Re: Vote of No Confidence against the Union Chairperson, Mr. Puok Bol Par
April 9, 2014 (SSNA) — Introduction: Dear all esteemed members of Fangak Youth Union, Fangak and Naath Community both in South Sudan and overseas, it is TRUE that; during this crisis where we have lost Thousands innocent children, women, Youths and elderly, no social and more contented activities should be conducted. Rather, it is indeed a mourning time for the lives lost. But, FYU Parliament is forced to have emergency activities, following Mr. Puok Bol Par unbearable way of doing things, which FYU’s Parliament calls as breaching of the Union’s constitution. So, we are very mindful of this trying time, we are all in! Moreover, you’re kindly asked to read this Declaration carefully if you don’t mind, paragraph by paragraph.
Reference to the FYU’s Parliament meeting dated 30 March, 2014. The Parliament has eventually declared vote of no confidence on Fangak Youth Union (FYU)’s Chairperson, Mr. Puok Bol Par. The reasons led to this impeachment by the Parliament are continuous violation of the Union’s Constitution by former Chairperson. The FYU’s Parliament has 21 members, where eleven (11) members present in March 30, 2014 meeting all (plus) voted in favor of the above subject.
The reasons led to this declaration (Vote of no Confidence) are:
1. (a) .Embezzlement of 12, 0000 SSP that is corruption case.
2. (b) A denial press statement written(in Juba Monitor Newspaper) by Mr. Puok Bol Par denying (condemnation press release sent by FYU on 25/02/2013 ),the death of Fangak and Nuer people that were killed after 15 Dec and during the crisis at hand as well as James Kok’s speeches.
3. (c) The former Chairperson became an enemy (threat) rather than a leader to the Union’s members.
However, the above three reasons are hereunder constitutionally and categorically explained:
Firstly: The Fangak Youth Union (FYU)’s Constitution Article 7, 7.5(a) says “The secretary for Finance (SF) shall: collect all subscriptions, receive all donations, pay bills due and keep proper accounts of the Union. Also, Article 11.5.1 says “It shall be the work of the Secretary for Finance to received or keepany donation ” But the Union’s former Chairperson in July last year, 2013, went and received an amount of 12, 0000 SSP (Twelve Thousand South Sudanese Pounds) from the donors (Well wishers) of the Union, instead of Financial Secretary. After he received this money (12, 0000 SSP) he then deposited it into his account and refused to hand it (the money) over to the concerned Secretary (SF). “Yes I truly received that amount of money (12,000 SSP) however I didn’t hand it over to Secretary of Finance”. This is what he (Puok) said,once summoned and asked by FYU Parliament members, whether he was in fact received the money or not.
Secondly: After Juba Incidence, the former Chairperson was asked by the Union’s members and offices bearers in FYU to condemn in writing an unanticipated killing of innocent Nuer and Fangak people as well as the televised denial of this fact (killings) made by Mr. James Kok Ruea on SSTV. Mr. James Kok Ruea is a Fangak County’s Representative in the National Legislative Assembly (NLA). Puok Bol Par, the FYU’s former Chairperson abruptly turned down that constitutional suggestion and said “This is not true and political, hence there is no need to condemn either the killing which did not happen or Mr. James Kok Ruea’s utterances on SSTV, because Kok has a prerogative right to talk whatever he wishes and nobody could condemn his speeches” he concluded.
However, such a statement from Puok Bol did not convince all FYU offices bearers. So the general assembly view was consulted and the leadership of the Union lastly agreed to issue a press release which was published in South Sudan News Agency (SSNA) and other social media on 25/26/27 Feb, 2014 in that order. On Sunday, the 2nd of March, 2014 the former Chairperson called a meeting which involved an overall leadership of the Union (FYU). That is, Executive and Parliamentary branches, as well defined in the Union Constitution Article 4(4.1). An agenda tabled by him (Puok Bol) in that meeting was” A demand to write another press release or say what had been written was neither written by Fangak Youth Union’s leadership nor it is the interest of the Union’s general assembly”. Without wasting much time, in that very meeting of second March, 2014 the said agenda or tabled was subjected to voting. As a result, all executive members (except Puok) and Parliament members who were present in the meeting opposed the idea of denying a condemnation press release which exactly represents the voice and interest of all Fangak Youths. This means the Union’s Leadership minus himself (Puok) was against the idea of writing another press release which could deny the people death and James Kok televised utterances. So the meeting ended from there. Thinking that in democracy, two or more men’s votes are much stronger than one man’s vote and that dictatorship tendency shouldn’t even be apply in social Union(s) like FYU.
