Juba, October 5, 2019 (SSNA) — The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) has condemned South Sudan and threatened to impose sanctions if the young nation continues refusing to pay its dues.
The EALA, a legislative body of the East African Community(EAC), says they have been patiently for years thinking South Sudan will respect international treaties it signed when joining the bloc.
In a video circulated on Facebook and seen by the South Sudan News Agency (SSNA), representatives of member states at the EALA harshly criticized South Sudan, with some labeling the young nation as “not ready” to be part of the community.
“Today we eat from the house of Mr. Tanzania, tomorrow Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda. When we go to South Sudan, they close their doors and say we are not around,” a visibly furious Tanzanian representative to EALA Fancy Haji Nkuhi says.
One Uganda representative asserts that South Sudanese body language shows they are not ready. Another Ugandan representative asks what else the East African Community should do to make sure South Sudan is onboard and follows rules.
South Sudan now owes $27.6 million dollars to the East African Community. Its representatives to the bloc can bee seen in the video begging EALA members to give South Sudan until the end of this month.
You may watch the video by clicking this link.
The East African Community is made up of Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Democratic republic of Congo (DRC), Uganda, and South Sudan.
11 Comments. Leave new
For God sake!!! isn’t crime to be part of community, to unite, to develop, and help one another and walk side by side.
What puzzled me is …why should I be demanded to do the same when you personally invited me to your house? Why should I be subjected to sanctions?
Are we really friends or a friends with benefit??
Pell Kang
Understand the treaties in place first.it is a club of the willing with terms and conditions to be respected by all
Southern sudan is much richer than most eastern African countries there can pay their contributions but there seems to be no good will on their side
The idea if south Sudan joining EA was not smart at all..the country itself cannot stand on its own..they were admitted for purely economic reasons..not that they have common values with other established nations..they were Sudan just over a decade ago..stupid decision ever.
South Sudan is the country so many resources but her house still ragged by war.They can afford their share in EAC. East Africa countries shall not be quick-of judge the new born baby give them a time.
I think south sudan has many resources than any east african countries of which if they were yo have that feeling n commitment then they would hv finish it earlier , but i guess they must be having a logic behind that.
A Country without stability and innocent citizens suffering can’t make development projects that are coshared by neighbors equally, this worsens it’s struggle for sustainable Peace. Let us think twice while involving such corporation
This is what happens when one thinks agreements with the status quo can ever be respected…especially, given the patterns.
The community members are now conflicted with regards on how to handle South Sudan over arrears on the one hand, and their national interests in South Sudan.
If am south Sudan I will live the community because I will be like a small tree in the forest that can not received enough sun light can die any time or grow prematurely to hurrying for sun light E A please let the Baby begin to learn walking first before you compete in athletics
South Sudan Joined EAC to defend it from opposition group which Democratic change for all citizens but bcz they want to be in power for life they want to be in EAC to defend them if not so, even now their citizen are paying border charge while others members of EAC are not.
South Sudan Joined EAC to defend it from oppositions group which champions for Democratic change for all citizens but bcz they want to be in power for life they want to be in EAC to defend them if not so, even now their citizens are paying border charges while others members of EAC are not.