![[A South Sudanese] “holds the flag of southern Sudan during celebrations on the eve of their declaration of independence in Juba, southern Sudan, Friday, July 8, 2011”. Photo: AP/David Azia](http://www.southsudannewsagency.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/AP-aa.jpg)
October 24, 2013 (SSNA) — When a well-regarded, influential and prophetic leader Dr. John Garang Mabior with his men took up armed and rebelled against Khartoum regime or north dominating Arabs in 1983, which led to the formation of SPLA/M now the ruling Party. I understood it was for justice, equality, peace, economic future, education, and political stabilise which was hope to be seemed in a new founded state of South Sudan. Yet by the look of it, there is still unfinished revolution in South Sudan that needs an address by South Sudanese themselves.
The country is suffering from a political unrest in many ways beginning with crucial insecurity, economical future and lack of educational progress and medical attentions. They South Sudanese had face insecurity problem since autonomous era until self-governing state of the Republic. Once will definitely notices that the country’s government has become dysfunctional in way that it cannot provide security to her citizens. As far as logic goes, the South Sudanese rebellion was about injustice being applied on African-south Sudanese by the dominating Arabs military ruled in north.
The recent attacked on civilians population in Twii East Country, Jonglei State have cause many concerns in the Country and cross the ocean about the future of this nation. As a citizen who have had witnessed some of horrifies criminality being committed in the Sudan before becoming an independent State. There is a concerned somewhere; we are still in process of unfinished revolution that is not yet done but need to be dealt with. Likewise, the attack on Twii East Country is not special but it exactly the same as the previous attacked in any other part of South Sudan, ranging from Abyei, Greater Bar el Gaza, Greater Equatorial and finally the Greater Upper Nile.
We have seemed this wrongdoing in other part of world where insecurity and crime against humanity has been committed. For instance, the Mumbai terrorist attack in India, London bombing in United Kingdom (UK) and most importantly the September 11 attacked (11/09/2001) on New York and Washington DC on US soil. In relation to South Sudan, the senseless violence and act of terror on entire un-armed population is major concerns that an individual would act accordingly.
It is very drastic and occasionally story when the SPLM-led government does not act according the good wills and in the interests of South Sudanese. I can asked myself many question as I could, what is the real job of our SPLA military-intelligence, national security, the defence force and the interior? When such a matters occurred and they government is not taking any of the responsibilities at hand.
Either defending its citizens, treat the wounded, petrol the affected area and visited the affected family members, relatives and love one. For example, in the United States and other part of the World where democratic principles are underpinned by the rule of law, were a leader is a leader of people by people and for people. President Barack Obama usually visited school shooting and talked to the people in the areas in how the situation can be addressed in political way. Whereas in South Sudan, the president with his administration just keep quick.
I think by now they south Sudanese would assumed that this SPLM Party- led government is self-driven authority that does played any role whatsoever for the people of South Sudan who brought them to power. The authority in charge in Juba did not make self-determination probable but the people of South Sudan made the self-determination possible otherwise, we would have voted for united Sudan rather than this failed country of ours. We voted overwhelmingly knowing we will get justice, peace among other things each independence Country owned.
Substantially, since CPA days to the governing time, the Country has faced some of the worst economic crisis; the unemployment is always at it high, inflation on the rise. There no investment for future generations in South Sudan. It is very good sometime when a land lock Country with many Countries around her wanting to invest in South Sudan resources. This time we would have been in boom resource economy like Australia Resource boom, Nigeria and other Countries were resources are available.
But due to poor Juba based government in charge of our resources that why the country is still in the same position as it was during struggle period. The country that the World put their eyes on is going backward everyday on the media and on the ground breaking news. I can say we have the resources but we do not have people or the government to utilize our resources in more off economical standard.
Another significant area of concerned in South Sudan is the education side. The educational progress in the country is very slow in manner any citizen is frustrated off or can be unsatisfied. However, who can we blame for such lack adequate education progress? Isn’t government, I’m become aware that our leaders sent their children to school in neighbouring Countries capital cities. For example, many of SPLA Generals daughters and sons are either in Nairobi, Kampala or Addis Abba. Some of these generals who have enhanced themselves from the money they make through corruption sent their children to United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and other party of Western World that have prestigious education institution. These kids spend much money as average of $5000.00 us dollars per year.
This can be the reason why the SPLM-led government is not starting to developed universities facilities, high schools and primary school in South Sudan. I think and I am sure they ministerial of education is just a person received money that he or she does not deliver anything workable for the benefit of South Sudanese current children or future generations.
Also, the health system in the Country is like in the war era, many South Sudanese died everyday not because they their sickness they might has to take their lives away. But they have to die because of no medical desirability. When a general himself feel he or she is sick, it is either transfer to Nairobi, Kampala or India for further treatment. Therefore, I am personally fine with that to seek medical attention in more developed Country. But wait minute, why our government is not starting to develop well medical hospitals, employed well qualified doctors in order to treat our people. The more the government build hospital the more we can benefit medically and economically in long-term.
In summary, the problem of insecurity, lack of SPLM Party-led government not taking action; the educational progressed and the health system in South Sudan allowed any concerned South Sudanese like me to think that we still have unfinished revolution in South Sudan.
Deng-ajith Duot is a South Sudanese. He is residing in Australia, state of Queensland. He can be reached at email, [email protected]