Troika to terminate “accommodation costs” as South Sudan’s warring factions fail to form a transitional government

Juba, January 21, 2016 (SSNA) — The Troika has issued a statement saying it will end its financial support to what it described as “complex operation” meant to secure the implementation of South Sudan’s power-sharing deal.

The announcement comes as South Sudanese rival groups accuse each other of refusing to implement the internationally-brokered pact.

In close coordination with the European Union (EU), the three nations bloc, Troika, says in a statement that it offers to pay accommodation fees of at least 240 people until the a transitional government is formed…and that the IGAD-Plus’s compromise peace agreement sets the 22nd of January of 2016 as the dateline for the formation of an interim-government.

“The United States and Norway, in coordination with the UK and the EU, contributed very substantial financial support for this complex operation, including buses to Gambella, flights to Juba and accommodation for 240 people. The purpose of this support was to secure the implementation of the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (ARC), and the full operationalisation of the various committees as proscribed by the Agreement,” the statement reads in part.

Troika also discloses that it informed both the armed opposition and South Sudan’s government that its financial support is only suited for a one-time and that it will end its financial support on January 22.

“As stated very clearly in our dialogue with both the Government of South Sudan and the SPLM-IO, the assistance will terminate 22 January, the date by which the Transitional Government of National Unity (TGoNU) is scheduled to be formed. This means that support for all those now being provided accommodation in Juba will end on that date,” the statement added.

It is not clear who will pick up accommodation fees for rebel advance team as members of the armed oppostion are still staying in hotels in Juba.

However, Troika says that it “will only be able to mobilize additional external support and assistance if a TGoNU is formed and there is a sincere commitment by all parties to implement the agreement,” adding that its support to peace process will continue through JMEC and urges South Sudan’s rivals to find a meaningful solution that would allow the peace implementation process to move forward.

Last week, the leadership of the SPLM/A-IO recalled back to rebel headquarters, Pagak, some members of its advance team to conduct a consultative meeting over Kiir’s 28 states expansion scheme. Rebels say Kiir is using “delaying tactics” to prevent the implementation of the peace agreement.

Kiir denies the accusation, claiming that he is simply fulfilling SPLM’s taking towns to people policy.

Rebels also assert that Kiir is desperate, looking for ways to maintain his dictatorial rule and that his claim of taking towns to people is a wishful thinking.

The armed opposition warns of “serious consequences” if South Sudan’s president refuses to abandon his 28 states plan.

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