As some of our African neighbours are already getting worried about their own backyards, like them we should also start to think about how we are going to forge our own national unity, having seen it failed in many nations, including the Sudan which we are about to walk away from. Much needs to be done and NOW, otherwise we are still African’s and we may in less than a year’s time find out ourselves going three hundred and sixty degree and back to where we stated from.
Let us always remember that, when it comes to oppression, neither its source nor the colour or religion of the perpetuator matters. Oppression is oppression regardless of whether they are carried out by a white, black, brown, Arab, African, Muslim, Christian or even a family member for that matter. Remember that as you cannot tolerate it so are the others.
The African Union’s position in trying to maintain the existing borders of Africa is understandable; however the organisation needs to do more in realising democratic transformations in the continent. The out-dated policy of decreeing blanket judgements against political divorces in member countries especially in the case of the Sudan are doomed to fail as it will neither guarantee any happiness nor will it save the country’s political marriage from being tainted by endless human sufferings.
Those politicians and leaders who wrongly assume that they can save their political marriages by opposing political divorces in other countries are in fact doing the wrong thing. They may possibly save their own political marriages by refraining from the policies that shattered their neighbours’ unions. May be they need to listen more to their partners or provide more love and inclusiveness in their own countries. It is all about how one continues to make political union appealing to both sides which makes it work. Forced marriages don’t work.
On the other hand when the time comes for the two separate Sudanese states to go apart if that becomes what the southern voters opt for in the 2011 referendum, they must preferably both do so in a peaceful manner. They should as well do their level best to start a better life in their new settings, by making the best use of their bitter experiences, lest them go on into an endless binary fission.
It may not please some people should the Sudan proceed to become like the former Yugoslavia, where both the north and the south goes again dividing yet into smaller states, a very likely scenario if the current stubborn and arrogant leaderships on both sides do not part with their old attitudes of political grandiosity and supremacist tendencies wherever they find themselves. As for the continent of Africa, we must understand that unity has a price. And unless we pay for it, we can never have it.
Quote: “We spoke and acted as if, given the opportunity for self-government, we would quickly create utopias. Instead injustice, even tyranny, is rampant."Julius Kambarage Nyerere, as quoted in David Lamb’s The Africans, New York 1985.
Dr. Justin Ambago Ramba, M.B, B.Ch, D.R.H, MD. Secretary General of the United South Sudan Party (USSP). The party that stands for the independence of South Sudan. Can be reached at [email protected] or [email protected]