March 9, 2015 (SSNA) — I’m calling on all the Lou Nuer People in South Sudan to crash Salva Kiir and his criminal allied forces, which are advancing to capture the Lou Nuer Areas in two fronts since March 6, 2015. One White Arm Militia Leader from Warrap State is leading the mission and promised that he is going to be in Nyirol County where Salva Kiir deemed to be the Centre of the Lou Nuer.
The Militia Leader is eager to sit in Nyirol if his forces penetrated Uror County this week to symbolize that Lou Nuer Areas are under Criminals. This Militia leader used to be the White Amy Leader from Warrap State, the home state of Salva Kiir. This White Arm Leader is coming to capture the Lou Nuer Areas under over all command of Simon Gatwech Dual, James Mabor Dhol, James Otong Liah, and all the Lou Nuer Compatriots (Volunteers). Now is up to the Lou Nuer Youths to prove the white arm from Warrap, Nuer Wew, and criminal allied forces wrong. We will continue to communicate with your central commands. We confirmed the criminals’ advance directions from Lou Nuer Centre Command already and cannot be shared on the media.
Simple Message: I, and other Lou Nuer sons and daughter in Canada are with you at this difficult time. I know you have all the power and what it takes when it comes to defending our innocent children, women, and elders for more than a century. This is our pure and simple historical fact since 1800s. Let our struggle continues under SPLM-IO Leadership!
The author is a former SPLA Soldier (a veteran), former chairperson of SPLM Chapter who led the defection from the genocidal SPLM Juba and formed the SPLM-In Opposition Chapter of Edmonton (Former Chairman of SPLM-IO Chapter of Edmonton). He is now a senior SPLM-IO Member & a Political Analyst in Canada. He is reachable at: [email protected]