Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA response to false press statements released by individuals

February 27, 2016 (SSNA) — Our Community have decided to responses to the following presses [which] were released by people names appearing besides presses titles. So our press is going to consists of three main sections based on authors’ presses and other extra-essential points:

A. By Wilson Mading Koc: [When President Kiir Humiliates Twi East, Gogrial Community must be worried! February 2, 2016 by PaanLuel Wël]
B. By Majur Deng Nhial: [Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA: The Mystery behind Mayak Deng Aruei and Wal Garang Majak!
FEBRUARY 8, 2016]
C. By Mayak Deng Aruei: [Shredding Lies and Fabrications: A Response to Baseless Accusations by Majur Deng Nhial of Bor Globe Network; February 16, 2016 by PaanLuel Wël]

(A) Response to Mr. Wilson Mading Koc press

Mr. Wilson Mading, in your press whom our office did come across on February 2, 2016 at Paanluel Wel website. Before we response to some of your press messages, we would like to associate you with Greater Bor of Bor County, especially; we do base our criteria on the way you have written our name ‘Twi/Twic/Twij’ on your press as ‘Tui’. Anyway, we might be wrong in any imaginable way where you are hailing from yet still the manner you have spelled our people name is relatively likewise the way Bor people write our name Twic as well. In contrast though, we Twi Dinka people write their name as “Boo’ or Buoo’” as our Dialect constitute it. Sorry, if you are truly from Twi Dinka, just forgive us or if not, just forget it.

Another point we would like to reject on your press, is your generalization of Greater Warrap region Dinkas as the only main source of unfortunate reasons that didn’t fair well with Twic East County people in President Kiir Mayardit government. This is not true, because as always we don’t priority generalize of people when it comes to few individuals we know. The only time through any means to seconded generalization is whenever our adversary/adversaries have had started generalize our whole community of Greater Twic East. One example to take, was when current conflict fear high-temperature agitated our neighbor to generalize humble and trusted Twic East community under their undependable word, “rebels”. So we just follow suites like our neighbor monopoly of word generalization of whole community of Eastern Twi Dinka.

The point is, Mr. Wilson Mading, we don’t see our exclusion or non-promotions of our officers in military as President Kiir Mayardit problem alone. In any extended of reasoning, He might have part of the game being the leader of everybody, so whoever have done anything wrong against our community from his leadership. He will be accountable for anything wrong because “the buck stop at his desk” as people leader. Within too, any good or bad apple in his leadership, President Kiir Mayardit is responsible for good or bad things as a result of him hiring bad apples that don’t work for people who did elect him to that honorable office. So forget about your generalization of Warrap Dinkas. We do consider as problem that was created by few politicians from Warrap and others. Our community don’t agree with your political standard of monopoly ideal. “Maker Mayom Gurech, Mr. Alier Ateny and three others from Bor County are with SPLM-IO. So why Eastern Twic Dinka people didn’t generalize Dinka Bor as ‘Rebels’?” By TwicDinka Panda Page Group

Mr. Wilson Mading, the deaths of our honorable son, the SPLM/A long time Chairman and founder of South Sudan, South Sudanese & Sudanese hero or icon, Dr. John Garang e Mabior in his questionable deaths in 2005 through helicopter crash. Compatriot, we know everything, even we know those who been thinking they are hiding his deaths record out of Eastern Twi Dinka people reach. Take this, Mr. Abel Alier from Dinka Bor once time said, “Garang ka ne-e/nek ker momde or nomde-translate to Twi people Dialect”. We don’t fear anybody but we don’t want to spill precious bloods of our brothers and sisters because of our Garang e Mabior who have achieved the goal that benefit everyone right now. Even those who used to go against the movement he was leading. Last and not least, Twic people have many unique ways of understanding things differently. So in this case, we know everything folks.

Who are those elements? Well, those who pushed Mr. Kiir are the same people who allows him to created a made up things to cause disagreements between Garang & Kiir [2004]. Those people are puppets of former foes. Dr. John Garang can’t be revenged by anybody from Eastern Twi Dinka due to Dr. John Garang himself says these quotes to Twic people [2004-Panyagor] when CPA has come to completion stage in Kenya: “Twi, yan ci bi tou, baai aca na-e/nak riong”-Panyagor 2004. Dr. John Garang has stated that, “ran ba noe;/nok aci bi kon/kong tiam.” So it doesn’t matter to us now because Garang himself was God creator or giver of everything he was stood for his people justice. However, what matter the most at this particular times is to save our nation from extinction by bringing stability, and also to save our people lives.

