July 4, 2010 (Khartoum) — The Chinese envoy to Darfur Liu Guijin on Sunday said his country favors unity of Sudan and a political solution to Darfur conflict.
The Chinese official reaffirms his country commitment to peace in Sudan. He praises progress made by the NCP and the SPLM on the CPA implementation.
"We are supporting the two major partners to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), the National Congress Party and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement to work together to try to solve the difficulties and obstacles on the way and to have a credible, transparent and fair referendum," Liu told reporters in Khartoum.
Sudan’s minister for cabinet affairs in the unity government, Luka Biong Deng, a leading figure in South Sudan’s ruling party, met with the Chinese official. They discussed the upcoming January 2011 referendum, Darfur problem, and many other issues.
"China wishes to cooperate with the North and South," Liu said.
“Beijing was in favor of the unity of Africa’s largest country”, AFP quoted the Chinese envoy as saying.
Mr. Liu Guijin also met with Ghazi Salahedden, Omar al-Bashir’s adviser on Darfur.
"The only way to resolve the problem in Darfur is through peaceful negotiations, through the political process, any boycotting of the political process, any choice of remaining outside the political process is not acceptable, is not conducive to peace and to the resolution of the problem," Chinese special envoy to Darfur told reporters after meeting with Salahedden.