Addis Ababa, June 30, 2017 (SSNA) – The Unite States under Former President Barack Obama was working to keep South Sudanese President Salva Kiir in power and isolate rebel leader Dr. Riek Machar, a current African Union (AU) diplomatic source told the South Sudan News Agency (SSNA) in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa.
In an exclusive interview Friday, the source who demanded his identity be submerged for fear of reprisal, said the United States was simply not clear of what to do about South Sudan’s civil war and that Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni was the only person they trust.
“I can tell you there was no peace at that time because of nearly all East African leaders at that time, except Uganda, knew something was wrong. But we were fine since we knew Uganda was a supporter of South Sudan government,” said the source.
“What we have was a very heavy pressure from Obama’s government wanting us to denounce SPLM/A-IO, but it was the beginning of the renewal of old East African conflicts. The man [Kiir} killed thousands of Nuer people in December 2013 and we, in the East African community, knew he [Kerry] was very wrong,” the source said, adding, “We launched public and secret investigations into Juba’s coup claim and what our investigators found was very troubling.”
“That American guy who used to be Secretary of States disliked Riek Machar too much, but we have our own views of Machar, he revealed.
The South Sudan News Agency is fully aware that the SPLM/A-IO has been critical of the Former US administration over its soft policy towards South Sudanese president.
It is not the first time the SPLM/A-IO implicated the United States in the ongoing civil war.
The armed opposition has been claiming that Former American government was held hostage by both Ugandan and American citizens who were given business deals by Kiir.
One senior rebel official assertively told the SSNA in Pagak that “the world must choose between killer Kiir and leader Machar.”
The SSNA is also aware that the armed opposition accused Former US Secretary of States of favoring his daughter, a close relative, or friend who was awarded a construction business deal by Kiir’s government.
The South Sudan News Agency cannot independently verify the alleged claims.
30 Comments. Leave new
Both leaders of two countrys, Uganda and southsudan are not really democracy.president of southsudan is killing non dinkas in southsudan right now. Southsudan need federal government system like the way of America.
Yes you are right we need federal government or system like United States of America because everyone in South Sudan have a right because federal government or system will bring Justice and liberty for all South Sudan by this great Nation Untied State help we bring Justice and liberty and freedom for all our Mother, Father, brother, sister we wash on Television and Magezen dieing every day in the street of South Sudan
There is no doubt that promotion of corruption and war in South Sudan has been the work of foreign hands. So your article is spot on the factors that is still causing our citizens to die, flee the nation in multitudes.
The problem in South Sudan is plain and simple tribalism between the Dinka and Nuer, with Kiir willing to use ethnic cleansing of the Nuer. Both Kiir and Machar need to be replaced by men who look to the future of South Sudan and all its people.
I hear Bill tribalism is certainly one of the problems.However, the culture of rebellions is another.Rebellion has been a lucrative business for our gun class.And folks had been using this for last three decades to acquire wealth and powers . Some those folks you see fighting this devastating senseless war including the rebel chief Riak , had switched side at least a couple. They has been doing just that with Dr. John Garang , Now with Kiir. I have no doubt president Kiir will surely go but problem is unlikely to go away with him.Pherhaps it will be when the young South Sudanese find their way to helm of power is when our country shall witness a relative peace.
You said it all nationalist. South Sudan major problem is because of greed and selfishness either for positions or over resources by few animals. It’s pity South Sudanese victims are hurting other South Sudanese victims.
You know what Alfred, the case is not love of rebelion but rather a human instinct for survival. Tell me if all those Nuer people remained docil, would your tribal militias ever rserve one Nuer? The truth is you thought to rule for ever in South Sudan but you are dimayed and have failed. Now your government has resorted to lying only to be ashamed now by bribed IGAD. Dr. Risk is our only hope for forgiveness and future fiber rebuilding if we choose to have a country.
Hello , my dear, brother i want tell you one thing that growth in our heart today is tribalism ,descriminationalism corruptionalism greediness empty minded of understanding things happening in the nearest future , all above mentions are laid down our country to step backward , let me ask you, how many leaders ruling Uganda before president maseveni now ? If you study the history of Uganda even you would have been feel very sorrow indeed and that is why our people are trying to do so , now what we do as youth if i were you we could not involves such idealogies and selfishiness maners, like example now if you are not get a job but you will be influence by others to join army or rebel so that to get right , this is really a blind fool our generation as far now i speak to you i like everybody to deserved the right as citizen of this country not by war , organize rebellion , let us be united as brothers in the image of this country,
KIIR Need to be taken to Icc humble Dr. Riek Machar will reign and show us the democracy.
The United States and the international community should play a key role to stop this terrible tragedy in S Sudan. Both Kiir and Machar are corrupt individuals
Wrong doing will come to end one day and the right one will arrive for the new beginning. hated had no place in this world, the world change. I know for sure why the US policy failed to South Sudan younger national. We knew it for sure why the US help south Sudan for their independent in the first place and later not doing anything for genocides after independent?
