By Tut Kuany Kok
December 13, 2018 (SSNA) — Before the tragedy of the 15th of December 2013 happened, President Salva Kiir Mayardit have privately trained a tribal army as well as the village boys from Warrap and Aweil in which their base was in Luri for the surreptitious purpose nobody knows. The fact behind Kiir’s decision to train tribal militia was not clear, but many people believed that Gen James Hoth Mai who was the Chief of General Staff at that time knew the reason as why Salva Kiir did so, but Gathoth did not want to talk about it as many said, “He was under brinkmanship and military ultimatum”. Also, within the same year, Salva Kiir bought ammunition from Russia, China, and Uganda while pretending that ammunition was meant for the security of the country just to conceal his despicable act.
Few days before the war broke out in Juba, the village boys from Aweil and Warrap were secretly sent to Juba town and its suburbs in a pretext that they’re carrying out sanitation campaign and precisely they’re being shown the areas occupied by the Nuer tribe and how many houses own by Nuer within the areas and the exits to the main streets with the help of Tiger unit or the Presidential guards, from there the “Dutko Beny and Mathiang Anyoor of Paul Malong Awan then succeeded in mastering the areas occupied by the Nuer tribe.
In the eve of December 15, 2013, the trigger of the first bullet strike an individual at around 10:00 pm, before the war escalate the following morning, the then citizens who were residing in Juba by that time believed that the fighting could pause within the same night and while it didn’t come to their attention that the war could target one ethnic group who were the Nuer tribe. In that sense, Nuer people were subjected to what they don’t anticipate and expect. On Monday 16 up to December 17-18, 2013, Salva Kiir ordered an intense “Door-to-door search as well as the extermination of Nuer in the Capital Juba and outskirts.
After the order, the village thugs who are recruited for that specific purpose took their immediate jobs and storm on every Nuer while killing an elderly persons, children, and pregnant mothers. Within the same scene eating of human flesh which is an abomination took its roots in which many were compelled and railroaded into cannibalism, homosexuality became the fate of the days, men were too forced to sleep with their fellow men. Mothers were forced to kill their family members either their children or their husbands, many were too burned alive. Many with facial marks suffered the same horrendous order.
The International Development Secretary Priti Patel’s statement on Thursday 13 April 2017.
“Women and children are being raped and slaughtered in South Sudan the violence in South Sudan is now genocide that is being perpetrated along tribal lines, the International Development Secretary has again stretched out. “The massacres are taking place, people’s throats are being slit”, Ms. Patel, who visited South Sudan, said there is a “scorched earth policy”, and described the situation as “absolutely abhorrent and inhumane”. She continued. “It’s tribal, it’s absolutely tribal, so on that basis it’s genocide,” she said.
The Nuer tribe was blatantly dehumanized and traumatized by the death of their own who innocently died for what they know nothing about. Hence, the genocide of December 15, 2013 will exist as the memorial and commemoration hitherto the upcoming generation because of the unjust killing and affliction of Nuer people in the hands of an infamous and notorious leader Kiir who believes in ethnic compartment and distinction in stain in our mind until the end of this world.
In fact, the “genocide” was mean to wipe out every Nuer after their main target who is Dr. Riek Machar escaped the political plots with the complicity of Salvation Kiir and his regional confidants. Therefore, the regional allies of Sala Kiir will be accountable for their contribution to the death of innocent Nuer who has nothing to do with government affairs.
Until this point, many still don’t believe that the 15-De-2013 “genocide” served as the retaliation to what was happened in the year 1991 when the Torit faction under Late Dr. John Garang De Mabior was subjugated and defeated by the Nasir faction under Dr. Riek Machar Teny in which Dinka Bor lost their life. Just to confirmed that Nuer genocide was engineered by Salva Kiir here is what he said, “The incident of 1991 will not repeat itself,” said Salva Kiir, thus the harsh-harsh move behind his diatribe was the only reason that emerged the day he instructed he carnage of our innocent civilians
Nuer suffered in the following location within Juba-town and its suburbs Mangatien, Eden, New-site, and Mia-saba (107) residential area in the same rows Jabal and Gidelei in the other side. The wipeout and assassination scheme went further as well as they victimized different political figures from different parties, professional doctors, judges and lawyers, police and other organized forces, as well as University students who were Nuer, got killed by the same tribal armies. The death toll in those locations reached around 27,000 excluded those threw in the river and those surreptitiously taken into recondite locations and got killed.
As we’re approaching what is known as the “dark days to the Nuer-nation” I would like to earnestly plead with you whether you are in diaspora or Africa let’s all show love and respect to our deceased who unjustly perished for what they don’t know. Therefore, their death won’t be in vain. Let’s come together in our respective locations to make the upcoming memorial a meaningful to our people and to show to the rest of the world that Juba massacre was the worst ever in the entire story of the long internecine against the Arabs north of Sudan. Let us dress up with our commemoration t-shirts with the memorial logo on it.
In conclusion, I would like to appreciate UN for accommodating the remaining population who managed to escape from the monsters into two of its camps because without its intervention Salva Kiir could have reduced Nuer-population into an unexpected number which was his long-term plan. Also, my second thank goes to our gallant forces who decided to die alongside their brothers and sisters on that very day because without their contributions to nobody could have extricated from Mathiang Anyoor and Dutko Beny as well. Therefore, their sacrificial effort won’t go in vain they will be dearly missed and on the other hand, this 15th of December’s memorial is also meant for them.
Also pertaining to the coming memorial many are still they are being enslaved by the sexual assault from the government forces despite the recent peace agreement, women are still undergoing inhumane treatment from the government forces. Last week the Legal action worldwide sue the government on behalf of 30 women and girls who went through sexual affliction and it was also reported that around 180 women and girls were sexually assaulted by the forces loyal to Salva Kiir in Bentiu Unity state and the report was confirmed by the Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF) which operates in the areas. In that regard, I would want to call upon the Human rights council to investigate what’s being encountered by the South Sudanese women who gravely borne the brunt of this long-term internecine since sexual violence against them has been the object of war. Finally, their conditions to need an exigent condemnation because their dignity is their prize.
May those perished in December-15-2013 rest their profound soul in peace.
The author can be reached at [email protected].
2 Comments. Leave new
Thanks Tut kuany for your voice, we are voice to voiceless people.
Tell the trust and ashamed the devil
I definitely appreciate your comment brother