Unexpectedly, our former Chairperson wrote a press release which was published in Juba Monitor Newspaper, on Saturday 8th March, 2014. Titled “Fangak Youth Union’s Leadership Denies the allegations that there were people killed and accusations labeled against James Kok Ruea by unknown members” In that press release Puok Bol denied the death of hundreds/thousands of Fangak, Nuer people and Mr. James Kok Ruea’s utterances, saw/heard by millions viewers of SSTV. He described all those facts mentioned in the 25 March, 2014 press release, as lies and baseless. Furthermore, he termed the Union’s members (general assembly) and leadership as unknown members or rebels. The press release wrote by Mr. Puok contravened the FYU’S Constitution Article 1 (1.4) which says” The main purpose of the Union (FYU) shall be to promote, defend and protect the interest of all Fangak Youths and members of Fangak County”. Here, the interest of Fangak Youths was to condemn and shall continue to do so, the killings; tell James Kok to leave the Fangak Youth and Community alone as written in the statement released on 25th Feb, 2014. However, again Puok ignored the leadership meeting of March the 2nd, 2014, FYU’s Constitution Article 1 (1.4) and Article 4 (4.1) altogether. Instead, he deliberately wrote a press release in his own interest and in the name of FYU leadership. This is another grave mistake as it is, stipulated; in the law of FYU. Because one of the Union’s objectives in Article 2 (2.4) says “FYU Leadership shall act as voice (specifically in the interest) of the Youth of Fangak County, not as a voice of certain individual or politician”.
Thirdly: in addition to these aforementioned reasons, the former Chairperson is alleged to have had coordinated the arrests of several members of the Union, who are now in detention cells. To make mater worse, Mr. Puok took one of the arrested members’ cars and uses it as his personal car. But when he was advised not to move around by a car of a jailed member, he became angry and threatened to arrest the one who advised him not to use an incarcerated person’s car. In the following day, the former Chairperson, Mr. Puok issued a Presidential Decrees relieving the Union ‘s project proposal Co-coordinator whom he wrongly perceived as responsible for press statement released earlier and the Union Secretary for Culture, Youth and Sports who advised him to cease using a car whose owner was in unknown place, whether dead or alive nobody knows. Not only that, Puok had issued a number of Arrest Warrants against the Union’s members who could differ with him, in issues relating to the death of Fanagk, Nuer people and Union affairs. This third reason without doubt, justified that Puok Bol became an enemy (threat) rather than a leader of the Union and vice-versa. The latter reason plus the other first two (2) main evidences are all contrary to the Union’s Constitution. Therefore, the Fangak Youth Union’s Parliament, as an immediate general assembly representative; had taken a constitutional action against Mr. Puok Bol Par. This action taken is in accordance with FYU’s constitution Article 7 7.23(b) “The FYU’s Parliament shall declare vote of no confidence on any of the executive member, who shall act continuously not in favor of the FYU’s Constitution”. This FYU Parliament’s Declaration shall be effective as of today Wednesday, April 9, 2014. Thus, Mr. Puok Bol Par is no longer a Fangak Youth Union (FYU)’s Chairperson.
Accountability on FYU Funds and Assets
In Article 11 (11.4.1)(11.4.2) “All FYU funds must be accounted for and shall be used in ways deemed reasonable save by sub clause (11.3) of this Article that stipulates the use of FYU funds. And that any person whether executive member or otherwise, who shall misuse the funds of FYU without proper channels and authorization constitutionally, shall be held accountable by this (FYU) constitution respectively. Accordingly, the FYU Parliament Financial committee is set to investigate such corruption case in accordance to FYU’s Law. The said committee will see to it that, this (12,000 SSP) amount of Union’s money is firstly and finally deposited into the Union account.
Conclusion, in respect to FYU Constitution Article 6 & 10 clause 2.3 respectively; the acting Chairperson of the Union shall be Secretary General(SG) as also stipulated in Article 7 where the hierarchy of the Union Executive Officers is accordingly spelt. Until, the next General Elections are held.
Thanks for giving us your precious time.
Our Unity and our Voice is our Strength!!
Signed:FYU Parliament members
For any comment you can easily reached FYU’s Parliament on: [email protected]