moments, the time is ripe for the struggle and there’s no more turning back. We must avoid counting our defeats. Every time we fell remember we must hit the ground running. The streets are ours and we must lay siege throughout. Constant assault and shelling on the enemy must not cease. The arrogance of the regime must be tamed!
Your comrade in struggle,
Cde. Makoi Majak, Cdr Red Card Movement, Kenya Front
11 Comments. Leave new
I am sorry to tell you people that, our people are not longer interested in actions that might compromise the recent sign peace. Our people needs peace and security. So your group must know that, elections in 2022 will be the final time for S. Sudanese people to decide who should lead them. There has been several claims by so many groups that the majority of S. Sudanese people support them. So it is time to prove all those political lies in a free and fair elections. I know many of these groups fears elections because they knew that, when it comes to the ballot paper , they will never win that is why they want to destroy the current peace implementation but they will not succeed because the S. Sudanese people have chosen their own destiny now. We will not allow oursleves to follow other people or groups blindly. The old time of following politicians blindly has passed now. So I hope you have learnt from the bitter pill of 16 05 2019 which you have shallowed. It is time for politicians to listen to the people now.
Thanks kind regards, long live the South Sudanese people
Alex is one of those who got his mouth filled with dollars in the parliament, chew your corrupt dollar as you wait for the curse of God to decend upon the filthy
The only thing we really want in south Sudan is sticking in Peace implementation its the only corner for us then going to street and shout kiir most go
That is not a solution
The solution to this is 2022 election were every politician most go for it
kiir most go guys, federal government is needed
Even the so called Red card are being funded by same corrupt politicians who were by then part of the system! Only started opposing after being kicked off from their position! These people who claim to be red card leaders are languishing in foreign capitals with bribes dollars to destroy South Sudan for their own greedy interest, Red card movement are group of disgruntled youths looking for positions eg Dickson Gatluak who is found of changing from one party to another, final end will judge your decision
Not ever by dictatorship but our current president is now an elected president, Hi, red card group u most to understand what mi president said that he was not came to power by force. Red card ‘ll be change to red line. Kiirdit forever.
This is not the time to make revolts in presence of a signed peace agreement, let us wait until upcoming general election then people of South Sudan decided to who they will give Chance,plz stop blood sheds…………
our country need federalism so that there will devolution of power and no other tribe will live at the expense of others i really understand that current SPLA lost vission and direction and im sure this country will be transform it in to democratic where cizizen should live peaefully and children are going to school without any fear . no matter what kirr must leave .
things must change! for how long shall we be kept political prisoners in hotels in the name of peace that bears bitter fruits from the regime on daily basis? thing must change!
I think everyone in South Sudan is desperate for genuine peace except some few who have now taken control of the public resources and turned it to their own granary at the expense of the suffering South Sudanese people. This country need stability for anything good to happen. But we need to stand a one and unite in the name of South Sudan to bring about change to this country, 1st by allowing giving the parties the time they needed to implement the revitalized agreement which is now the only hope. Then, if they fail to implement the agreement, South Sudanese and especially the Youth need to stand up and demand for the current Leaders to stand down and give chance for other capable South Sudanese to restore this country to peace.
You are write to talk about the regime change as youth, but after you succed , will you not talk of who should lead and from which tribe? rather than a capable south sudanese regardless of tribal affiliation and political background