By Luk Kuth Dak
May 19, 2010 (SSNA) — Lately, if you’ve been listening to Idris Debe strutting through the newspapers and television channels in Khartoum, you would simply assume, rightfully so, that this madman is in fact the spokesman for the National Islamic Front and National Congress Party of his mentor murderer Omer Hassa Ahmad Al Basher, and not the President of the neighboring Chad.
Mr. Deby, ( who by the way, named his beloved son after the world’s most wanted fugitive Omer al Basher) would literally do just about anything and everything to remain in power, including licking al Basher’s dirty boots and filthy hands with the blood of Idriss’ own brothers in Dafur.
Recently, and in just about everyday, this brutal tyrant seems to have no other stuff to worry about in his own country, except to denounce the right of the people of South Sudan for their birth right for freedom. “I am vehemently against the so-called referendum in South Sudan; It will be too disastrous for the whole of Africa,” he warned. However, Mr. Deby’s apprehension is really not warranted at all, because the hopeful state in South wouldn’t have a border with his country.
They say “Money talks,” I truly believe that now. Sadly enough, Idriss Deby is not the only head of a foreign country cashing in on the referendum. He joins a host of domestic wickets, who want to get rich at the expense of the struggle and sacrifices of the people of South Sudan, during the course of have a century long and counting, against all kinds injustices and bigotry. “The SPLM will steal the referendum just as it stole the elections,” said the kingpin of betrayal, Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin, the Chairman of the so-called SPLM-DC.
“A right delayed is a right denied.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
It’s very clear that the National Congress Party which is in full control of the Sudan’s checkbook, will do all it takes to see to it that the referendum is sabotaged, by igniting wars among the Southern tribes. However, the regime should make no mistake about the fact that, the overwhelming majority of true Southerners will not tolerate any attempts to delay the referendum. They didn’t come thus far only to give it away before the finish line. After all, this referendum was never a gift. It came about as a result of some great sacrifices by the unselfish brave men and women of South Sudan.
Intriguingly, though, some days and weeks have gone by since that vicious campaign assault began, and the Sudan Liberation Movement has been dead silent against this savage aggression by the Chadian tyrant. By no means, this’ just the wrong to be silent about this foreign interference in our internal affairs.
Let’s keep the faith.
The author’s Vice President of the Sudanese-Americans Journalist association, and former anchorman at Juba Radio. I can be reached at: [email protected]