
UK aid Agency accuses SPLA of arresting and beating its employees

Top Stories

July 3, 2010 (Malakal) Four employees of the UK-based aid agency, Tearfund, were detained and bleated by the semi-autonomous army of Southern Sudan – agency officials have said.

SPLA denied the accusations and said “all four employees were arrested on suspicion of helping anti-government militias”.

One employee is a Kenyan, and the other three are Sudanese, according to a statement released by the agency.

The Southern army said they stopped Tearfund employees because some people from Shilluk tribe told them that the four aid workers were transporting medicines to Dr. Lam Akol’s forces believed to be in the area.

"Our staff were transporting medical supplies to medical facilities in the area … At the roadblock the four staff were detained by SPLA forces and they were accused of having a political motive … I can confirm they were beaten in detention," said Tearfund spokesman Jonathan Spencer.

“The men were moved to Southern capital Juba later in the week and all four had since been released and told to wait in the city to face more questioning”, he continues.

Tearfund said one of its employees need medical treatment and the other three were badly hurt.

“Soldiers stopped the four men on Sunday at a roadblock near Kodok in the South’s Upper Nile state, aid officials told Reuters.

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New Government of Upper Nile State

Press Releases

July 2, 2010 (Malakal) — Upper Nile State announced its new government. Names of the people who have been appointed are as follows:


1. Peter Lam Both – Minister of Information & Broadcasting

2. Martha Nyamal Choat – Minister of Gender, Social Welfare & Religious Affairs

3. James Ruac Kun – Minister of Local Government & Law Enforcement

4. Riek Pal Rik – Minister of Legal Affairs & Constitution Development

5. Aban Makol Ajal – Minister of Labor & Public Services

6. Mujkwan Kak Ajang – Minister of Minister Education, Science & Technology

7. Ayong Awer Lual – Minister of Finance, Trade and Economic Planning

8. Kun Monylang Ding – Minister of Physical Infrastructure & Rural Development

9. Tabisa Gwang Agwok – Minister of Minister Parliamentary Affairs

10. John Thomas Reng Deng – Minister of Culture, Youth & Sport

11. Chol Chuol Arop – Minister of Agriculture & Forestry

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South Sudanese in the North Could Face Post Referendum Violence, persecution – Report

Press Releases

Ann Brown, Refugees International

For Immediate Release

June 29, 2010 (Washington, D.C.) — Nearly two million Southern Sudanese living in northern Sudan are at great risk for targeted violence and statelessness in the aftermath of the planned January 2011 referendum on Southern independence, Refugees International said in a report released today.

The advocacy group calls on the United Nations, the U.S. Government and other nations to assist in the pre-referendum voluntary return of Southern Sudanese displaced in Khartoum and implement other measures to prevent violence and loss of legal rights by Southerners in the North and Northerners in the South.

“Southerners displaced in Khartoum expressed grave concern about their physical safety following the referendum. Many don’t trust Sudan’s security forces to protect them, and it is unlikely that UNMIS – the UN peacekeeping force – will be in a position to offer physical protection,” stated Jennifer Smith, Refugees International advocate and report co-author.

“The U.S. and other nations should provide transportation support for those displaced Southern Sudanese who want to return home – not only for their safety, but to lessen the potential for North-South violence in the aftermath of the referendum.” Statements by National Congress Party officials and articles in a newspaper owned by President Omar al Bashir’s uncle questioning why Southerners should stay in the North after the referendum have contributed to Southerners’ fears.

Despite safety concerns, many Southern Sudanese are achieving economic and educational success in Khartoum and worry about forced expulsion.

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GoSS’s Impartiality in Addressing Upper Nile State Insecurity

Press Releases

USSP Press Release

June 27, 2010 (SSNA) — It is indeed a matter of great concern that South Sudan is currently passing through a worrying state of insecurity. But sad still is the fact that most of the procedures taken by the GoSS or even the local authorities in addressing these serious developments have been massively sub-standard and marred by ethnic prejudices.

Now as I write this release, the whole of the Upper Nile State lives in a huge state of terror and insecurity. It must be remembered that, since the tribal confrontations that happened between the Chollo and Dinka Padang Communities during the CPA celebrations one and a half years ago has led to a terrible fall out in relationship between the communities and made worse by issues of controversial and disputable land rights. However, it was the government intervention from the GOSS, a move much marred by tribal favouritism that eventually promoted the current degree of enmity and antagonism that leaves too little room for any sensible reconciliation.

Sadly enough the situation in Malakal the capital of the Upper Nile state, has deteriorated drastically in the last few weeks following the unaccounted for killing of the Chollo Para-mount chief, Oyath Odhok.

However, the procedures taken thereafter by the GoSS ministers of Interior Brigadier Gier Chuang Aloung and his counterpart the former Minister of Legal Affairs that led the South Sudan Legislative Assembly (SSLA) to unanimously strip all the SPLM-DC’s MPs, Hon. Samuel Aban AchIen, Hon. Andrew Okony Ayom, Hon. Martha Angar Kur, and Hon. Onyoti Adigo Nyikwec from their immunities, then followed immediately by what in fact amounted to arbitrary arrests, contradicts the spirit of democracy, human rights and even the basic legal procedures.

In Malakal it was a different scenario where Hon. Mustafa (Mayak) Gai of the Upper Nile State Legislative Assembly, and citizens, Dr. Odol (George) a pharmacist, Ayul Liebo, Oluny Ackiek Oluny and others were kidnapped at night and taken to unknown destinations. There are reports they were badly tortured and that their tormented families could not have access to them. UNMIS Human Rights and Red Cross were not even allowed to see them.

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Battle for the Nile intensified, Rivals race for diplomatic solutions

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June 25, 2010 (SSNA) —This week, fight over who owns the Nile has reached political peak, with Cairo leading the way on diplomatic fronts. During the colonial era, Egypt was the only nation to oversee and manage the use of Nile waters. But now, things have changed.

Egyptian Finance Minister Youssef Botrous Ghali travelled to Burundi earlier this week for talks regarding the treaty, al-Masry al-Youm reported.

"This is serious," said Henriette Ndombe, executive director of the intergovernmental Nile Basin Initiative, established in 1999 to oversee the negotiation process and enhance co-operation. "This could be the beginning of a conflict."

Omar Suleiman, Egypt’s intelligence chief, is in talks with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni in Kampala over differences concerning the recent Nile basin agreement, Egyptian daily al-Masry al-Youm reported on Thursday.

"We were saying: ‘This is crazy! You cannot claim these rights without obligations”, Isaac Musumba, Uganda’s state minister for regional affairs, and its Nile representative, told the Guardian.

In May, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Tanzania signed a "River Nile Basin Co-operative Framework" agreement. Kenya which was first seen as less interested in the agreement later signed on. Burundi, along with Congo, abstained from signing the agreement.

Under the agreement, each state’s share of the Nile Basin water will depend on climate, economic, population, social, and other important issues.

“All the upstream states saw the move by Egypt (Sudan has a more passive role) as "tantamount to an insult", Minelik Alemu Getahun, one of Ethiopia’s negotiators, was quote by the Guardian as saying.

If the deal is ratify, a body to decide on water allocation will be set up without Egypt and Sudan that need the river most. This causes panic in Cairo.

The 1929 bilateral treaty gave Cairo a power to veto any water development project in the Nile basin.

In 1959, Egypt and Sudan signed a deal that gave them "full utilisation of the Nile waters".

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