1. Mr. Abel Alier from [Dinka Bor] immediately after CPA in 2005, he said to Bor people, “jake baai beer cie cam waa, we Buoo’”. When our son, Dr. John Garang die in questionable helicopter crash, Mr. Abel Alier was commissioned to be head of investigation. Do you know what he had to says afterword, “Garang ka ne-e/nek” kernomde.” Not that only, “many people from Bor County did celebrate his deaths” which is something rarely common within Dinkas’ cultures.  Garang was not a killer, if he was a killer he would have killed many people who have violated SPLM/A manifesto rules through looting or stealing other communities belongings. Among violators, many of them were the same people who documented the SPLM/A manifesto in 1983 when SPLM/A was founded.

2. Mr. Kuol Manyang [Bor County] is the one holding these positions, the Minister of Defense, Deputy Minister of Defense, and many other positions in South Sudan’s government: When he was appointed as Minister of Defense, according to leak source,  Mr. Kuol was refusing to allows anybody to hold deputy Minister of Defense. True or false, we need to dig more on this leak one. Mr. Wilson Mading Koc, “When white army came in waves and captured Bor town in 2013-2014, Brigadiers Kongor Reech, Deng Forty two, and Dhieu Warrabeck, led Brigades and Bor Town was captured from the marauding White army.” This is not true, why? If it was true, those sons of ours should have been granted promotions by Mr. Malual Ayom whom we know as the Commander of Division 8.

3. Mr. Michael Makuei [Bor County]: He and Mr. Malak Ayuen were the first two people to announces on national SSTV that, the Eastern Twi Dinka people are “rebels”. As soon as they said so, their suites were immediately followed by Greater Bor County citizens.

4. Mr. Maker Thiong [Bor County]: He is in Vetting Committee of South Sudan’s government. The main he is there is to not allows any Greater Twic East persons to obtain any Minister positions in South Sudan’s government under Kiir leadership. For now we will not released his records during the movement. Also, we heard him last year talking trash against our Greater Twic East Community in funeral, may be later on on spotlight.

Wages denying to former Jonglei State employees from other communities. Especially those who worked before December 15, 2016 conflict erupted. Among many who have been denying their salaries or wages claimed from our community been told by Bor County that they are “rebels’ and they are not reliable for their salaries or wages raising for those who are still working. This is true story folks. We got people from our Greater Twic East community who were denying their wages or salaries because they are rebels according to Michael Makuei Lueth and cohorts from Bor County.

Furthermore, none-increase of their salaries or raised of our people because everybody from former Jonglei State are being labeled by Bor County’s people as “Rebels”.

Denying of rights to employment in State Jobs, if anyone hails from Eastern Twic Dinka, Duk  Dinkas and Pgi Dinkas. The only people who were entitled for their rights to salaries or pay raises were only from Bor County who are not rebels. “Maker Mayom Gurech, Mr. Alier Ateny and three others from Bor County are with SPLM-IO. So why Eastern Twic Dinka people didn’t generalize Dinka Bor as ‘Rebels’?” By TwicDinka Panda Group Page

No security forces or polices being deployed to other communities’ areas by former Jonglei State governor who is from Bor County [Mr. Kuol Manyang]. Was intentionally well calculated ideal.

The case of Eastern Twic Dinka officers non-promotions

“All in all Twi people are betrayed under Comrade Salva, in the army for instance officers hailing from Twi are skipped when promotions are made, majority of Twi officers are sent parking and they are visibly young and competent.” The way we percept this message from author, we are little confusing about your intentions here though. But what we know about how military rank hierarchy work, we believe the promotions of officers don’t start from above but from low level of miliary to higher level. So in this case, the blame should start from lower level of military ranks to President Kiir Mayardit.

Likewise, is about who should be promoted and who shouldn’t be promoted to next ranks of military hierarchy after individual or group have achieved a good deeds at battlefields? According to way we understand how military hierarchy work, we think, the promotions of officers do start from lower rank levels to highest ranking levels of military. Successful candidates begins with Divisions lower rank officers to Commanders of Division, General Chief of Staffs office to Defense Ministry office and finally to Commander-in-Chief [President Kiir Office].

