Juba, January 22, 2021 (SSNA) — The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) who spent years in South Sudan removing unexploded mines and ammunition warned that the young nation still in a dangerous phase after they determined that many locations must be cleared before local people can resume their normal farming and other activities.
Thousands of South Sudanese have been complaining that unexploded devices have been causing death and serious injuries to people, especially children.
“He tried to chase the younger ones away and said, ‘leave us alone.’ At the end, when the rest of the children tried to turn their backs on him, running away, he threw the object behind them and that was how the incident happened,” Okolo Joseph, the father of the son who chased the boys and thrown the unexploded mine was quoted by the VOA.
The South Sudanese government declines to offer a comment when asked by the SSNA.