The current Crisis in South Sudan

By Lul Gatkuoth Gatluak

Dear world greatest entities:
United States congress
United Nation security council
The European Union
The African Union
And all the peace loving entities around the world.


December 16, 2013 (SSNA) — It is with deep concern and urgency to write you this message regarding South Sudan current development. While we speak, South Sudan has engaged in a senseless war between rivaling groups. It is a tit for tat endless game. Its future is mark with great uncertainty. The person in control leading the country in doom path; if immediate action is not taken, the worst Ruanda massacre could badly repeat itself. This pass Saturday, following a brief face to face meeting in Juba between divided SPLM members, President Salva Kiir and his loyalists decided to disarm all guards who are not from his ethnic backgrounds. This move is met with firing squad among his guards alone in capital Juba. While talking with friends inside juba, each converser is worried that, the incident may escalate into South Sudan ten States. Instead of telling the truth, the president explains this belligerent pandemonium in fabrication. He is misleading the whole world for the incident that occurred on December 15, 2013; saying it is a political coup d’état hiding his deep seated grudge of throwing 2015 awaited election into a waste basket and feel free to consolidate his dictatorial motto.

As confrontation subdued, Kiir ordered the country army to apprehend his political foes. Important people like Deng Alor, Majak Agot, Cirilo Hiteng, Oyai Deng Ajak, Gear Chuong face dention. Others like Pagan Amun, Rebecca Nyandeng, Chol Tong, Taban Deng Gai, Riek Machar and many more are on the run. The administration is following Eritrea modality or miscarriage of justice.

I write to request world powerful organizations to have their eyes on South Sudan. I am deeply concern about the crisis that will unfold. As South Sudanese American, who still attached with native fellows and has relatives in South Sudan, one remains deeply worried and concerned that warmongers must unreasonably massacre innocent civilians in the country.

As we are nowspeaking, our President has ordered Ugandan armed forces to help him kill his own citizens. In order to prevent ordinary citizens’ life, I urge the United States of America, United Nations Security Council, European Union and African Union to take action against Salva Kiir Mayardit who forgot what he was fighting for against North Sudan.

When we took up army, even since British era, South Sudanese has always been hoping that, one day, they will become an independent State; an independent from dictatorial regimes, ignorant, sharia atrocities, marginalization and all the horrors rulers of the Sudan had imposed against wills of the African natives in the country.

Our quest has always been for democracy—a democratic State, which will respect human dignity, fulfils individual needs and withdraws from power thirstiest tendencies.

Since the country became independence two years ago plus six years interim period, human suffering remain unchanged. The death toll has hit its highest stage. Many civilians are left killing one another and the government of General Kiir Mayardit made itself busier looting the country wealth. Salva Kiir himself stored lump sum of money in his presidential office for immediate use. Many of his surrounding folks had accumulated enough money and could not get hungry again even if they don’t work again in life. These horrible mistakes within the government of Salva Kiir include his tumble autocracy, rampant corruption, and untold tricky political marginalization. The president has designed dirty tricks by promoting bribery to bribe his political opponents using the country’ s money —which he hold for himself preventing them from reaching needy citizens. Started from June when oil had reopened, the country money went to Kiir alone. He uses this money to arm his presidential guards, bribe Yori Maseveuni, Omar Al Bashir and those who will keep him on power for other twenty years.

If one can critique the president critically, it would be very easy to under estimate his thinking ability. I am saying this despite following issues. By the end of 2010 when South Sudan approach earning her independence, former General Joseph Lagu stated, as soon as South Sudan became independence, general elections including presidential pose must be conducted. Salva came out boldly refuting Lagu’s statement, saying: “people gave him mandate to lead them”. However, by 2012, Salva dismissed Chol Tong Mayai an elected governor from Lake State and also removed Governor Taban Deng Gai, another elected governor from Unity State. Kiir didn’t think of their being elected by the people of their respective States. Moreover, .in this pass November, Kiir came out frankly in the news media during SPLM building opening in Juba and Stated that, “ SPLM structure dissolve itself except chairman of the party office”. Is that for real? If the structure has dissolved itself, what makes his office remain functioning? And why would he claims people had elected him and did not honor others’ right of being public elected servants. Kiir would be kidding.

The president administration is playing dangerous games against the citizen similar to Hitler extermination to the Jews at the time. The death of political commentator Isaiah Abraham is an indication that, the general turned politician has silently declared and waged the cold war against media trying to eliminate all the country’s journalists who reveal dark side of his administration to the ordinary people his government had abandoned and maltreated. Life in large extent to many people is worthless. The country is in the same situation Germany went through during Hitler years. Ironically, Salva Kiir was not nominated to lead Sudan People Liberation Movement/ Army (SPLM/ A) base on his capabilities and capacities as a leader, or someone who should stand for people political direction. He was appointed in regard of the movement hierarchy. At the moment, those who nominated him to lead SPLM/A in 2005 had now realized and regret that they have chosen the wrong leader. Putting someone who does not have political agenda on power is like walking in dark without flashlight that could help you see the way. We have well qualified visionary leaders such as Dr. Riek Machar, Dr. Lam Akol, Pagan Amum Okiech, Lado Gore, Majak De’agot, and Madam Rebecca Nyandeng Garang among others. These leaders can help follow the charismatic footsteps of John Garang and establish much desirous democratic system in the country.

In actual fact, we are categorically opposing military solution to our problems and support United Nation, United States and other entities to stand for peace in any mean possible. However, our president does not want peace and an immediate end to all confrontations. He has proven to be a ruler that has his own needs at heart who does not carry about what the nation of South Sudan as the whole needed. He has also proven throughout his presidency to be incompetency of ruling the country and making decisions which would lead to betterment of the country.

Finally, the move he previously took to shot down the entire government and fire everybody has increased public disapproval of the dictatorship he has established in South Sudan for eight years. Today as he ordered his so-called presidential guards to disarm all guards of his political opponents, the whole country turns into flame. In this senseless killing cause by cementing dictatorial power, the world should act now and stop Salva Kiir from massacring innocent people. As a people leader, you would not wear military uniform just for an incident between your own people who you claim to rule. The prosperity of any nation lay not on mighty power cementing, but on sharing ideas governed by the democratic principles as enshrined in the new country’s constitution. I ask the United States, United Nation, European Union, African Union, and all peace loving institutions around the world to hurry and send international troop to South Sudan immediately.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

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