Insanity of this war is mistaken by South Sudanese

By Chol Wek Wek

February 6, 2014 (SSNA) — After the lull of 12 days house to house killing against Nuer tribe in Juba by militia mainly from Salva Kiir Tribe (Dinka), my neighbours who happen to be mainly from greater Equotoria start asking me some silly question such as; why are you fighting King Salva Kiir Mayardit?? And others start laughing at me and the corpse lying all over the streets of juba mostly Meyer Sava best known as 107, Jabel Suk and Gudelle where thousands of Nuer were murdered in cool blood by their cousin Dinka who were armed by Salva Kiir and his groups to carry out this Barbaric act.

It wasn’t my own making nor the deceases I said to them; But South Sudan is not ready and will not and never be the kingdom of Dinka or rule by king no matter what. Others continue asking me, do you think you will defeat them? Why is it only Nuer taking that risk? Why don’t we leave the power to Dinka since they are the only men in South Sudan?

Nuer as a tribe have sacrificed their blood to save the life of million South Sudanese from the hand of Dinka who claims to rule South Sudan for fifty years under SPLM and other fifty years under any party building the kingdom of Jieng. This is not the first or second time for us to opposed their rubbish mentality and ideology which they lastly realized and result today as genocide against Nuer in Juba. This is the right time for all South Sudanese to correct the mentality of guerrilla which one tribe claimed to have liberated the Country. Today Dinka are fabricating to international against Nuer pouching all unnecessary evident diverting the reality on ground and calling it coup attempt, but tomorrow the same thing will be apply to whoever wants the change.

Ugandan too, have contributed tirelessly in this genocide by providing logistical support to Kiir Militia including military tanks, Gunship and F15 to terrorist Nuer civilian who are seen carrying western mentality for democratic. Minister of information Mr Makuei Lueth was quote saying Nuer must leave South Sudan in SSTV which was my surprise of such statement release by national figure in public. Another Ugandan businessman was telling me, if Nuer as a tribe doesn’t cooperate with Dinka then, Ugandan will facilitate Jieng smuggling of guns to Uganda to do the same thing in Kampala. Dear readers, what is the connection between South Sudan affairs and Maseveni interest?? To me and my colleagues who share this assay with me, conclude that, the insanity of this war was mistaken by many South Sudanese calling it Nuer and Dinka and others call it coup attempt by Dr Riek Machar. This war is to liberate this Country from what so call Jieng corrupt Kingdom.

I also appeal to the international community who are siding with propagandas and fabrication of Kiir and his group calling this a coup attempt without any prove and continues killing Nuer civilian in Juba and others government control areas to date to reversed their mindset and give pressure to Kiir to stop feeding Nuer with dead bodies of Nuer victim in Juba. Turning blind eyes to this genocide committed by Kiir and his Dinka fellows will take this Country into civil war.

The author of this article is the concern citizen living in Juba South Sudan and can be reaching at [email protected]

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