BY: John Bith Aliap, Adelaide, South Australia
April 13, 2012 (SSNA) — The people of the Republic of South Sudan fought a long-deadly war that has ever been recorded in the world’s history with the North Sudan just to escape the wraths of Islamic chauvinism, humiliation, social, political and economic marginalization and equitable distribution of national resources. This war has of course, accorded South Sudanese citizens with a ‘golden chance’ to raise their flag high, for the first time in Sudan’s history in Juba, the capital city of the Republic of South Sudan to symbolize the declaration of political, economical, social, religious and cultural independence from Jihadists’ state in the north.
However, this ascension to independence was seen locally, nationally, regionally and internationally as one more step in the peace process that is supposed to bring the peoples from both north and south of Sudans to co-exist in peace as good neighbors bond by trust and mutual understanding. Convincingly, the Khartoum regime, headed by the internationally wanted fugitive, Omer el Bashir has never allowed the aspirations and sentiments of peace to triumph between these two nations.
Following the independence celebration with reflection of mixed feelings in reference to the losses and gains of the two decades civil war, the people of South Sudan began to beat-up their chests, claiming that they are free citizens in their own country, but in contrary, the real sense of independence has in verity not been well understood in Khartoum, which has before and even after the independence of South Sudan been beating-up the drums of war as many people in the South referred to it. Thus, the independence of the Republic of South Sudan has yet to register in Khartoum’s hard-liners’ minds, and therefore, South Sudan according to their colonial mentality, should still be subjected to daily belligerence. As the history goes down, despite the international recognition of South Sudan as an independence country, Khartoum government continued its usual antagonism including; daily aerial bombardments and ground assaults against the state of South Sudan and the international community, which is now renting about the withdrawal of South Sudanese’s troops from Panthou, remained hush on this issue of regime’s aggression, expecting South Sudan to remains calm while being slapped on the face by the regime.
The creditability of the so-called international community; even the stupidest people in the world can now understand in the case of south-north sudans that the international community has lost its legitimacy and thus, became a lame-duck organization composed of people with vast interests. The African Union (AU) the European Union (EU) the United States (US) United Nation Security Council (UNSC) and Arab League (AL) have unquestionably paid diminutive attention to crimes committed in Darfur, Blue Nile, South Kordufan and now the Republic of South Sudan by Khartoum’s regime. To waste no time, the above named organizations have become perpetrators of crimes due to their unrealistic support of Bashir’s regime which has brutally been butchering innocence civilians in the Republic of South Sudan and other parts of the region right in their eyes. Their calls on South Sudan to withdraw its troops in their ‘illegally occupied territories’ amount to rewarding a criminal ‘Khartoum regime’ and blaming the victim ‘South Sudan government and its people’. This move is upside-down. The people of South Sudan would like the international community to re-direct its call on the right sport-the ‘Khartoum regime’ which is responsible for the current skirmishes on the border.
The recent example of Khartoum’s aggressions towards the Republic of South Sudan is the Abyei’s issue, the South Sudanese’s region which is currently being occupied and administered illegally by Khartoum’s regime. On the May 20th 2010, the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF), currently on the run, invaded Abyei which according to the history is indisputably a part of South Sudan. This intentionally planned attack on southern territory has resulted to many civilians casualties, lost of properties and massive displacements. The international community in that time remained silence, and this had created a situation where Khartoum’s regime thinks that despite its aggression, the international community can make no condemnation for its attack against South Sudan.
As an attempt to avoid the return to war with Khartoum’s regime which is led by blood-thirst gangs, the Republic of South Sudan in its part made a series of complaints to the international community about Khartoum’s aggressive behavior, but surprisingly, all these series of complaints made by the government of South Sudan before and after the independence all fall on deaf ears from the peripheries of the international community which is now ignorantly calling for withdrawal of South Sudanese troops from alleged northern territories.
The regime in Khartoum has an intention to control resources in the Republic of South Sudan, notably the oil, the cause of the current raging war along the border. A sensible person, whether a South Sudanese or not can truly ask a question that; where on this earth can an independence country akin to the Republic of South Sudan, which has its own, supreme, absolute and uncontrollable power like any other independence nations in the world, allows its national resources to be controlled by other state, as it’s what Khartoum presently wants? The Khartoum’s regime should know and acknowledge that the Republic of South Sudan is a sovereign state with its own right and power to regulates, controls and manages its resources, which you folks in Khartoum, have historically been longing for many decades. The regime’s control over South Sudan’s resources has formally as well as legally came to an end with conclusion of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) which resulted to the birth of the Republic of South Sudan.
The governments of South Sudan together with its entire people from all walk of lives across the country are condemning the international calls which have nothing less other than brutal acts of ignorance and evil advocacy. The people of South Sudan are here to make it crystally clear to the international community that South Sudanese forces did not occupy or invade anybody’s land, but are in fact taking back the South Sudanese lands which had been illegally occupied by invaders from the north.
The recent occupation of (Panthou) Heglig oilfield by South Sudan Army (SPLA) should not be interpreted as an aggression against Sudan, as it is currently being interpreted by the so-called international community, but rather as an act of sovereign nation to control its borders from terrorist invaders like those Jihadists in Khartoum. The government of South Sudan deserves to pay no attention to these international voices that call for the withdrawal of South Sudanese forces from the alleged Sudanese territories, when in reality are historically South Sudanese’s territories.
The making of history has just started along the border! In the first and second South-North civil war for instance, South Sudanese youth had always tuned up in large numbers to put to an end marginalization, humiliation, aggression and other forms of disadvantages imposed on them by aliens invaders. It is not too late for South Sudanese youth to do the same national duty to teach the Khartoum regime and the world at large that South Sudan is a rare land that produces brave sons and daughters who cannot welcome aliens’ aggression.
The author of this work is a concerned South Sudanese citizen and can be corresponded at [email protected]