South Sudan’s Kiir is “useful idiot,” UN expert says

Klem Ryan. Photo: File

Juba, August 19, 2019 (SSNA) — A United Nations expert on South Sudan said South Sudan’s president, Salva Kiir, is simply being used to prolong the civil war, not the resolve the crisis.

Klem Ryan, an expert at the UN panel of experts on South Sudan, wrote a tweet on Sunday, describing Salva Kiir as “useful idiot.” Ryan explained in the Tweet that Kiir is being used by some East African leaders as a source of a private monetary source. The UN expert didn’t name countries by names.

The accusation came less than a day after Kiir attended an event in Sudan’s capital, Khartoum.

On Monday, Klem Ryan repeated his attack on the South Sudanese leader. Ryan says in today’s Tweet that leaders are respected for what they do not the position they hold. The UN official later asserted that Kiir didn’t lead by example and that the leader of the young nation simply overseen the death of hundreds of thousands of South Sudanese and looting of South Sudan’s resources.

Many South Sudanese prominent opinion writers seem to support Klem Ryan.

“Klem Ryan, one of United Nations panel of experts who yesterday labeled Salva Kiir as “useful idiot” and who also today described him as a thief who overseen and orchestrated the killing of hundreds of thousands of South Sudanese is right. Kiir is an idiot, murderer, tribalist, and looter,” Duop Chak Wuol, the editor-in-chief of the South Sudan News Agency (SSNA) wrote on his Facebook wall on Monday.

“Hang yourself if your mind is incapable of identifying this irrefutable fact. Salva Kiir is a madman who–in his twisted mind, believes that South Sudan is his property. Sooner or later, he will be a part of unwanted history in South Sudan,” Duop added.

The South Sudanese President has on numerous occasions been accused by UN and many human rights groups of looting the nation’s national coffers, killing civilians and critics, bribing some East African leaders, and acting against the peace.

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22 Comments. Leave new

  • Deng Akok Deng
    August 19, 2019 1:02 pm

    That’s absolutely right. This man Kirr is an evil himself….

  • Dijack Emmanuel
    August 19, 2019 1:04 pm

    Kirr is a goat

  • Kirr he worst then Hetlir. He and is Jieng council of elders the Dinka tribal elders will be accountabale for war cribs in South Sudan for five years.

  • Kiir is the right leader we need this time in South Sudan. The UN’s panelist is not telling the whole truth.

  • Lokonga Dengakiding, Concern South Sudanese
    August 20, 2019 1:58 am

    No man sits there forever, he Salva Kiir, should learn from the examples of those of Sadam, Gadafi and Omar al Bashir who ever thought they could relinquish power but because God is tired of what they have been doing and that’s why their history is gone. So my advice to his fellow tribes men who are benefiting from him should turn away because next time he will not be on that sit things will be different on their side and this is what we don’t want to happen but let’s all unite for one common goal not to go after one man who is ignorant about the killing of his people and looting of his country resources by neighbouring countries simply for the sake of staying on power

  • True

  • Prisca Anokkai
    August 20, 2019 10:39 am

    Our President might be leading foolishly but who fault is it? You elites of Western countries were the very the ones who help eliminated Dr.Garang for your own selfish reasons. Now, people of S.Sudan are the one paying the price of your evil deeds. Dr. Garang was the only one who would have solve Sudan crisis (s. Sudan, Darfur, S. Blue Nile, S. Khordufan) amicably.

  • Kiir is a useful idiot🤣🤣 I agree with the expert. Kiir shouldn’t be a president.

  • Kueth pan makuach
    August 20, 2019 11:56 am

    Idiot Kirr is a killing machine injected into South Sudan by his remote controller Yueri Kaguta Museveni, that his virus affected all East African bloc’s IGAD.

  • Ordinand Simon Thon Gai
    August 20, 2019 10:52 pm

    Let us avoid those insults on our current leaders in South Sudan.The solution is to pray to God Almighty in heaven who is overall of all the people of South Sudan.Is there anyone greater than God in heaven whether they are looting,killing, destroying and doing tribalism. God knows their time and reasons why they are leading the country. Stop insulting and pray hard to God.He will answer us in a due time.Look at the heaven and earth,who created them.Is it not God.Is there anything hard with God.Big no!!.God will heal this war-torn country.Pray!pray!pray!

  • People will rush to insult their head of state without looking to where the real threat to South Sudanese people. This guy called Ryan work for UN, and pretty much this war that happening in our country it is supported and fuelled by UN. Till when will we wake up and stop pointing fingers and calling names.

  • Kiir most if they are need or not ..
    We are ready for that .
    But we need yours UN secretary to do stop the move of ather countries in my wor country to support that stupid president kiir.
    Number two we need yours to do to all your power to tell us why the igad agency most stil preson our bro dr machar what is reson for that
    We are the people of southdsudan we declare that if all partnership of us need peace in our country leaving the brother dr machar to like any person not about planning of others

  • change starts with you, remember, I think the best way to criticize our leaders is by giving solutions to their crimes and misdeeds and not by writing a very statements which are not properly constructed….be the change you need……… no one is happy with what is happening in our nation but time will come to change the whole system.

  • Dr. Wallace Austin
    August 21, 2019 5:44 am

    Klem Ryan is the real idiot. Salvation Kiir was elected in a fair and transparent process. His government was also above board. The UN and other western countries did not condemn Machar for trying to overthrow a democratically elected government. Instead, criminal elements characterized Machar’s actions as simply being a rebellion and not a coup. This was the reaction of criminal forces who wished for South Sudan to degenerate into the genocide that was inflicted on Rwanda. Fortunately, East African leaders supported President Salva Kiir.

  • Lilly Basoronga
    August 21, 2019 6:29 am

    Idiot indeed, Kirr and his followers think he’s a forever man. Every thing has the beginning and the end, he will pay dearly soon or later.

  • World eyes must be on him, Kiir and his cabinet members should know that without love there will be no unity. And without unity no peace so we need to rest for stupidity as South Sudanese.

  • Dolphin Alonyo
    August 22, 2019 8:46 am

    Kirr is not a Demi God or something. South Sudanese must first learn to put their differences aside and focus on a greater good.. The peace, future and tranquility of their country. Regardless of tribal sentiments South Sudan belongs to you all and your beautiful country is bigger than Kirr. An idiotic mortal.

  • Thanks for finally writing about this dictator named Salva Kiir.

  • Kiir is a good leader we don’t need foreigners creating crises UN has no history in South Sudan and is just an obstacle to peace they are sabotaging kiirs government to extend their fraudulent mandate


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