January 28, 2017 (SSNA) — We, members of Global Partnership for Peace in South Sudan (GaPPSS) and other South Sudanese civil organizations and activists in the United States of America are outraged, appalled and anguished by the brutal assassination of Lt. Col. Al Fadil Meil Issa Limbo. On January 25, the body of late Officer Limbo was found in one of Wau’s neighborhood with his throat slit, a day after he was reportedly kidnapped by unidentified persons.
We are saddened by this tragedy and join our fellow South Sudanese from Western Bahr el Ghazal in mourning the tragic and brutal killing of one of its young souls. We express our outrage for such a hateful crime committed by South Sudanese against one of their own. This is a brutal crime against humanity and we call for his assassins to be brought to justice. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the family of the deceased and hope that justice will prevail.
As we have come to learn, Limbo became a member of the Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring Mechanism (CTSAMM) team after he defected from Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A-In Opposition) and joined Taban Deng Gai faction late 2016.
We entrust our confidence in the security apparatus around the Wau area, particularly on the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC), that is entrusted to play an active role in establishing peace and stability in South Sudan, to also do the same in the criminal investigation. We hope that peace will prevail in this young nation in the near future.
Theresa Samuel on behalf of GaPPSS
Chief Operations Officer for GaPPSS, USA
Peter Gatkuoth Wadar Kuel;
Executive Director for SSIAHR, USA
Simon Deng, Human Rights Activist, New York, USA
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President Obama this is your peace that you did with the government of southsudan and how did you feels about this photo?
This what South Sudan is country of killing her own people God see these killer Amen .Stop giving south Sudan dollars is letting them getting drunk and killing for selfish
Thanks Trump ban South Sudan so they will stop killing get them good job Mr.Trump they are killer Amen