Subject: SPLM Chapters’ Leadership Workshop Training
Dear SPLM States Chapters,
United States, December 25, 2014 (SSNA) — The SPLM National Secretariat Coordination Office in United State is delighted to notify all SPLM Chapter leaders across the US that your National Secretariat Coordination Office has organized a leadership workshop training for you and your staffs. This workshop training will be held on Saturday, 31th January, 2015 in Omaha Nebraska.
As our country is currently facing a severe leadership failure in the hand of a genocidal incompetent president, we the SPLM- Resistant Movement have to make sure we train our cadres and ourselves so that we lead the Federal Republic of South Sudan by uniting all tribes, deliver basic services and development to the people. We must bury totalitarianism, corruption and nepotism in all forms.
Every Chapter leader has to inform his/her staffs about the invitation to attend this remarkable leadership training and put it to schedule. We also invited the followings; SPLM Youths League, SPLM Women League, SSRRA Humanitarians, Religious leaders and civil society leaders.
God Bless you all and our people back home!
Sincerely Yours,
Leadership Workshop Organization Committee