Dinka community should understand that its not about Nuer and Dinka, its about useless minded called Slava Kiir, who is Dinka and they just using dinka name for clearing Nuer community. Dinka community should come out and clear their name out for genocides other none Dinka community in South Sudan. This game is over, its was about resources between Salva Kiir and US government or Obama administration. For example, Susan Rice, John Kerry, Donald E booth and Uganda president.
We are even tired of commenting on kirr and riek, but I would pray that historians are there writing events of kirr and riek in full so that these two leaders are known well in the history by the way they lived and destroyed their own people just because they hate them selves politically and economically became greedy
1. south Sudan should avoid tribalism among themselves.
2. the economy of the country shall be review through economic policy of the world Bank
Let the World not make Business on the innocent bloods of South Sudanese. The People who die every day are not Kiir’s or Machar’s relatives but they are the true images of God. So both shall account for.
With the turn if events that have fragmented our social and political fabrics causing deaths of the innocent and economic collapse, South Sudan needs federation now. With federalism the same born to rule mentality will continue. Enough is enough, we need permanent revision (final Kokora). Let everyone go to their respective regions of Upper Nile. Bag at al Gazelle, and the peace-loving agricultural Equatorians should be left alone, period! We want our lands back from the occupiers; they have their own God-given lands. Why is this greed? Above all, they have the oil, what do they want from us? Nomads cannot coexist with crop farmers; cattle are destructive to both land and crops!
We need and want federations in South Sudan noe because the Dinka and their nomadic neighbors are wild, they don’t value human life but only animals, especially cattle!
plze, South Sudanese will not bring good person as our good leader for future,
any way may be.
My dear , brother let me asure you that speaking base on tribal , it may lead to lost your vision as young men of this country, south sudan is for all of us not for dinkas or nuer , you are speaking as if you rebel , if you continous writing like that soil will call you to go back it origin , you can not talking on tribes line God almighty will judge you otherwise if you not avoid such maner, please you distance yourself from all .
I do believe that one day this country will reclaim it’s promise, out of this long political darkness a brighter day will come.
There no one can take Kiir to ICC and leave the Decade vampire out ,he Reik is a killer too and he is a Traitor who always wage War,President Kiir is a man of Peace ,the history will till that this War is not the first ethnic that has been waged
politically , I do not believe that the- called Dr, Riek is the best for South Sudan.
Talk with our people and not through Hacking.
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We all knew it, Deng piol and Beek, if this war is about Dinka and Nuer only? It’s should be done already long time ago. For example, it’s wouldn’t take 4 years, because of Uganda and US supported Kiir, that is why it’s take so much time. We know each other tribes by tribes and it’s not the first time we fight to each other. However, everything had a end and there will be an time we must love each other again. It’s look so bad on Nuer side now but it’s will be rainbow tomorrow. All Sudanese need the federal government system in South Sudan and any state must work with their on law .
Current South Sudan (centralized) system is not that much different with that of federalism. Apart from ongoing madness (war) or failed Kiir and his daily obsolete decrees, people of Yei or anywhere in the country are currently free to govern themselves. I’m not saying let not go for federal system.
We could get exact (original) copy about federal system from the United states of America but will not work, not only in South Sudan but in many parts of Africa.
South Sudan problem is not lack of better governing laws (system) but lack of will/ethics to implement what has been agreed upon (laws). This is often due to selfishness/greed, corruption/nepotism, etc.
With federal system in place, you will continue to see some people (sections, tribes, or other minorities) in Yei complaining one way or another.
I just hope that our politicians are smart enough to compose a great constitution for the federation, which i must say is the only way to get this multi-tribal country to work. at some point we must merge into one people. i dont believe we can succeed as a country if we dont evolve as people and have children outside our respectable tribes. we can create a greater tribe of south sudan. but first we must focus on bringing peace within the country.
Peace to you all south sudanese.
How much they hate peoples leader with his movement they are getting stronger day by day the end show the mean
The American peoples and leaders they don’t want African people to be in peace, because They need our resources and African people to be their power works that’s why they interper For every thing happens in Africa and not to be in peace.
The main source of the South Sudanese proplem in the South Sudan, is deep seated in the hands of United States of America. They brought us the independent and wanted to destroy our lives. They invited Uganda into the war and they are pressuring all our neighbor countries not to help in bringing peace in our country. We all need to turn to the new administration in the United Stated for a concrete solution. Corruption, tribalism, nepotism, in discriminate killing of our people will never stop until Kiir is remove forcefully or by any means.
The main source of the South Sudanese problem in the South Sudan, is deep seated in the hands of United States of America. They brought us the independent and wanted to destroy our lives. They invited Uganda into the war and they are pressuring all our neighbor countries not to help in bringing peace in our country. We all need to turn to the new administration in the United Stated for a concrete solution. Corruption, tribalism, nepotism, in discriminate killing of our people will never stop until Kiir is remove forcefully or by any means.