‘Sudan and SPLM-N rebels about to conclude peace deal’: Mbeki

Darfur News Update by Radio Dabanga (12 – 18 November)

November 18, 2014 (SSNA) — The head of the African Union panel that brokers the peace negotiations between the Sudanese government and the rebel SPLM-N, disclosed on Monday that the parties are close to concluding an agreement on the conflict in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states. He further revealed that these peace negotiations will be “synchronised” with negotiations on the Darfur region with the armed rebel movements. 

The negotiations with the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North are adjourned for ‘a few days’ because the delegations need to consult on some additional documents, Thabo Mbeki, chairman of the AU High-Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) said in the capital of Ethiopia. “We adjourn with really a lot of confidence that we are not too far from concluding an agreement.” The parallel meeting on the Darfur region, between the Sudanese government and Darfur’s rebel movements, will resume on 23 November. “There is one process, but two tracks,” Mbeki said, explaining that “the contents of the underlying documents [for South Kordofan and Blue Nile, and for Darfur] will be shared, to prove that there is a comprehensive peace agreement”. Peace negotiations between the government and the SPLM-N resumed on 12 November, after a  previous round in April stalled. Both sides stuck to their divergent positions on the cessation of hostilities and security arrangements.

UN agencies do not have access to areas held by the SPLM-N. According to the regional coordination unit SKBNCU, however, there are an estimated 650,000 people who are displaced by fighting between the government and the rebels in the SPLM-N areas of South Kordofan. Another 65,000 are displaced in Blue Nile’s rebel-held areas, as of October this year.

Sudan again blocks Unamid’s mass rape investigation

The United Nations’ Secretary-General urged the Sudanese government on Monday to grant the UN-AU peacekeeping mission in Darfur “unfettered access” to Tabit, North Darfur, to investigate the serious allegations of a mass rape by Sudanese soldiers on 31 October. On Sunday, Khartoum announced it does not permit the Unamid to visit Tabit a second time. The Foreign Ministry said the claims of a mass rape have raised anger amongst the villagers. “They are very hostile against Unamid, which stained the reputations and chastity of the women in the area”. The government has tasked the special prosecutor of Darfur crimes to investigate the reports too. During the past week, the European Union, the United States, Norway, Sudanese opposition parties and women activist groups have called for unrestricted access for Unamid to Tabit and its population. Unamid stated it did not find any evidence for the mass rape after its first and only visit to Tabit, 50 km south-west of El Fasher, on 9 November. The mission did not mention that its investigators were heavily accompanied by Sudanese military and police forces, who filmed the interviews. Aicha Elbasri, the former spokesman of Unamid, criticised the peacekeepers for allowing their presence during the interaction with villagers, in an interview with APA. “The [forensic] evidence has disappeared, the population was intimidated by soldiers, and the government was in full control of the place,” she stressed, two weeks after the rape happened. 

Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that the military arrested 26 men in Tabit last week, and that about 150 soldiers were transferred from the garrison to El Fasher in trucks last Wednesday. They said that military officers had asked which people in Tabit had spoken to Radio Dabanga, which reported about the mass rape on 2 November. Witnesses and victims described how Sudanese soldiers from a nearby garrison entered Tabit two days before, beat and dispersed all the men, and collectively raped "about 200 women and girls" for several hours.

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