Juba, July 5, 2019 (SSNA) — South Sudan health ministry is on high-alert after Ebola virus killed a woman 70 kilometers away from the capital, Juba.
South Sudan’s Director General for disease control, Dr. Pinyi Nyimol, told VOA’s South Sudan in Focus program that the ministry of health sent seven people Yei River State – which orders the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to deal with the situation.
“We are more worried because it is coming nearer because people are moving, so anybody, a contact can cross to South Sudan and the only thing we can do is to enhance our surveillance and screening and also to alert our health care workers about this and anybody coming, they have to start with traveling history and ask whether this person has been in DRC or not,” Pinyi said.
Dr. Pinyi also said the number one goal for the health ministry is to ‘strengthen the surveillance and preparedness’ for Ebola virus.