Thus, in our views, the skipping of our officers or non-promotions of them in military hierarchy should be blamed on Division 8 leadership. Starting with lower level officers to the highest Commanders in Greater Jonglei region under general command of Mr. Malual Ayom and his deputy Commanders. That is the only way we can put our blame on for time being until we might change later if we get more information about this saga. Based on our knowledge, whoever being reported by Division 8 Commanders or other military branches has to go through the Office of General Staffs, Defense Military before their names reached President Desk for final signature. This is the technique should has to be followed when it comes to military ranks promotions, and not other way. Military rank system link:

Therefore, if these officers of ours were picked by Division 8 or any other Divisions officers or Commanders to be promoted, and then they were later rejected by President Kiir Mayardit office. Ultimately, your argument author is going to hold some clean water to us, also at the same scheme, we will be satisfied if any Divisions of South Sudan’s military shows us a really paper where our sons and daughters of ours names did appear on President Kiir Mayardit desk.

In any obvious reasons that Mr. President rejected our sons and daughters because they did hail from Eastern Twic Dinka community after they were promoted by their Divisions. Creditably, we will blame President Kiir Mayardit for denying our sons and daughters who have done a fantastic jobs in such way granting them to be promoted to another level of military ranks among their peers. But for now, we will continue to blame any Divisions’ Commanders of South Sudan where our sons and daughters were not promoted. Last and least, we will blame whole thing to President Kiir Mayardit, if we have obtained creditable evidences from Commanders showing that, our sons and daughters were reliably granted by them but President Kiir Mayardit turns them down because they were from Greater Twic East Community.

The issue of Twic East Community omission in 2013 Cabinets allocations

1. Mr. Makeer Thiong who hails from Bor County, the currently Member of Vetting Committee, Jieng Council of Elders in South Sudan’s government plus others from Bor County. These groups were responsible for Greater Twic East and Greater Duk Communities exclusion from being part of South Sudan’s Ministers representations. This scheme was done through scam organization so-called Greater Bor Community. This organization was created as another tricked way to takes advantages of Twic East and Duk peoples as well as to eradicated Twi and Duk people names in History. For example, the organization in outside, it was portrayed to their two neighbors of Twic East and Duk Counties as the only way to get positions from President Kiir Mayardit government. Meanwhile in reality, the inside or dark-side reasons, the Twic East and Duk peoples were being cheated by Bor County politicians. So President don’t bears any blame here in anyway or another. Twic East and Duk Communities should blame themselves for not stand for their own feet and not other fake alliances that always disadvantaged their people. What would be an ultimate solution? Greater Twic East and Duk Communities must start to go directly to President Kiir Mayardit in exclusion of Greater Bor Community of Bor County. Another solution is to have an independent States of Twic East, Duk or one State for these two Counties. Deserting of what-so-called Greater Bor Community of Mr. Michale Makuei Lueth. This is an alarm message to President Kiir Mayardit. He has to gives Twic East and Duk County their own State, fail to do so could create more troubles whom our president be responsible for it.  As we speak, behind close-door, worrisome signs have already emerged over new State of Jonglei. Just a matter of time before they visible to public. For now, we decided not to release Mr. Makeer Thiong records during the SPLM/A movement.

2. Mr. Michael Makuei, the Minister of Information and Broadcasting is the man behind everything going bad among three sub-tribes of Dinkas in Jonglei. He is well-known by his nickname “Mr. Big Gossipers.” His labeling of our whole Community of Twic East as “Rebels.”

Why Greater Bor Community organization was actually formed?

1. According to Professor Agrey word in 2009 when he visiting the United States of America with former Governor of Jonglei State, Mr. Kuol Manyang. This is what he had to says that time to his really Bor people, “you people of Bor, John Garang has done something we didn’t anticipate from him, by bringing back Twic name through Twic East County and Duk meanwhile meanwhile we as elders of your community we were planing erased names by created by Bor North, Bor Central & Bor South. But, we the elders from Bor are working so hard to clear out Twic and Duk names in existence.”

The man was saying this thinking that the meeting was really attended by Bor Dinka people alone. He didn’t know, the meeting was having people from Eastern Twi Dinka and Duk Dinkas in attendance. After he has said all these things, people start to show some dismays in their faces, the room becomes gloomy and atmosphere starts to changes to uncomfortable zone. When Mr. Kuol who was in attendant see this unfolded hidden agenda being classified by his brother. Mr. Kuol Manyang tries his best to calm everything down, but the damage already been done.

