Its obvious beyond reasonable doubt to all watchful eye that since day one when president Salva Kiir Mayardit ascend to the helm of the SPLM/A party after the untimely demise of our late charismatic leader and founder Dr John Garang de Mabior on July 30, 2005. Salva Kiir has utterly failed to fulfill the aspiration of the people of South Sudan. Since that time, President Salva Kiir and his like-minded cronies took it upon themselves to reverse all the meaningful again SPLM/A had champion during our armed struggle up to the CPA reneging on Abyei provision. SPLM/A under his watchful eye has lost vision and direction straying away from its core principle. Ever since after the signing of the CPA then to the flag hoisting, his tenure us South Sudan President is characterize by corruptions, nepotism, and tribalism. The decision making process in conducting our governmental daily business are entrusted into the hand of very selected ethnic group mostly from greater Barh el Ghazal region hence marginalizing other regional citizens of greater Upper Nile and greater Equatoria regions.
This kind of malpractice has created a huge civil discontented within the general public, because our civil population know fully well this is not the well meaningful result of our long bitter struggle in trying to attain justice, equality, and prosperity us enshrine in national anthem. President Salva Kiir utterly fail leadership style pushed the whole country and the historical SPLM/A party into abyss in all ten states of South Sudan including the Diasporas as well. We the SPLM/A in Nebraska Chapter being the most heavily populated state by South Sudanese residing in Diaspora and the stronghold of SPLM/A in the United State of America, we refused to just sit back and watch the disintegration of South Sudan unfold before our eye from the sideline. We are duly obliged to state our position as per the rule and regulation of the party.
President Slava Kiir had created huge paralysis within the party by stifling any cheers initiative with the intention of trying to initiate democratic transformation process within the party. Every since he ascended into the helm under his watch the party has lost vision and direction anyone who dare question the direction of things or his one men totalitarian show is perceives as a threat rather then a citizen trying to exercise his citizenry right. He has lost the legitimacy to rule the country. His actions are hurting the SPLM party in the country. He must step down as a chairman of the party and as the President of the Country. We in the SPLM/A Nebraska Chapter duly decided to pledge our full allegiances with those that supported the reforms within the SPLM/A. These are the one fighting Salva Kiir regime in Juba today.
All in all SPLM/A party under Salva Kiir leadership is no longer the party of the people for the people and by the people it has lost its luck luster. We urge all citizens and well wisher of this historical party to join hand in hand with us in Nebraska Chapter and rest of the United States to continue on the work of spearheading the SPLM reform that will brings the democratic change in the country.