Juba, January 2, 2022 (SSNA) — A mixed group of former and current politicians who are left out of the current transitional government or have fallen out with the leadership of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army-In Opposition (SPLM/A-IO) are busy lobbying President Kiir’s inner circle to make sure full implementation of the revitalized peace agreement does not happen, a confidential source at the presidency told the South Sudan News Agency (SSNA) in an exclusive interview on Sudan in the capital, Juba.
The group wants peace to collapse so they can assume their former roles, according to the official.
“They don’t have good reasons. They are just disgruntled politicians and former military officers who feel they are left out of the system due to this unity government born out of the revitalized peace agreement,” the source asserts.
“We have people from Taban Deng’s group, some JCE elements, people who left Riek Machar’s IO group, people from Former Detainees, individuals from many walks of life including a few current and former government ministers telling President Salva things that are bad for peace to succeed,” the official explains, adding, “People who had stolen public money in the past want to return to their old way thieving by first making the peace deal to fail.”
During the interview, the source claims that those who are working against peace will be punished one by one or in a group.
“Did you see President’s latest decree?” the official asks the SSNA. “All active and non-commissioned military officers are now barred from politics,” the official discloses.
When pressed if the ban by President Kiir serves as a warning to those who do not want lasting peace in the country. The source simply responded by saying, “Yes.”
The claims by the presidential source cannot be independently verified. However, the South Sudan News Agency has confirmed that the President issued a decree on December 31, 2021, banning all active and non-commissioned military officers from politics including leadership roles in local communities and women organizations. The decree does not specify the reasons why Kiir ordered the ban.