Immediately, after Mr. Agrey [Bor County] and Mr. Kuol Manyang [Bor County] went back to South Sudan from the United States. Thus, in 2010, Mr. Akec Koc [Bor County] becomes South Sudan’s Ambassador to United States of America. The idea of Greater Bor Community organization emerged in 2010 to carry on the agenda of erasing Eastern Twi Dinka and Duk Dinkas [Nyarweng & Hol] names. Also, it was intentionally formed to ripping offs Twic East and Duk Counties of resources or other benefit stuffs too. But, Twic East Community and Duk Community leaders plus their citizens who were active suddenly rejected the idea in 2010 in State of Michigan.

2. Other reason GBC creation was another method to takes advantage of Twic East and Duk Counties when it comes to resources by Bor County. For example, Mr. Michael Makuei residing on top of this Organization was to block Twic and Duk people from gaining any access to president Kiir Mayardit leadership or anyone from these be able to come close President Kiir Mayardit. Cover-up idea, Mr. Makuei would be the only person that will go to President in the name of three Counties visibly but invisibly anything that comes in the name of three Counties would be for Bor County.

3. Mr. Maker Thiong [Bor County] was actually assigned to Vetting Committee of South Sudan government to smeared any intellectuals from Eastern Twic Dinka and Duk Dinkas in such away that wouldn’t  allow them to have any higher positions under President Kiir Mayardit leadership.

4. GBC was a scam machine behind Twic East and Duk Communities omission in 2013 Cabinet positioning.

(B) To Borglobe website editor: Mr. Majir Deng Nhial article concerning our presses

Mr. Majur Deng Nhial, you might not knowing that you have belittled Greater Twic East Community sons and daughters under legal authority of Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA. You think you have made critical research yet you fail short trebly in your journalist ethics research. As we speak, we are challenging you to do more research because you accused Mr. Mayak meanwhile he didn’t write any of these presses. All these presses were written by Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA leaderships being led by Twi Engong/Twi-Mathondit, Mr. Agutmanyang, true son of Eastern Twic Dinka who doesn’t depends on other people things.

Mr. Majur Deng Nhial, “Bor Globe Network does have a duty to protect members of Bor Community who are being anonymously attacked by cyber criminals such as Mayak Deng Aruei and Wal Garang Majak…  .” By Majur Deng Nhial [Majur Dengtueny]. Well, you have said it all Mr. Majur, what you said is the same thing Mr. Wan Agutmanyang and his Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA been doing in encountering of your Bor community people like: Jangdit Dengajok aka Mabior Awien, and Arou Bior aka Deng Nyieth. And some politicians from your community like Mr. Michael Makuei Lueth, Maker Thiong and many others. Again, as you have absolutely says it, Mr. Wan and his leadership teams have natural rights as well as you do to protects their leaders, intellectuals, and whole community of Twic East from malicious attacks. For example, most of the presses been released by Mr. Wan leadership over 97% of those presses been encountered attack presses to your community people attacks. Some of noticeable ones are:

1. Mr. Michael Makuei [known title: Big Gossiper]
2. Mr. Maker Thiong, and many other politicians from your Bor County
3. Mabior Ayuen aka Jangdit Dengajok
4. Deng Nyieth aka John arou
5. And others.

(C) Our message to Mr. Mayak Aruai

We know how emotionally you were when you wrote that press of yours published on Paanluel Wel website. Nobody blame you though because you were wrongly accused, our leadership know evidently you were totally smeared by mistake. As an assurance, those presses are ours and we are standby them. Also, you were misinformed by wrong elements about our Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA legitimacy. Frankly, that is totally not true at all due to the Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA was founded by our sons and daughters in 2002 in Commonwealth State of Pennsylvania. Again, the founding cradle location is Pennsylvania State where our organization Lawyer is dwelling right now as we speak. You need prove, please don’t hesitate to reach us through contact at the end of this press.

