US says South Sudan targeting civilians, prepares to launch “large-scale” attacks

US Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Council Keith Harper. Photo: United States Mission to the United Nations in Geneva.
US Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Council Keith Harper. Photo: United States Mission to the United Nations in Geneva.

Juba/Geneva, November 30, 2016 (SSNA) — The United States’ Envoy to the United Nations Human Rights Council, Keith Harper, said South Sudanese government troops are targeting civilians in Central Equatoria state and prepared to launch what he called “large-scale” attacks on rebel areas or border state.

Harper told the UN special session held in Geneva that the US has “credible information” that Juba-backed troops are targeting civilians and that his government is alarmed by the development.

“The United States is alarmed by recent reports about the situation in South Sudan. We have credible information that the South Sudanese government is currently targeting civilians in Central Equatoria and … preparing for large-scale attacks in the coming days and weeks,” Harper told the 47-member council.

The Ambassador disclosed that South Sudan’s government has ataged at 4,000 militia members in Equatoria region to begin conducting attacks.

On November 19, the South Sudan News Agency (SSNA) reported that South Sudan’s government has deployed new military battalions in and around Juba. Resident told the SSNA that heavily armed militia-looking soldiers in military uniforms were moving in and around Juba threatening civilians and telling people to go inside their houses. A confidential government source later told the SSNA that Juba has new military graduates who are part of exiting forces to secure Juba and surround areas.

The United States proposed an arms embargo on South Sudan and targeted sanctions through UN Security Council but the move was blocked by Russia.

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8 Comments. Leave new

  • I’m trying to find name of author or source of this article.

  • Name or source of this article please.

    Let be creditable to avoid false hope to our populations, they already have enough.

  • Thondoor ukulu
    December 1, 2016 12:58 am

    Rebel are rebels and no country in this world that will allow rebels to attack citizen, the more UN and US is taking is less in important.Becuase they were not reponding to the killing that had been going on Juba and Numile road. Does it mean UN had been the one that recuiting Rebels in Yei town or was it US?
    Government got mandate to deal with such westerners element in Equatoria , whether through paceful mean or by using force if that could be the lanagauge that can bring pace.those who love their country will stand with Government and leaves alone american or UN whom are fight for their jobs in the country to keep with their allow voices.Moreover time is ticking whereby UN and American will leaves the country.those sidding with them will choose whether they moved to New York or became pacefull citizen of south sudan.

  • Thondoor ukulu
    December 1, 2016 1:13 am

    I begin to suppect UNIMISS in south sudan has hand in the crisis in South sudan prsently, the evdience goes back to MS Johnson friendship with Riek which was posted by Demonstratest which took place in Juba that year.second evidence is reference to weapons that were caught in trucks which were enrooted to Bentiu, these weapons included land mine which was banned un the same UN,if thee weapons were for UN.what were they intend to do with the land mine?
    south sudan government south sudan government should bring back this case on the table again .Right now voice aloudly worried of the rebels, who got guns, yet they are killer.Even in America Killers gun down due to the threat they enforced on the community.I belives westerner are doing whatever they doing to distabilize south sudan due to it resource in which they had acess.the approach was done in Libiya, Iraq. right now these countries are in problems due to these robberies actions.

  • Ɗont sleep in such situations anɗ waiting for the hapennings, ƙinɗly act now before civillians are ƙilleɗ

  • Human rights its ɗeaɗ in south suɗan

  • Human rights its ɗeaɗ in south suɗan,it is not a nation ɓut a terror huɓ


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