Mr. Mayak, we know you, you are a man of integrity, dignity, knowledge, vocal individual, who doesn’t hide your own identity, and trustworthy on your own way. We base this characterization of you on your determination to be one of our sons and daughters who have stood firm against odds that been trying to buried alive our people historical, and the oldest name among Dinkas’ descendant sub-tribes, Twi/Twic/Twij. You and others have been credited by Greater Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA for your ambitious and idea that have allowed you and your brothers and sisters to founded the Twic East Social and Civic Engagement web-site as it is:

Another point we want to clarify from you, and others. Mr. Thon Garang is part of Media and Information Team leaders in our office. He is an author of Book [2011] that did shed some lights about our people History. Before he was official elected to Media & Information Team of our Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA. He was known for his God given talents, Advocating for Dinkas’ people History, proprietorship, website designed and other of his God given talents. Some people know him too, through his two nick-names: Maror Diingbol & Garang de Faith & Truth. This Garang de Faith & Truth even did appear on his book of 2011 [Dinkas of Jonglei histories first version that was over 90% errors free, first edition often don’t fulfill everything]. He uses his both nick-names on media like Facebook and others. Mr. Thon Garang is one of the few Mathon/Mawaa’ within Eastern Twi Dinka who doesn’t hide his ancestors’ identity name [Mr. Thon-Makol is like Mr. Wan Agutmanyang and others). He is known for his compassion about his Advocating for Dinkas’ people Histories, and also he always love to stand for his people justice and whoever need justice against odds of injustice without border.  The Red-Army veteran of Dimma. People described him as, “God blessed mind” or “God person” and many others. God gave him mission in-line of Eastern Twic Dinka behind outstanding people like:

1. Bul Khooc, Ajang Duot and others era
2. Akondit and others era
3. Garang and other era
4. Currently, he is one of our generations’ era pioneers of justice.

About TwicDinka Panda, this page was created by our Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA office of Media & Information to monitor Media world when it comes to what been written about our Community that might be worthy response from our office, and also this page was created as other venue to share any messages concerning our community and need to be known by our citizens around the world.

Finally, no animosity between you and our leadership because you were misinformed about our entity legitimacy. As we speak, our entity is not illegal it is a legal one, period.

Extra-essential Points:

We urgent South Sudanese citizens and our leaderships on both sides to vying for peace of our country to stop bloodshed of innocent people.

We urgent our President Kiir to release our son here if it is true he has been jailed. “When war breaks out in any parts of South Sudan, military officers hailing from Twi would be called to lead the battle. In 2011, when South Sudan clashed with Sudan in Heglig/Panthou a junior officer known as Biar Manyang, a captain in the Military police was sent for a Helicopter to come to Juba and ferry him to the battle field alone. He is said to have been requested by the commando units who were battling Sudan army. Immediately the war was over in Heglig he was arrested, and the vehicle he used was commandeered, by people calling themselves military intelligent officers.” By Wilson Mading Koc


Twic East Community around the world at this critical time, you are being urgent our citizens to come together for our community future. Please, if you are in USA, Canada, Australia, South Sudan and other areas around the globe. Please, join your leadership body there if you have one, and have some kind of brainstorms about Eastern Twi Dinka people wade/wadeng. We need our own State from President Kiir Mayardit and this ideal your efforts an urgent need. We don’t even care about budget if it is a matter of budget in any case President Kiir Administration to be concerned issue. Our office position:

We need you our citizens to come together, as often nothing impossible if we Eastern Twic Dinka have studied that thing critically as a right thing to do. Even that nation whom we had been wrongly accused by jealousy elements, we can destroy it within short period of time than longer time our own sons and daughters under Dr. John Garang have done it through their blessing minds. Our great, great, grandfather have blessing us long time ago to be the leader of his descendants within Dinkas’ sub-tribes, and that why we have admirable characters that often go along with many. That nobody is going taken away our blessing. Few of those are:

1. Stand for justice whenever it is being needed
2. Sharing things through fairly ways whenever situation does permit it
3. Not being Mr. everything even when you truly know something is not belong to you
4. Humble, kindness, hospitable characters that don’t put conflict first and foremost over diplomatic solutions first and foremost under any circumstances
5. Other relate virtues of our people.

N/B: For people who don’t know anything about Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA. Apparently, the Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA was founded in 2002 in Pennsylvania State by our citizens of Eastern Twi Dinka purposely to serves our community in diaspora and back home in our Twic East area. Jonglei State, South Sudan. It is unfortunate our brother, Mr. Mayak was wrongly advised that, this organization was illegal. That is not true at all. Moreover, the Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA even have it own Lawyer that can deal with any legal issues against it affairs. So this is our message to Borglobe Editor website, Mr. Majur Deng Nhial. Please if you happen to have any legal issues concerning our presses, please don’t hesitate to file any legal grievances against us, and we are ultimately ready to deal with your obligations against our presses.

Thanks our people, God bless

This information was validated by:

Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA General public Executive Commitee
Twic East in USA Paramount Chiefs Office
Media & Information office
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